New Armor and Weapons for Rifts - Pre-Rifts United States Military:
Many of these items are fairly common on Rifts Earth due to being found
in National Guard Armories.
US-A-1 Ballistic Body Armor (Kitsune):
One of the first introduced Mega-Damage body armor and lacks many of
the features of later body armor types and is not as strong as later armors.
Armor is not environmental and does not contain sensor systems of later
body armors. Armor consists of padded armor with high strength composite
plates embedded into the armor and a hard helmet. Except for being Non-Environmental,
armor is similar to the post Rifts Urban Warrior armor. The Navy body armor
was build to a similar design due to the fact that the armor was more flexible
than a hard suit.
Main Body: 30
Head: 20
Arms (2): 15
Legs (2): 20
Weight: 14 lbs (6.4 kg)
Penalties: Good Mobility, -12% to prowl and -5% on climb rolls
Black Market Cost: 10,000 Credits
US-A-4 Heavy Plate Combat Armor (Kitsune):
Replaced US-A-1 body armor in United States military service. Used
in combat in both the Army and Marine Corps although was later replaced
in deployed combat units by even stronger armor. Armor consists of special
composite plates and was far stronger than previous armor types. The US-A-4
was also fully environmental and added all the sensors standard in most
body armors. The armor is very similar in appearance to the Coalition CA-1
armor (of course without the skull features) and is likely the basis for
the Coalition armor. The armor is not quite as strong as the later Coalition
version of the armor. Sometimes found in pre-Rifts caches such as National
Guard armories, it is quite popular on the black market.
Main Body: 60
Head: 40
Arms (2): 35
Legs (2): 40
Weight: 20 lbs (9.1 kg)
Penalties: Good Mobility, -25% to prowl and -10% on climb rolls
Black Market Cost: 35,000 Credits
US-A-5 Light Plate Combat Armor (Kitsune):
Replaced US-A-1 body armor in United States military service for both
the Navy and Air Force. The armor was basically a lighter version of the
US-A-4 body armor similar in fashion to the CA-2 body armor being a lighter
version of the CA-1 body armor. The US-A-5 Armor uses many of the same
components as the heavier armor but uses lighter armor plates. Like the
heavier armor, the lighter armor is very similar in appearance to the Coalition
CA-1 armor (of course without the skull features) It is often found in
the same pre-Rifts caches and is often sold on the black market.
Main Body: 40
Head: 40
Arms (2): 35
Legs (2): 40
Weight: 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
Penalties: Very Good Mobility, -10% to prowl and -5% on climb
Black Market Cost: 25,000 Credits
Note: New Navy Body armor is designated US-A-12 Body
Armor and was issued to both naval crew members and air force personnel
including fighter pilots as emergency gear. Marine combat armor was also
issued to army personnel overseas. It was first introduced in the marines
which is why it became known as marine combat armor. The Marine Combat
Armor was designated US-A-14.
US M-LP-55 10 mm Liquid Propellant Pistol (Kitsune):
Designed around the same time as the M-LP-58 Combat Rifle, the M-LP-55
Pistol also uses liquid propellant and was the primary weapon of the United
States Military around the middle of the Twenty First Century. Instead
of using normal gunpowder, the weapon uses a powerful liquid propellant
to drive the bullets. This propellant has about four times the forces of
nitro-cellulose gunpowder. Because of the extreme recoil of propellant,
the gun barrel is specially constructed to reduce recoil. Even so, the
weapon has a large amount of recoil and requires a strength of 12 or the
weapon has -2 to strike. The ammunition for the Wellington liquid propellant
weapons is identical and it is believed that Wellington developed theirs
weapons from the M-LP-55. The weapon can use special explosive rounds to
inflict greater damage as well as more conventional rounds.
Weight: 2.8 lbs (1.3 kg)
Cartridge: 10 mm Liquid propellant
Damage: Standard Ammunition: 2D6x10 SDC Explosive
Ammunition: 1D4 MDC.
Rate of Fire: Standard (Can be Double Tapped)
Maximum Effective Range: 250 feet (76.2 meters)
Payload: 10 or 20 round magazines (Liquid propellant in magazine)
Black Market Cost: 4,800 for pistol, 250 for a box of 50 standard
rounds and 500 for a box of 50 Explosive rounds (Liquid propellant is packaged
with rounds)
US M-108 Laser Pistol:
Standard Energy pistol of the United States Military until the introduction
of the M-2011 Pistol which was introduced only just before the coming of
the Rifts. The M-108 replaced the M-LP-55 Liquid Propellant Pistol. Many
of the Pistols were still in reserve armories and used by second line troops.
It appears that the pistol is the basis for the Coalition C-18 laser pistol.
The original United State's design is slightly lighter but is otherwise
close to identical. Unlike the M-2011, M-108 Pistols weapons are often
found for sale on the black market.
