Understanding that in 1999 there will be a Civil War Re-Enactment at Resaca, Georgia, I make available the following information about the fiasco there in 1998. If you are a Federal Re-Enactor you should seriously consider whether you want to be treated in manner described below. If you are a leader of a Federal Unit, you should consider if you want your men treated in this fashion.




May 15-17, 1998


It is my sad duty as chief of staff for the federal forces at this event to report this event was terrible. I will add my own and other official comments, but for now, I post below the edited comments all ready posted by others.

-James C. Dedman




Posted by Bill Wilson The Yellow Dog on May 21, 1998 at 09:27:21:

I was one of the Federals that was thrown into the "briar patch" at this years Resaca battle and thought you might get a laugh from my Murphy's Law experience.
When I first arrived, early Friday afternoon, I noticed that the "Federal Camp Site" looked like a Viet Nam War battlefield fully equipped with "bungie sticks" everywhere. Well, since other cars seemed to have avoided the land mines, etc. I thought I would try. Nope!! Should not have done that. "Two" flats tires not more that ten yards into the field. And the flats occured with new all terrian tires. That little episode eventually resulted in a $200 expense.
Then I proceeded to search for a tent site in my regiments area. Only poison ivy, sun and ticks seemed to the criteria for camp site selection by the event organizers.
I was now beginning to feel like the bastard step child or possibly "trailer trash". You couldn't help feel that way when you looked over your shoulder and saw the shady and grassy area occupied by our "Pards?" in the Conferdate Army, Artillery and Calvary. I heard, but don't know for sure, that even the civilian campers had a descent camp site down by a lake.
Well, I'm back home now and have a slight case of posion ivey, $200 dollars poorer, feel like I'm the bastard stepchild, and certainly not in the Georgia Reenactors "family will".
Maybe, next year we'll find someone that will treat me "and my family" with at least equal respect. If not, then we should just let them "play with theirselves".
Finnaly, my Federal Hat is off to the Federal Leadership during the weekend and the Confederate Unit that participated in the tactical on Saturday. Only a small contingent of Rebs participated and when they realized they were outnumbered and out flanked, they accepted the situation as true CW reenactors.
Well, I've rambled on enough but I will be at the next event, with my regiment, and here in the Georgia South, trying to represent the Federal impression as a balance to my Confedarte fellow reenactors.
The Yellow Dog

Posted by Furman Ammons on May 19, 1998 at 08:49:29:

First of all, let me state rightnow that I am writing this as a personal observation. Please do not think this is a group statement. After reading somd of the other postings and giving it much thought, I've decided to add my thoughts about the Resaca, Georgia reenactment held May 16-17. Let me state first that I've been reenacting for over 12 years, all of it in Georgia. My first unit was the 42nd Georgia, an organization that had been around a liitle over a year when I joined. Resaca was the second event I had ever attended and like mnay that were around at that time, it was a small event. By today's standards, it was certainly a "farb-fest."

But over the years, there arose a grass-roots effort to make this an outstanding event. Trenches were dug, authenticity was stressed, and there was a general feeling that something good was going to happen. And something did. The poeple on charge of the Georgia Division, an orgainzation that had been existence since the 1970's, decided to make this their own personal "event" and came to the conclusion that they were the only one's with the right "talent" to run the show. They refused to listen to any suggestions or comments that didn't agree with their "plans." Needless to say, this drove some of the units, including the 42nd out.

Since that time, the Georgia Division has gradually sunken under its own top-heavy weight, unfortunately dragging Resaca, with all of its potential, down with it. It has been over four years since I've left the 42nd and I am presently in charge of a Federal unit. The only reason I've continued to attend Resaca was the overwhelming need for a good, solid Federal presence there. But after experiencing the bickering by the organizsers that took place last weekend, I serioulsy have ny soubts if its worth goin back next year. There will have to be a lot of convincing on the organizers part if they want me to show up again

Furman Ammons, 125th Ohio

Posted by georgia paul revere on May 19, 1998 at 07:21:54:

the disaster is coming, the disaster is coming. people, you gotta take the resaca situation to heart. the plans for the 135th resaca in 99 calls for lots of advertising and wooing of large groups to attend. ya gotta know now that to attend will result in the largest cluster you can imagine. did you know the event ran out of ice on sunday? small event, 90 degree heat and they ran out of ice. what happens when there are 10 times the numbers? the glorious mr. parrish forgot to take care of that small detail. the insults to the yanks were constant and extreme. ask shackelford about his attempt to march the yanks to his assigned post to take part in a ceremony to honor a georgia division person who passed away over the winter------i am telling you here and now, do not go to resaca in 99 if you care for your health or your troops welfare.

