Vampire whacks Rabaul

And so it begins. Vampire, alone, with 8 zeros below him does some diving runs into the pack but is frustrated by the turning ability of the nippy nipponese. Doesnt get a kill yet, but does zoom around causing confusion. Here Mr.Tojo nimbly evades.

After messing around with that a bit and making a diving kill on a Ki, Vampire and friend heads out to sea when the odds climb to 6 against 2. Lets face it, you dont turn fight in these babies. Here, some 109's on loan from the Luftwaffe join in the chase. You gotta say, Vamps pretty screwed.

Here we go, furball city. The plane to the right is Vamps buddy, everyones playing merry-go-round and fighting for an angle. The F6F's get a couple of good shots in but they're fighting losing odds.

The knife-fight gets really vicious. Vampire Says - "NOTHING (and that includes the P51) is faster than the KI on the deck. Absolutely no way a Cat is going to succesfully run from a KI. If it had just been the 109's (Ki-61 Tony's) we never would have gotten into that mess =)." Pain in the Butt Ki's :) Here Vamp throws beer cans at a Ki and gets a ping.

They're both smoking, its more or less over. Here, Vampire and buddy attempt to spell out 'Screw You' in smoke before buying it. They made the first three letters but lost it on the 'e'. It was a good furball with lots of twisting and turning and jockeying. Once Vamps bud bought it then he wasnt far behind it, but they both made it hell for the enema trying to get the kill. A hell of a film.

Naught else from Rabaul.

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