These picks are based on a great wealth of experience. You can't go wrong. |
#1. Labrador Retrievers |
extremely adaptable, long lived, and athletic, Labs are, in my opinion, the finest
all around family dogs there are. They have been trained with great success to
obedience work, police work, drug search & seizure, tracking dog work, guide dogs for
the blind, assistant dogs for the hearing impaired, and, as we all know, hunting
dogs...they are the greatest of the retrievers. They can do it all, and they can do
it in any climate. And after all that, their favorite thing is to lay at your feet
to show you that they love you. They love lakes, kids, all forms of water (including
mudholes), baths, riding in the car (or truck), and basically love to be anywhere YOU
are. They are always ready for a new adventure. They are fantastic with kids,
and if your dog is a real labrador you should never have to fear it hurting anyone, even
if your 2 year old is dragging it around by an ear. And yet, they will surprise you
in moments of stress and will fiercely defend themselves and their families and home from
outside aggression. If you know of a dog that can do more, and do it
better...consistently...send me their name and I'll buy one. NOTE ON COLOR: Some people who breed "Chocolate" Labradors will try to convince you they are the "rare" and "valuable" color of the breed, but we have found them to be rare only in their relation to the assets of this breed. In other words, stick with black or yellow. |
#2. Golden Retrievers | |||
The more beautiful, less tough, replica of the Labrador Retriever. The Golden can be a little more skittish and sensitive on their bad days. There is also a greater chance of hip dysplasia, and they are generally not as physically tough in the long run. But at their best, they are every bit the model dog citizen. Goldens are medium sized, although tend to be a bit larger than their lab cousins. Golden Retriever Club of America can be found by clicking: http://www.grca.org/ | |||
SPORTING: The Labrador Retriever
Labs are available in three colors: Black, Yellow and (gag!) Chocolate. Real labs do not come in White or Black and Tan. Please read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/labdoret.htm |
HOUND: The Beagle read the standard at http://www.akc.org/beagle.htm Caution: STAY AWAY from Hounds unless you are an expert. The 13" and 15" Beagle are all the hound dog you need! Beagles are the greatest looking little puppies and great looking as grown dogs -- just don't get more than one! |
WORKING: The Bernese Mountain Dog read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/bermtn.htm |
TERRIER: The West Highland White
Normally, I don't recommend terriers unless your are an expert. The Westy is about the most well balance of the group and might be a terrier you could be proud to own. Read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/westie.htm |
Since they are so small we will give you two for the price of one. We don't really
like Toys, but if you must, please pick one of these: The Pomeranian One of the cutest little dogs, face like a fox. Watch the snappishness! read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/pomer.htm The Pug One of the ugliest little faces, only a mother could love, but great temperment. They may have breathing problems. The dog in "Men In Black"...they are not aliens, or ticks. (Laugh) They are adorable puppies. Read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/pug.htm |
NON SPORTING: The Standard Poodle Yes, believe it or not, the Poodle (NOT FRENCH poodle - that is not their name) is one of the greatest all around dogs in the Standard size. It does not shed, but must be groomed. Don't let all the toys and minis and teacups fool you - this is a great animal, in the STANDARD size. Read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/poodle.htm |
HERDING: The Shetland Sheepdog Shelties come in three colors: sable, tri-colored and blue merle(see above) read the standard at: http://www.akc.org/shetshee.htm |
MISCELLANEOUS: The Jack Russell Terrier Since you will never find any of the other members of this group, we are choosing "Eddie" from the Frasier show. Yes, he is a Jack Russel, but don't expect any that you get to act like him. These little dogs are one-man animals like Eddie, but they can be a real feisty little handful for any but experts and are difficult to locate. Read their standard at: http://www.akc.org/jrt.htm |
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