Spiny Soft-shell (Trionyx spiniferus)
Size: 5-20"
Distribution: Gulf, Eastern & Western States.
Biology: May have several clutch of eggs (4 to 32) May to Aug. with a 12 to 16 week incubation period.
This is truly a unique type of turtle. With 3 species of Trionyx in the US, this turtle can be found in creeks, lakes, ponds, canals, and bayous. His shell isn't hard like other turtles rather soft as his name refers. They are very fast in the water as well as on land and seem to be able to get oxygen out of the water, staying submerged for long periods of time. Large turtles are often seen basking along the open canal banks that keep the suburbs of New Orleans dry. They appear as large dark trash bags but when approached, they dart to the safety of the water.
Common Musk or Stinkpot (Sternotherus odoratus)
Size: 3-5"
Distribution: Gulf & Western States North to Southern Ontario and Coastal Maine.
Biology: Clutch of eggs (1 to 9) February to June with a 9 to 12 week incubation period.
This is a very common aquatic turtle that in Southeast Louisiana can sometimes be found on warm rainy nights, crossing roads located along side of swamps, ponds, canals, bayous and bogs. More often they are found walking along the bottom of these bodies of water near the shallow banks. Their nickname comes from a light foul-smelling fluid they release from musk glands when you pick them up. This relatively small turtle is ready to defend himself with his jaws and will bite, so they should be handled with care. They live well in captivity eating fish, and floating fish or turtle pellets.
Red-eared or Mobeilain (Chrysemys scripta)
Size: 5-11"
Distribution: Gulf & South Central States, New Mexico, South to Brazil.
Biology: 1 to 3 Clutches of eggs (4 to 923) May to July with a 8 to 10 week incubation period.
This aquatic turtle can be found in just about any body of water in Southeast Louisiana. Large turtles are often found, during laying season, along railroad tracks, dirt roads, and canal banks, searching for a spot to lay their eggs. I have spent much of my childhood, searching the floating vegetation, with a scoop net, in the ponds and canals in Louisiana catching greenies (baby ones). Although they make great pets it must be noted that small turtles under 4 " have been found to carry salmonella. The bottom picture was taken years ago of turtles raised for the pet trade. An urban myth says that it you count the spots on the bottom of a small turtle's shell, Odd numbers were males and even numbers are females. (Just a Myth)
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