Weight: 3.2 lbs (1.45 kg)
Mega-Damage: 2D4
Rate of Fire: Standard
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (244 meters)
Payload: 10 Shots Short E-Clip and 15 Shots Long E-Clip
Black Market Cost: 10,000 Credits
US M-LP-58 Liquid Propellant Combat Rifle (Kitsune):
Designed after the M-20 which used a conventional 5.56 mm round, the
weapon is far more powerful and capable of inflicting damage on the super
strong alloys being developed around the same time. The Rifle was used
by both the United States Army and Marine Corps as their primary weapon.
Instead of using normal gunpowder, the weapon uses a powerful liquid propellant
to drive the bullets. This propellant has about four times the forces of
nitro-cellulose gunpowder. The M-LP-58 was replaced by energy rifles in
United States service. Unlike the later Wellington weapons, the Rifle has
special recoil absorbers to make the weapon manageable to the point that
the weapon has no penalties unless the shooter has a strength below 8,
which weapon then has -1 to strike on aimed shots and -3 for bursts. The
weapon can be fired in single shot and three round bursts. The weapon can
use special explosive rounds to inflict greater damage as well as more
conventional rounds.
Weight: 6.5 lbs (2.9 kg)
Cartridge: 5 mm Liquid propellant
Damage: Standard Ammunition: 3D6x10 SDC single shot and
1D6 MDC three round. Explosive Ammunition: 1D6 MDC single shot and
3D6 MDC three round burst.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot and Three Round Burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 1600 feet (610 meters)
Payload: 30, 40, or 60 round magazines (Liquid propellant in
Black Market Cost: 10,000 for rifle, 250 for a box of 50 standard
rounds and 500 for a box of 50 Explosive rounds (Liquid propellant is packaged
with rounds)
US M-120 Combat Pulse Laser Rifle (Kitsune):
Replaced the M-LP-58 in United States service and was standard combat
rifle until the introduction of the M-160 rifle. These weapons were still
carried by many troops in the United States and was stored in many National
Guard armories. The weapon is the basis of the design of the various versions
of L-20 pulse laser rifle and is often sold itself as the L-20 pulse rifle
on the black market. The weapon is designed to fire three round bursts
to inflict more damage.
Weight: 7 lbs (3 kg)
Mega Damage: 2D6 for Single Shot and 6D6 for 3 simultaneous
Rate of Fire: Single shot or three round burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 1600 feet (610 meters)
Payload: 40 shots short E-Clip, 50 Shots each long E-Clip
Black Market Cost: 25,000 Credits
US M-LP-68 Liquid Propellant Squad Automatic Rifle (Kitsune):
Designed right after the M-LP-58 and was designed as a support weapon
to work in conjunction with the M-LP-58. The weapon served in both the
United States Army and Marine Corp until replaced by energy weapons. Instead
of using normal gunpowder, the weapon uses a powerful liquid propellant
to drive the bullets. This propellant has about four times the forces of
nitro-cellulose gunpowder. The weapon is slightly heavier than the combat
rifle and is manageable in all modes of fire. The weapon can be fired in
single shot, three round burst, and extended bursts. The weapon can use
special explosive rounds to inflict greater damage as well as more conventional
rounds. Can use the same magazines as the combat rifle but can also use
special belts.
Weight: 15.5 lbs (7.0 kg)
Cartridge: 5 mm Liquid propellant
Damage: Standard Ammunition: 3D6x10 SDC single shot,
1D6 MDC three round, and as per machine gun rules for other bursts. Explosive
Ammunition: 1D6 MDC single shot, 3D6 MDC , and as per machine gun rules
for other bursts.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot, Three Round Burst, and Extended Bursts
(Use Machine gun Rules)
Maximum Effective Range: 1600 feet (610 meters)
Payload: 30, 40, or 60 round magazines (Liquid propellant in
magazine) or special 100 or 200 round belts (uses special liquid propellant
cartridges that attach behind the belt)
Black Market Cost: 20,000 for weapon, 250 for a box of 50 standard
rounds and 500 for a box of 50 Explosive rounds (Liquid propellant is packaged
with rounds)
US M-220 Squad Automatic Pulse Laser Rifle (Kitsune):
Special Pulse laser rifle based off of the M-120, was considered quite
effective and allows for the ability to fire single shot, three round bursts,
and extended bursts. Performed the role of light machine gun after replacing
the M-LP-68 until the introduction of the M-260 Rifle. It had not yet been
replaced in most non deployed forces and was found commonly in National
Guard armories. While not as common as the M-120 Rifle or the M-108 Pistol,
was still fairly common. It is often sold on the black market and is well
liked due to its ability to fire three round bursts and extended bursts.
The weapon does not have the ability to use two E-clips like the M-260
but has more shots per E-clip.
Weight: 12.5 lbs (5.7 kg)
Mega Damage: 2D6 per single shot, 6D6 for a rapid fire three
shot burst, or use machine gun burst rules for higher burst setting.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot, Three Round Burst, and Extended Bursts
(Use Machine Gun burst rules).
