I am Charles
Edward Donaldson;
New Haven, New Haven (county), Ct., U.S.A.;
Edward Stuart Donaldson ::
born: 4-Oct.-1917
Waterbury, Ct., U.S.A.;
died: 16-Aug.-1996;
Eugene, Or., U.S.A.;
C Reynolds ::
born: 20-Aug.-1918;
New Haven, Ct., U.S.A.;
I am a "Recreational Prospector" with a small Gold claim in the Bohemia Mining District Southeast of the city of Cottage Grove, OR., U.S.A.. I live southwest of the city of Cottage Grove Oregon near a small town of Curtin.with my wife Violet and my daughter Kayreen. I have been searching our family lines for several years. My mother has the Snow/Hopkins line back beyond the Mayflower. She has some of the Reynolds and the Candee line from Frederick Candee Reynolds to John Condy, year 1614. I have found mountains of information on the internet and web sites. I have found nothing on Gunning and my family name Donaldson or Malloy.
We have not had any success documenting information on my father, Edward Stuart Donaldson's, family lines. His birth certificate said his father; my "Grandfather Donaldson"; was 48 years old when my Dad was born in 1917. It gives my Grandfather's birthplace as Scotland and shows my Dad's mother; my "Grandmother Donaldson"; as being 37 years old, and also being born in Scotland. My Dad was born in Waterbury CT., and they lived in a little village north of Waterbury called Waterville. My Dad had a brother who was 16 years older then he was. His brother; called 'Jock' (we think his name was John or Jack); was born either on the ship, or right after their parent's ship arrived in this country. My mother has found some information at the local LDS library, on my Grandfather Donaldson. We know they came from Selkirk Scotland, and Mom found a record of my Grandfather's (Charles Donaldson); father, mother, sisters and brothers; and, when and where he was born. It matches information that my mother has from my grandmother Donaldson.. The dates on the birth certificate match, as do the names of the brothers .
She has not found anything on my Grandmother Donaldson. Her name was Agnes. Her name on the birth certificates that we have is not clear. The name looks like it could be; Maei, or Mair, or even Muir. Mother has been looking at listings under all of these, but we have no way to know what name to follow. There are plenty of these names but she has no way of being sure, because my Grandmother Donaldson never mentioned anything about her family. The one person she did write to and spoke of often was, Dad's, Aunt Liz. This Aunt Liz lived at 17 Heatherlie Terrace, Selkirk Scotland. Grandmother Donaldson wrote to her often and visited her when she went back to Scotland to visit. She also spoke of Dad's Uncle Alex. My mother wrote to Aunt Liz untill we moved to Oregon before I was born. When Mom wrote again , she did not receive an answer. That was back in 1940. About 2 years ago, Mom wrote to that address and sent enough money for return postage to asking for information, but never received an answer.
- Our E-mail Addresses -
Me -- Charles E Donaldson :: cedonaldson@starband.net
My Mother -- E. C. Donaldson ::
- Our Web Sites -
My Mother's first page on the
web is the starting og her Genealogy Web Site. Her "Home Page" is
:: http://bdonaldson.tripod.com/mypage.html
Check it out; she is doing great.
My "Home-Page" is called
Den"; it's address is http://tobi_wan_2.tripod.com/PeacocksDen.html
It is about our little gold
claim near Cottage Grove, OR. U.S.A..
Run" is about "Beach Mining" on the southern Oregon coast
@ http://tobi_wan_2.tripod.com/PeacocksRun.html
Roost" is where I do a little 'Crowing' (ha ha ha!)
@ http://tobi_wan_2.tripod.com/PeacocksRoost.html
of the Yukon" is my rendering of Robert W Service's poem
@ http://tobi_wan_2.tripod.com/SpellOfYukon.html
My first Genealogy page is this page; called "Donaldson
@ http://tobi_wan_2.tripod.com/fmlns/donaldson-1.html
We will be working on more Gold & Genealogy pages. We will post them and put links to them on this site when they are far enough along to be useable. So check back often. Send us an E-mail if you want, or have, more information.
Click on the Gold nugget to E-mail me.