Posted by georgia paul revere on May 19, 1998 at 08:03:18:

In Reply to: Re: resaca warning again posted by John 125 OVI on May 19, 1998 at 07:42:07:

shackelford was ordered to move to the right of the confederate line that was in place to begin the ceremony. as the yanks marched down the road that would take them to the assigned location, a confederate battalion dressed their ranks and blocked it. shackelford asked if they would part the 6 men that were on the road and the confederate commander said "no". thus, the us troops that were there to honor a fallen georgia division fellow, the us troops that had to march the furthest distance just to get to the field, the us troops that were camped in the sun (unlike the shady cs camp ) had to march AROUND the cs line. 6 men could have moved and all would be well. just another example of yankee bashing mentality. no, the event will not be changed if we go back. there is no reason to change if they think we will be back. as painful as it may be, only one thing will force change---voting with our feet. reality strikes again.

Posted by dave shackelford on May 19, 1998 at 00:02:45:

sadly, the forum provost chose to erase opinions about resaca but left in how to spoon. Folks, resaca was a travesty. there was a power play by ron parrish and he interfered with mike hardesty one time to many and mike left. parrish insists on having his hand in everything and will not listen to other opinions,period. our camps were lousy and we were treated as just something to shoot and curse at. unless mr.hardesty is put back in charge, 1999 resaca will be an excercise in frustration. i strongly urge careful consideration before subjecting yourself or your troops to the "resaca treatment".

Posted by Duke on May 19, 1998 at 17:11:39:

In Reply to: ok, we'll start over about resaca posted by dave shackelford on May 19, 1998 at 00:02:45:

Mr. Shackelford,
I agree with your post if the intent is to imply that the Forum Provost has deleted valuable information in the form of a review and warning for possible future participants in this event. The event was horrible in the extreme and, although a Southerner by birth and heritage, I choose to portray a Western Federal. My pards and I of The Bully Boys were appalled at the really awful Federal campsite. We chose to camp elsewhere for the weekend rather than throw down in the poison ivy stump garden the rest of you brave Federals endured. (I was the lone Federal who came into the middle of field Sunday morning abount 6:30 and built the fire for breakfast and coffee and was able to enjoy the accompaniment of the fife and drum music. I assume that to have been the 125 OVI. My hat's off to that group. THE most authentic moment of the weekend for me.)

People need to be warned. This event has absolutely NOTHING to do with the War Between the States. There were Highlanders, 1/2 scale guns, vivandieres in the artillery crews, and site Provosts out of control. If this is what Resaca is all about, I've been to my last.

Posted by Young Possum Puddle on May 19, 1998 at 19:31:26:

125th OVI did have a great fife and drum "corps".



Posted by seasoned yank on May 18, 1998 at 00:45:51:


Posted by Lee White on May 18, 1998 at 15:42:49:

After reading through all of the posts it is painfully apparent that things have to change for this event to survive. I was planning on trying to get a Hardcore Federal Battalion together for next year, but my God, how would we be treated?

Posted by western federal that was there on May 18, 1998 at 18:32:24:

. . . until parrish is taken out of the picture with his micromanagement, this is my event-so do as i say or else attitude, all of the changes in the world will do nothing.

Posted by Pvt Jim - 125 OVI on May 18, 1998 at 08:22:13:

I agree with John's assessment of Resaca this year. May I also commend Dave Shackleford for his leadership in the tactical on
Sat. It was nice to see the Yanks win a tactical for once. Boy, was it great to see the Rebs march by in the field while we
hunkered down in the woods and then swept out quickly into their flank!

Kudos again to Dave's deployment of the

Also, if you visit Resaca and look for the last place you would ever camp, that is where you can be sure Federal camp will be
put. They bush-hogged a field overgrown with small trees, vines, nettles, bushes etc. So what you had was stumps and rooted
twigs and nettles to camp on with little or no shade. One of our pards actually got TWO flats his vehicle due to the poor site!
Last years site was primo and was given to the cav and artillery and the Rebs got the woods. Once again, if Yanks are
continued to be treated in this way, there will be NO yanks at events.