Payload: 40 shots short E-Clip, 50 Shots each long E-Clip
Black Market Cost: 35,000 Credits
US M-260 Squad Automatic Pulse Ion Rifle (Kitsune):
Powerful Ion Rifle introduced just before the coming of the Rifts which
fills much the same role as the early Twentieth Century SAW. Like the M-160
Combat Rifle, which was introduced just previously, the weapon had only
been issued to forward deployed troops and few have been found in North
America. The weapon is capable of firing single shot, three round bursts,
and extended bursts (equal to machine guns.) An interesting provision is
the fact the weapon actually can use two E-clips at the same time. The
weapon usually uses long E-Clips. These weapons, due to their rarity, cost
more than one might expected on the black market.
Weight: 14.5 lbs (6.6 kg)
Mega Damage: 4D6 per single shot, 1D6x10+10 for a rapid fire
three shot burst, or use machine gun burst rules for higher burst setting.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot, Three Round Burst, and Extended Bursts
(Use Machine Gun burst rules).
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 meters)
Payload: 20 shots short E-Clip, 30 shots long E-Clip (Weapon
can use up to 2 E-Clips at the same time)
Black Market Cost: 65,000 Credits (Very Rare)
Heavy Weapons:
US M-2100 Under Rifle Grenade Launcher (Kitsune):
Grenade launcher component of the M-20 Assault Rifle mounted on a mount
that allows it to be mounted on other rifles. The grenade launcher will
fit under most rifle designs. Was used after the M-20 left service and
is still used in New Navy service. The launcher is sometimes found in Pre-Rifts
caches and is sometimes sold on the black market. Recently, some New Navy
personnel have acquired Wellington Industries under rifle grenade launchers
and prefer the heavier grenade launcher over the US design.
Weight: 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)
Mega Damage: Fragmentation grenade inflicts 3D4 MDC to a 10
ft (3 m) radius, Plasma inflicts 4D6 to a 6 ft (1.8 m) radius and sets
flammable material on fire, Armor Piercing inflicts 3D6 MDC , and smoke
or gas with a 20 ft (6 m) radius and lasts 2D4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot only (Equal to hand to hand attacks)
Maximum Effective Range: 1200 feet (366 meters)
Payload: 4, takes 15 seconds (one melee) to reload launcher
Black Market Cost: The launcher costs 15,000 credits, grenades
cost extra.
US-R-1 Rocket Launcher (Kitsune):
Single shot mini-missile launcher that was standard issue for United
States troops until the introduction of the LAW-3 Rapid Fire Rocket Launcher.
While the LAWS-3 has a reduced range due to its smaller rockets, the greater
payload and higher rate of fire gave it significant advantages. The US-R-1
was still retained in Nation Guard Units and was still carried by many
combat units both due to the scarcity of LAWS-3 and the longer range of
the US-R-1 Rocket Launcher. The launcher is similar in appearance to the
CR-1 Rocket launcher and the Coalition adapted the American launcher for
their own use. One significant difference is that the US-R-1 does not have
a bulb at the end. This launcher is sometimes found with other Pre-Rifts
American weapons in old Nation Guard Armories and similar locations.
Weight: 14 lbs (6.3 kg) without missiles or 16 lbs (7.3 kg)
with missile. Each extra missile weighs approximately an additional 2 lbs
(0.91 kg)
Mega Damage: Varies by mini-missile type (Go to
bomb and missile table).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by mini-missile type (Go to
bomb and missile table).
Payload: One.
Black Market Cost: The launcher costs 15,000 credits, missiles
cost extra
US-R-4 Multiple Rocket Launcher (LAWS-4) (Kitsune):
Introduced soon after the LAWS-3 as a supplement to the LAWS-3 due
a perceived lack of range of the special rocks of the LAW-3 against normal
mini-missiles. The weapon was in prototype testing at the time of the Rifts
and few of the missile launchers were in existence. The weapon had not
yet entered combat service although the New Navy has been able to recreate
the design for their own troops. While heavier than the US-R-1 one LAWS-3,
the weapon was seen as having significant advantages in some roles. These
weapons have been found by adventures exploring old American proving grounds
and have been copied by some manufactures. Wellington Industries produces
a weapon similar in appearance but with six missiles instead of four. The
weapon has a box magazine that fits on the top that holds the mini-missiles.
Weight: 22 lbs (10.0 kg) without missiles or 30 lbs (13.6 kg)
with missile. Each extra missile weighs approximately an additional 2 lbs
(0.91 kg)
Mega Damage: Varies by mini-missile type (Go to
bomb and missile table).
Rate of Fire: Single Shot only (Equal to hand to hand attacks)
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by mini-missile type (Go to
bomb and missile table).
Payload: 4, takes 15 seconds (one melee) to reload launcher
Black Market Cost: The launcher costs 25,000 credits, missiles
cost extra.
[Kittani TM, Sunaj TM, Wellington Industries, and WI are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and
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[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2002, Kitsune. All rights reserved.