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The consuming of time. Living in a delusion. Which may never come true. I lay there as the hours slip away and day slowly in night ans back to day. the associates I once called friends will never call again, except when the day is proling. I dont really care about it. As the clouds go to gray and the sky turns darker and the rain comes which makes me feel a little recovered. Only to see the sun revealing itself out from the cloudes. The heavenly skys make is seem so alluring, but declines as the night falls.

I open my eyes one day to see the way you were treating me, but I just could not leave the natural feeling of fear inside hoping you may change in time, but you never did every time you promised you would never do it again you keep it up and as I think now it got even worst, but one day I made up my mind to leave you and the pain you gave me. Now my life has changed for the beter and all the pain is gone.

Summer nights shinning stars dark cloudes that seem to cover the shining starts that onced layed so pretty in the sky.
The shootingg of a gun in a toddlers hands. The robbery of a bunch of teens. The rapde of a drunk man. The Rage ppl have inside.
Some bind together to stop the rage some join in the rage. But one thind is certain the rage people face will one day come back to them. in a higher more powerful place.

The dreams are ordinary dreams but the sky is green. The grass is red The people all of one color. The hate is gone. The wars are gone. The drugs all have disappeared. When I awake in the morning the disappoitment is there. Wanting to go back to sleep to live in the dream world all over again.

Thanks for people for reading my poems