New Metalworks Incorporated Industries Weapons:
Light Protective Suit (Kitsune):
The suit is a full body copy of the Altarian Body Armor. This body
armor design is manufactured by Metalworks Incorporated and by REEF. The
suit is skintight and can be worn under other types of body armor.
M.D.C.: 30
Weight: 4 lbs (2 kg)
Penalties: Full Mobility, has no penalties to prowl, swim, or
Black Market/Market Cost: 35,000 credits
MI-AA-1D Animal Body Armor - Dogs (Kitsune):
Constructed from lightweight alloys and is designed for Canines that
are over 65 lbs (29.5 kg) and are made to fit the specific animal. Can
also be made for large cats and creatures of similar size. While not
environmental, the body armor is designed to offer full coverage.
Filters are available for the armor but are rarely used due to reducing
the canines sense of smell. The armor is designed with special membranes
so it does not reduce sense of hearing. Armor is designed to give minimal
reduction to animal's movement but Metalworks recommends extensive training
for the animal using the armor.
Front Legs (2): 25
Rear Legs (2): 30
Head & Neck: 40
Main Body: 50
Weight: 9 lbs (4 kg)
Penalties: -10% Prowl Penalty, Swim, and similar actions.
Black Market/Market Cost: 28,000 Credits
MI-AA-2H Animal Body Armor - Horses (Kitsune):
Constructed from lightweight alloys and is designed for horses
and are made to fit the specific animal. Can be made for creatures
of similar size. Compared to body armor available from most other
companies, this armor gives full coverage. However, it is not
environmental although it is available with filters to protect
animal against gas attacks. Armor is articulated and gives minimal
reduction to animal's movement.
Front Legs (2): 50
Rear Legs (2): 70
Head & Neck: 120
Main Body: 160
Weight: 70 lbs (31.8 kg)
Penalties: -10% Prowl Penalty, Swim, and similar actions.
Black Market/Market Cost: 60,000 Credits
MI-PP-A-1911 Pump Pistol Cartridge Automatic Pistol (Kitsune):
Pistol that uses the same cartridges as the TX-5 Pump Pistol but is
not a pump weapon. It is a semi automatic pistol that uses that same basic
action as ancient design of the Colt 1911 Automatic although it is slightly
larger. Weapon design is built by Metalworks Incorporated.
Weight: 6 lbs (2.7 kg).
Mega-Damage: 4D6 MD per shot.
Rate of Fire: Standard (short burst maximum)
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (224 m).
Payload: Has 5 rounds in magazine and can have one round in
the chamber
Black Market/Market Cost: 15,000 credits
MI-PP-D-01 Pump Pistol Cartridge Double Barrel Derringer (Kitsune):
This weapon is an effort to produce a very powerful yet compact weapon.
The Weapon uses the same cartridges as the TX-5 Pump Pistol but is instead
is built as double barrel Derringer. The weapon is larger than a standard
Derringer but is still small enough to be concealed yet packs quite a bit
of firepower. The trigger is a double catch style that allows one or both
barrels to be fired at the same time. The derringer is ported so that it
uses part of the force of the firing to stabilize the gun. Weapon design
is built by Metalworks Incorporated.
Weight: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 MD for one barrel and 8D6 MD for both barrels
Rate of Fire: Single Shot or Two Shots Simultaneously
Maximum Effective Range: 50 feet (22 meters).
Payload: 2 Rounds
Black Market/Market Cost: 35,000 credits
MI-PP-R-01 Pump Pistol Cartridge Revolver (Kitsune):
Pistol uses the same cartridges as the TX-5 Pump Pistol but is instead
is built into a double action revolver design. Weapon is very popular with
people in the New West. Weapon design is built by Metalworks Incorporated.
Weight: 6 lbs (2.7 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 MD per shot.
Rate of Fire: Standard (Single Shot only)
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (224 m).
Payload: 6 rounds in a cylinder
Black Market/Market Cost: 12,000 credits
Submachine Guns:
MI-L-25 Pulse Laser Submachine Gun (Kitsune):
This weapon is based on the very popular L-20 Pulse Laser Rifle but
has a shorter barrel and incorporates a shorter barrel, more miniaturization,
and uses lightweight materials. The weapon inflicts equal damage to an
L-20 Rifle and is as powerful very powerful for its size although it has
a reduced range compared to the longer barreled laser rifle. The weapon
has a folding stock to increase concealability. The weapon can be fired
with either the skill of WP: Energy Pistol or WP: Energy Rifle.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg)
Mega-Damage: 2D6 for Single Shot and 6D6 for 3 simultaneous
Rate of Fire: Single shot or three round burst.
Effective Range: 800 ft (244 m).
Payload: 30 Shots short E-Clip, 45 Shots long E-Clip.
Black Market/Market Cost: 28,000 credits
MI-L-30-GL Pulse Laser Submachine Gun & Grenade Launcher (Kitsune):
Modified version of the MI-L-25 with the addition of a grenade launcher.
