Harlequin Poison Frog
(Dendrobates histrionicus)
Anura DendrobatidaeSize: Females mature @ 25 to 38 mm in length with males larger than females.
Color: Vary in color with the most famous being black or brown background with a yellow or orange (bulls-eye) Spot in the middle of his back. Pictured is the red phase.
Biology: 3 to 4 eggs hatching in 14 to 18 days. Metamorphosis takes between 80 to 100 days after hatching. Like the D. pumilio these frogs are egg feeders which makes it difficult to rear the tads.
Habitat: Found in a broad range, low level rainforest from almost sea level to usually 300 m to 1100 m in some areas.
Note: When I had these frogs I witnessed their unusual breeding ritual and she layed several clutches of eggs but all formed fungus so none hatched. Also sounds are from the N. American swamps and not from the rainforest.
INFORMATION COMPILED FROM: Keeping Poison Frogs; Jerry G Walls Jewels of the Rainforest; Jerry G Walls Poison-arrow Frogs; Ralf Heselhaus Knowledgeable people on Frognet Personal experiences