Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea)
Size: 1-2.5"
Distribution: Gulf Coast and East Coast States including Lower Mississippi River States.
Biology: Breed March to October.
Habitat: Rotten logs, under bark on trees, around windows at night.
A very common frog in Southeast Louisiana that can be found just about anywhere. These were the frogs that I talked about, finding them clinging to the windows at night. They can still be found in the city but more likely to find Mediterranean gecko. I've even seen them for sale at local pet shops. These frogs make an amazing chorus in the swamp just before dark.
Squirrel Treefrog (Hyle Squirella)
Size: 1/2 to 2.5"
Distribution: Gulf & Eastern States confined to the coast.
Biology: Breed March to October
Habitat: Moist areas where insects can be readily captured.
A friend took these pics north of Lake Ponchartrain after a rain. He said that they overtook his yard by the hundreds singing loudly like in some kind of scifi movie. Thanks Wayne! Got to tell you this guy spent most of his childhood with me holding a scoop net in one hand and a bucket in the other. We backpacked in the Canadian Rockies, Spelunked in the Ozarks; Canoed the swamps in Louisiana and we even jumped out of planes together. Heck he's the one who taught me how to make these pages.
Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca)
Size: 1-2"
Distribution: Southeast Louisiana, Mississippi, Western Tennessee and Western Florida.
Biology: Breed March to September.
Habitat: Swamps and Bayous.
These pics were also taken the night of the frog takeover in Wayne's yard North of Lake Ponchartrain. He said these frogs were more confined to the trees but joined in with the other frog choruses readily.