My WebPage!
Welcome to my new homepage. I really hope you like the new change. It's been a long time since I've updated this page, and I thought it would be time that I actually sat down and did some work on it.
Well I did alot of updating and still have alot more work to do. I did change the lay out of this page and removed several different pages. I removed the enter here page, country music real audio, rap music real aduio, and rock real audio.
I added a links page which has several different links on and I'm working on add your link section of the webpage.
The about me section as been updated, and I put in a soulmate section which talks about Keith and I. I also change the real audio music to my MP3 links. Which pretty much shows all the MP3's I have. Its hard to read right now and I will fix that soon..
Ok I'm going to be adding new pictures of me. Some will be recent and some will be a little older, but they will be alot newer then the ones on this homepage. I'm trying to get my webcam to work now so that I can take new pictures.. So I'm going to try to have that done by today..
Check out this Awesome Group Alter Bridge
Ok Nothing has been updated or changed. I did get my Yahoo Photo album added to my picture page and some what new pictures on there. Nothing real recent. Still never got around to adding them or deciding if I want to add them. I'm going to wait till I get a digital camera hopefully sometime next week.