After speaking with many veteran reeanctors who have had experience with teh GA Division, one can only be lead to believe
that they are DESTROYING this reenactment. Resaca could be a GREAt GREAT event, but it is ovious that the political
climate that the GA Division has created has driven out some dedicated reenactors (both Federal and Confederate alike). The
organizers really need to think about why they are tied to the Georgia Division to discover why their event has gone from a
hudge money maker to one that is sadly dwindling away. One must also question why the GA Div has so much sway when they
have control over so few men now (maybe they drove out their past members due to micromanagement!). I would really like
hear peopels thought and experiences on thsi matter. How can we stop Resaca from being driven into the ground? Lets try and
save it...lets discuss realistically how we can!

Pvt Jim - 125 OVI

Posted by John 125 OVI on May 17, 1998 at 21:34:17:

First of all, these comments are my own, not endorsed by anyone in my unit; however, I'm sure may agree with me, haha.

Hats off to Dave Shackelford, after experiencing the command of one national group last year, the Western Brigade, and not being overly impressed, we were unsure what to expect this year. Dave did a great job during the tactical, we actually won, in part due to the way he deployed as well as the few Rebs that came out to play.

Saturday's battle was slow, slow, slow, slow. Took the Rebs forever to get on the field.

Federal camp sucked badly. Why oh why are Federals in the south treated so crappy? One would think you'd want us to attend your events, perhaps the Georgia Div. has an axe to grind with some of our leaders, who knows? Either way, the Ga. Div. doesn't treat boys in blue well, thats for sure.

Sunday's battle was actually very good, much in part to Dave S.'s deployment of us and the formation he used on the final charge, one battalion after another straight through their works. Both Federal battalions looked great with the 21st Ohio (local Ga group in one with others from Cumberland Guard) and the 125th and 8th Tenn. US in the other.

Posted by soldier a on May 17, 1998 at 21:53:21:

well, resaca is dead. ron parrish, leader of the georgia division made his power play and ousted mike hardesty and bor,inc for control of the event. parrish won. he micromanages every aspect and sticks his nose where it does not belong. you do it his way or the highway. the federals could not have been treated worse.

Posted by John Adams, 20th SC/13th US on May 17, 1998 at 22:12:09:

I...absolutely sucked! It was like "Here is a nice dirt field for you to camp in...oh and by the way...we cut down all the shade for you" wonder Fed. turnout is so skimpy.

Posted by soldier that was there on May 18, 1998 at 00:38:37:

the hosts were given every opportunity to correct the mistakes before and during the event. they refuse to do anything about the things that are anti-reenactor. the only guy that gave a hoot, mike hardesty, was forced out. you wanna save it? don't go next year and watch some changes occur. go next year, and they have learned nothing.

Posted by Charles Heath on May 18, 1998 at 12:22:22:

Glad he went to Vicksburg, and glad he didn't go to Resaca.

Posted by John Adams, 13th US on May 18, 1998 at 13:50:11:

I began reenacting back in 1985 with a GA DIV unit, the 18th GA. The DIV and its member units were comparable to any out there at the time. Resaca WAS a quality event...the camps were huge, lots of artillery, and the battlefield was set up great...quality entrenchments, fences, ground charges, etc.

The fact of the matter is, the DIV has not evolved or progressed much if at all since 1985. Their authenticity sucks, their leadership is the same every year, and the battlefield hasn't been improved in forever. No fences, no support, bad camp layouts, poor parking areas...and yet the division staff still strut around in their fine staff uniforms...only they have no one to command.
They continue to show up at events with a whole flurry of officers and can barely field a platoon of infantry...GA "DIVISION"...more like GA "SQUAD". The DIV had some proud accomplishments during the 125th events, but have since gone to seed. Lessons I was taught years ago about authenticity have fallen by the wayside in exchange for a few bits of tinsel on the shoulder-straps.

Many people are urging a boycott of next year's event...why not an alternate site with alternate hosts? Maybe Barnsley was used for the 125th Battle of Atlanta and the owner is a Civil War nut...some German prince or something.