The weapon has all of the standard features of the MI-L-25 and the grenade
launcher is based on the one mounted on the JA-12 Juicer Rifle but only
has two grenades and has a much reduced range. The weapon is heavier than
the standard pulse laser submachine gun but is still lighter than the NG
Super Laser Pistol and Grenade Launcher. The weapon has a folding stock
to increase concealability. The weapon can be fired with either the skill
of WP: Energy Pistol or WP: Energy Rifle.
Weight: 9 lbs (4.1 kg)
Mega-Damage: Pulse Laser: 2D6 for Single Shot and 6D6
for 3 simultaneous blasts, Grenade: 3D6 to 10 ft (3 m) radius.
Rate of Fire: Pulse Laser: Single shot or three round
burst, Grenade: Single shot
Effective Range: Pulse Laser: 800 ft (244 m) Grenade:
500 feet (152 m).
Payload: Pulse Laser: 30 Shots short E-Clip, 45 Shots
long E-Clip, Grenade: has a two shot pump magazine for grenade launcher.
Black Market/Market Cost: 28,000 credits
MI-PP-S-MP-5 Pump Pistol Cartridge Submachine Gun (Kitsune):
Large Submachine Gun that uses the same cartridges as the TX-5 Pump
Pistol but is instead uses a similar action to the pre-rifts German MP-5
Submachine gun design and has a selector for three round burst. Weapon
design is built by Metalworks Incorporated.
Weight: 20 lbs (9 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 per single shot and 1D6x10 for three round
Rate of Fire: Aim, Burst, Wild, Three Round Burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 1600 ft (488 m)
Payload: Has 17 rounds in magazine and can have one round in
the chamber
Black Market/Market Cost: 52,000 credits
MI-BI-12 Buffalo Laser Rifle (Kitsune):
The Gun is a JA-12 Laser Rifle in a case that looks a Sharps Buffalo
Express rifle. Weapon is very popular with people in the New West. Weapon
design is built by Metalworks Incorporated.
Weight: 14 lbs (6.4 kg)
Mega-Damage: Laser: 4D6 for Single Shot and 1D6x10+10
for 3 simultaneous blasts. Grenade: 3D6 to 10 ft (3 m) radius.
Rate of Fire: Laser: Single shot or three round burst.
Single shot
Maximum Effective Range: Laser: 4000 ft (1220 m).
Grenade: 2000 ft (610 m).
Payload: 10 Shots short E-Clip, 30 Shots long E-Clip, has built
in energy Canister (Cannot be removed but can be recharged) that holds
an additional 30 Energy shots, and has a 4 shot pump magazine for grenade
Bonus: +1 on Aimed Shots with laser only.
Black Market/Market Cost: 40,000 credits
JA-12 Rifle Grenades:
New grenades that can be launched from the JA-12 Assault Rifle
- Armor Piercing: 4D6 to 2 ft (0.6 m) radius Costs:
220 credits
- Fragmentation: 2D6 to 25 ft (7.6 m) radius Costs:
200 credits
- High Explosive (Standard): 3D6 to 10 ft (3 m) radius
160 credits
- Plasma: 5D6 to 20 ft (6.1 m) radius Costs: 300
Special Warfare Grenade Launcher Ordinance:
These projectiles are designed to launch in Wellington Grenade launchers,
the launcher that is part of the JA-12 Laser Rifle, and other grenade launchers.
This ordnance in many ways has the same effects as specialty arrowheads.
Wellington Industries has purchased the rights to sell these rounds as
- Flare: Emits a sparking bright light that burns for 60
seconds. Cost: 25 credits
- Gas: Warhead shatters on impact and releases gas for
a 10 foot (3 meter) radius. Gasses available are tear gas (-6 to strike,
parry, and dodge), tranquilizer gas (Sleep/knockout for 1D6 minutes), paralysis
gas (sleep/knockout for 1D6 minutes),. All gasses get a saving throw against
harmful drugs (15 or better)
Costs: 120 for tear gas, 270 for tranquilizer
gas, and 420 for paralysis gas
- Neural Disruptor: Unconsciousness, -8 to Strike, Parry
and Dodge for 2D4 Melees if save is made (Save 16 or Higher), must save
each time hit, ineffective against full environmental body armor but effective
against non fully environmental Armors. One use only. Cost: 300
- Shotgun or Flechette Shell: Inflicts 8D6 SDC. Round does double
damage to targets at close range (less than 25% of effective range), normal
damage at medium ranges (25% to 50% of effective range), half damage at
long range (50% to 75% of effective range, and quarter damage at extreme
range (Greater than 75% of effective range). Costs: 100 credits
- Smoke: No Damage, creates a smoke screen covering a 20
foot (6 meter) radius. Comes in black, grew, red, and yellow smoke: Costs:
80 credits
- Stun/Flash: Loud Boom and Sparks, -8 to strike, parry,
and dodge, -1 to initiative, loose one attack for 1D4 melees for people
not in body armor or tinted goggles. Those in armor are distracted for
1D4 seconds and loose initiative. Cost: 120 credits
- Tracer Bug: Transmits a radio signal that can be followed
up to 8 miles (12 km) away. It is batter powered and has a transmission
duration of 72 hours. The warhead has an adhesive to stick to the target.
Costs: 220 credits
[Kittani TM, Sunaj TM, Wellington Industries, and WI are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, & 2002 Kitsune. All rights reserved.