My Letter to Each of the HRE Board Members

Dear ____: 

It has come to my attention, as a Taiwanese American who is 
and has been an enthusiastic advocate of LGBT rights as well 
as other minority rights, that the HRE is using a theme this 
year that trivializes, exploits, and cheapifies East Asian 
culture.  Sadly, many cultural artifacts from the Eastern 
hemisphere have in recent years become "trendy" in the States, 
and this has had the consequences of promoting negative or 
simply wrong stereotypes and impressions of East Asians, 
and/or of stripping cultural symbols of their meaning and 
value.  It seems that the HRE is intending to follow in this 
trend this year, and I am greatly disappointed to know it.  
Just to let you know, there are many LGBTQ Asian Americans 
out there, especially in Atlanta, and although 
most of us are used to this by now, it doesn't 
make us feel any less discomforted or annoyed.  

I would like to ask you to please take a stand against the 
tide of our commercialist society, one that is ignorant 
enough to overlook the concerns and realities of its own 
minority groups:   Please change your theme.  It could be 
the cause of a little temporary confusion, but it could 
also be a major step in our society's progression.  And 
I am absolutely positive that there are many of us out 
there who would applaud your move.

With much thanks,
Jennifer Chen Wang
Atlanta, GA