
Billy Corgan Pics
A few Pics I put up, send me any through e-mail that you don't see on the page if you want.

Thank You Billy

A Tribute To Billy Corgan
The glowing aura of a man in black
His spirit shines through his words of
wisdom, hate, and love.
He has the power to save the souls of the
lost and defeated
Yet he still believes he is not enough.
He has filled so many hearts with love and hope.
His voice, his music, soothes the rage
that is held in so many of us.
He lives to please, he lives for us,
and so many look down upon him.
His life has been sad, painful,
but through this tragedy,
he has raised himself above all the rest.
He creates songs of passion,
of belief, of experiences.
He has the hearts of so many people
in the palms of his beautiful hands,
and he still feels alone.
He is the mark of beauty, intelligence, love,
hope, faith, and everlasting wisdom.

William Patrick Corgan Junior
will be
"forever frozen, forever beautiful"
in our hearts, minds, and souls.

Links and Images

A Haven For the Embraced
Emily's personal web site
Mackenzie's Personal Web page.
Official Smashing Pumpkins Website
This is the Official Pumpkin Page.
Billy Corgan Picture Archive
This site has nothing but Billy Corgan Pics!!! Over 170!!
The Smashing Pumpkins Collection
Has up to date news and pumpkin values.
This is the Listessa Page----has a great mailing list

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I want to set up a page with my friends on it, so if you want to be on it, mail me.

Corgan finatics have come here.


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