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Visit to Boston, USA

In June 1988, Thomas Davis Pipe Band performed for a meeting of the American Ireland Fund (AIF) which was held in Muckross House, Killarney. Arising from this, the band was invited to perform at the AIF's main fund-raising dinner in Boston in November of that year.

18 band members travelled from Shannon Airport on 29th October 1988 - Pipe-Major Michael Heaney, Pipe-Sergeant Colm Dwane, Drum-Sergeant Ian Bolster, pipers Philip and Phelim Cotter, Alan and Félim Bolster, Theresa Hartnett, Teresa O'Mahony, Dermot McSweeney, Dominic Heaney,  and drummers Mary O'Mahony, Anthony Hartnett, John Horgan, John O'Connell and Donal Healy. Also travelling were secretary John Hartnett and chairman Tim Butler.

Outstanding memories of the trip include:  visiting the New England Aquarium, the Boston Museum of Science and the John F. Kennedy Library; tuning pipes before appearing on local TV station WNEV at 6 am; appearing on local radio station KISS FM; performing in Faneuil Hall; performing inside Quincy Market and being moved on by the police; performing outside Quincy Market; performing in Boston City Hall; the view from the John Hancock Tower; steaks in the Black Rose restaurant; playing up the escalators in the Marriott Hotel; singer Frank Patterson and storyteller Batt Burns; MC Tony O'Reilly  of HJ Heinz; arriving back in Ireland on Sunday 6th November and having to go to work the next day.

What a great trip - we'd go again in the morning!

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Playing in front of Quincy Market

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