Krait does the Desert

OK once again i know squat about the units and in one instance what plane it is lol. OK firstly credit where credit is due, congrats to the marvellous work of Krait squadron, visit their site at the link on the index page for the necessary files, and for the purdy artwork due credit goes to to Paul Merritt, Spyhawk and the indomitable Fidd. OK onto the pic - well... its definitely not a C-47. Um... I damn well know what this plane is, a Junkers (-52 i later learn...), I've seen a couple in historical films with German paras bailing out the back (now theres an idea for a good pic...) Notice the desert terrain, its really fine. Sure looks good huh?

A Hurricane IIb takes a good look at a Destroyer. Its Japanese, unless the Brits started painting great big red circles on the aircraft carrier you just cant see. So... why is a hurri taking off from a Jap aircraft carrier somewhere in the desert? Only in Air Warrior 3 can you find out! Buy your copy now!

A B25. Not much else to say or do except sit back and admire. Makes a nice change from that plain Brown skin huh?

The Me110. It still sucks as a plane but now you can hide in the desert really effectively until the enemy goes away.

I love that JU88. It is such a aesthetically fine plane in and of itself, although it is dated in any free arena and will quickly die. But i have a dream, One day there will be another BOB scenario and i'll be in one of these. Meanwhile hit Warnights those of you who can and fly one in the siege of Tobruk. Good Job Kraits.

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