All About Me

Kyle Keigher

Hi there and welcome to my info page here is alittle about me

1. What is your full name??? Kyle. Alan. Keigher
2. Do you have any nicknames? Young-Gun. Master.
3. When is your birthday? June 17th 4. Do you have any pets (type, name)… 2 cats. Midnight, and Butterscotich
5. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend??? Nope single & Looking
6. Would you rather be blind or deaf?? Blind
7. What color is your eyes/hair/nails???? Brown/Brown/Clear
8. What religion are you??? Jewish
9. What is your favorite color?? Any Bright colour
10. What is your sexual fantasy??? to be with the most romantic person on a beach in the carribean.
11. Do you believe in ghosts??? yes
12. Do you believe in aliens??? Yes
13. Do you believe in spiritual and psychological powers?? Yeah like totaly.
14. Can you feel the love???? where there aint no love.
15. Bacon bits or croutons?? Croutons
16. Do you have a job? Yeah...two of them one with Pet Valu and another with a TV series.
17. If you could be a flower what would you be?? a rose.
18. What do you think about marriage??? I think it is otay.
19. Do you want kids(if so how many)? yes I would like to have 2.
20. Are you american or from another country???? Canadian
21. What is the best advice you were ever given??? always trust ur fears, or they will haunt u.
22. Do you get along with your parents??? Yeah all of them. who does not?
23. Pepsi or coke? Crack... i mean Coke..... not that coke.... NM.
24. Beef or Bacon??? Beef.
25. What is your bedtime? I dont have one.
26. Are you in love right now?? good question.
27. How many times have you ever been in love????? I cant remeber if i was ever in "love"
28. How many brothers and sisters do you have?? 1 bro, 1 half-sis, 1 step-sis.
29. What is your favorite holiday???almost every holiday is my fav..
30. Favorite food??? Potatoes.
31. When you give advice on the internet what is it usually about?? Relationships, Death....
32. Are you reading a book at the moment??? Nope.
33. If so who is it by??
34. Favorite sport?? Volleyball
35. What is your favorite number??? 17
36. Do you believe in g-d?? yeah....
37. Do you believe in angels???? yeah.
38. What does your room look like??? well messy for now till we change the look.
39. Do you have a secret crush for someone online??? Yeah who does not but i aint telling....
40. Are you listening to music right now? Nope.... u want me to?
41. Do you collect anything? Mags that I like and posters.
42. Are you shy or outgoing? Outgoing
43. Where are you from?? Vancouver B.C. Canada.
44. What is the name of your school?? V.S.S.
45. What college are you attending going to attend or attended in the past?? Emily Carr.....
46. What color is your house? White @ Black
47. Are you on medication??? Yes....
48. Did you have a natural birth?? I hope so ....
49. What are your plans for tonight??? do Home Wrok... yeah right!
50. What is under your bed? CLothes, Dresser.
51. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes.
52. Do you have any stuffed animals on your bed??? Yes my Laa-Laa doll (the yellow Teletubbie)
53. What pisses you off??? like one night stands.
54. Do you like airplanes??? Yeah how do u expexct to get from Toronto to Vancouver.
55. Who are or were the most inspirational people in your life??? I would have to say these people, Ms.E. Green, Ms. G. Fullerton, Mr.Evans, Ms.Mangroo, Ms. Lazar, Devon Sawa, J.T.T., Joe Gordon-Levitt. just to name a few
56. Biggest accomplishment??? getting my first acting gig. The Famous Jett Jackson.
57. Are you unlucky? Not that I can think of.
58. How much do you weigh? 135lbs - 140lbs
59. Innie or Outie Belly Button??? Innie
60. What do you say way to much??? Otay,*all the swear words*,Dang,SOL.
61. Do you have dimples? i dont knoe i might i cant see my face.
62. What is your favorite kind of movie??? Drama, Comedy, Romance.
63. Describe your ideal mate??? Romantic
64. What is your sexuality??? Homosexual- gay
65. Where did you come from???? My mummies tummy.... no Vancouver B.C.

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