Krista Creates:  

My favorite tools for making websites

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HTML Editor:   Microsoft:  FrontPage '98

A lot of people will tell you that they write straight HTML code language, but they don't.  There is no real reason to do this except in making some new cutting edge things, and even then, if you are using a good editor you can always access your HTML view and insert whatever code you have come up with there.  I use MS Front Page '98 exclusively for my editor, because it includes most things you can actually do in a website, including exciting active elements, and once you get the hang of it, it is easy to use.  It isn't as easy as Word '97, but it lets you do more advanced things.  Check out the Microsoft Front Page website, where they have a preview version, but frankly, it is a bear to download and get it working okay...most browsers disconnect from the downloading files before you can get them loaded. So just take my word for it and buy the thing...try it that way and if you don't like it, then take it back to your store.  The huge books about it are indecipherable, so just get Front Page '98 for Dummies as your manual.   

After you get your Front Page '98 and have explored it a little bit, you can download some cool additional "themes" (like pre-coordinated backgrounds with elements for making your pages tasteful and cool looking) at: The Theme Mart where you can even get on a mailing list to get updates whenever they add more. (All you Seminole fans check out "Maroon Weave"!)



OK, after you get your Front Page '98, even though there is Front Page Image Composer included (which seems like a very good program when used in conjunction with Front Page), I would still download the free trial version of Paint Shop Pro 5.0.  Most everyone uses it, there are many tutorials for doing certain effects etc. online, and it does some of the same things that Image Composer does a little bit easier.  So here is their website, and you can check it out for 90 days free! Just click here to get your own copy of Paint Shop Pro 5.0.