Learning Spells:

There is no system in Palladium games for the time taken to learn spells. For this reason, the Author has come up with a relatively simple system for the learning of spells. Much of spells is the feel of the magic not actual words, a spell caster uses words to grab onto the magic forces but two different spell casters may use different words to cast the same spell. Because a spell caster understands magic better when they get more experience, higher level spell casters can learn spells faster. Also because a spell caster is better able to explain a spell in depth than a book, a person can also learn faster from another spell caster than they can from a book. As well, both speed reading and total recall reduces the time required to learn a spell.

Base Time:

Reductions in time required


Shadow Sabre, a fourth level Battle Mage wishes to learn the Tenth level spell of Banishment. The spell initially requires 240 hours. Being fourth level and since she has speed reading, the spell is reduced by 8 hours per level of the spell or a total of 80 hours. This reduces the time required to 160 hours. Shadow Sabre also has total recall which halves the time required to 80 hours. This is not smaller than 10 hours, so it is not increase to ten hours. These 80 hours then can be divided any way Shadow Sabre wishes. In this case she chooses to study in 16 hour days and can learn the spell in 5 days.

[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

Copyright © 2000, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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