Wayne Gretzey's Hockey'98
Old Teams
At the options screen, hold L while pressing C-Right, C-Left C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Left. This code gives you acess to Hartford, Minnesota, Quebec, and Winnipeg.
Credit Goes To: Kyle T. Kelly via IGN 64

 Old Teams
 Seret Teams
 Quick End
 Fight! Fight!
 Sneaky Ads
Secret Teams
To enable a secret Northeast conference,go to the Options screen, hold L , and press right C , left C , left C , right C , left C , and left C.If entered correctly a line of numbers will appear.

Quick End
Pause at any time during a one player game.On the Options screen, hold L and press left C nine times.When you return to the game it will automatically end with a score of 1-0 against you.

Fight! Fight!
To make the players even more prone to fighting, go to the Options screen, hold L and press right C , left C , left C , right C , bottom C , top C , top C , bottom C , left C , right C , right C , left C , right C , and left C.

Sneaky Ads
To see Company ads press Z repeatedly on any non-gameplay screen.
Credit For Above 4 Codes Goes To: Nintendo Power