GUAD - Frame 1

The zekes of Flight 1 line up, dawn patrol. Below are the Bettys. Below them the Kates. We strain at the leash, ready to pounce... or be pounced upon. From all directions. More than once.

Meanwhile the kates fly to target, confident that they can fulfil this, the first mass torpedo drop in a scenario. They maneuvre so they can look good with the sun as a backdrop...

The captain of this boat, carrying top-secret mail for the Wasp, is bloody shocked to become the target for an entire squadron of kates. Hes standing on the bow trying to point in the direction of the Wasp. But too late. luckily he has a shallow draft so all fish went under but the entire crew jumped off the boat and drowned in the torps wake.the mission was achieved one way or the other. BANZAI!

The Kates were the only flight to escape without loss. This was Greas(e) in his Kate, who not only survived performing a roll over the tower when he got home, but also some kamikaze zero who spun in as the flight was landing. Obviously he thought he was at Henderson. WTFG Kates.

Here we see the Bettys of White Flight making their run on Henderson. This is Ken G as pilot and all you can hear is "were doomed.. doomed i say!" through gritted teeth. Henderson is in front. The film was appropriately entitled 'almost'.

The entire flight is hopped by these buggers. Really, it was a choker watching the Betties going down, they dropped like flies to the F4F's. in the end ken G had 4(!) F4F's on him. His gunner got one smoking but the inevitable was only delayed...

And the inevitable smoking buffs, just one of the losses. They will get their chance for revenge in F2 as gunners. Grrrr Killkillkill.

On a happier note -SB- arrives in time to whack it to a couple of B17's. The zeros were just throwing themselves at these super buffs. Here the first buff gets an engine knocked out. How lucky is this zeke to get this close and not die? Not very actually as he dies on his second run, him and what? 13 odd other planes? Grrr.

But this one, -SB-'s actual kill, was toyed with a bit. Pieces are flying off everywhere, the Gunner (Just the 1 :) is firing in all directions as zekes come blazing in to catch a bit. All the Zekes are chanting "Henderson! Henderson!" as they pour lead into the doomed Plane. then it goes bang. good job killing the 17's all :)

Frame 1 is Finished! long live frame 2!

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