Lara's Background

Lara Croft, daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft, was reaised to be an aristocrat from birth. After attending finishing school at the age of 21, Lara's marriage into wealth had seemed assured, but on her way home from a skiing trip her chartered plane had crashed deep into the heart of the Himalayas. The only survivor, Lara learned how to depend on her wits to stay alive in hostile conditions a world away from her sheltered upbringing. Two weeks later when she walked into the village of Tokakeriby her experiences had a profound effect on her. Unable to stand the claustrophobic suffocating atmosphere of upper-class British society, she realized that she was only truly alive when she was travelling alone. Over the following eight years, she acquired an intimate knowledge of ancient civilizations across the globe. Her family soon disowned their prodigal daughter, and she turned to writing to fund her trips. Famed for discovering several ancient sites of profound archaelogical interest she made a name for herself by publishing travel books and detailed journals of her exploits.

-From the front cover of the Tomb Raider CD.


Tomb Raider

Lara Croft has just returned from a hunting trip in the Himalayas where, having bagged a 12-foot tall yeti, she's itching for a new challenge. While enjoying a little R & R, she's contacted Jacqueline Natla, a conniving business woman who convinces Lara to recover a mysterious artifact from the tomb of Qualopec in Peru.

Wasting no time, Lara sets out on her quest to find one of the three pieces of the ancient Atlantean Scion, a talisman of incredible power. After disovering the fragment things get ugly, Lara finds herself face to face with one of Natla's hired goons. Using her cunning wits and athletic strenghth, Lara escapes!

As she delves into the reasons why Natla would double cross her, she uncovers a mystery that reaches back before the dawn of recorded time to the treachery that destroyed the Atlantean civilization and the disasters that struck the world when it fell.

-From the Official Tomb Raider Site

Tomb Raider 2

Legend has it that when you drive the Dagger of Xian into your heart, you acquire the power of the dragon. Literally.

In Ancient China, the Emperor was the holder of this power and with his army alongside him, he was a force to be reckoned with. Thus empowered, he staked claim to the vast lands that are China.

His final battle however ended in defeat. While people fell into submission all around him, the Warrior monks of Tibet would not relent and courageously fought against his evil. Knowing the power of the dagger, they succeded in removing it from the Dragon Emporer's heart, reducing him and his army to carnage. The dagger was returned to it's resting place within The Great Wall of China and safely locked up for all time...

Now three parties hold the dagger close to their heart. And all for entirely different reasons. Lara Croft, forever the adventurer, is one of these. On her travels she will encounter the other two...

-From the inside cover of the Tomb Raider II CD

Unfinished Business

Lara has discovered the existence of a ruined segment of the alien city, allegedly containing a hive of surviving creatures guarding an alien hatchery. In this new adventure she must destroy the aliens before they invade again.

-From The Official Tomb Raider Site

Shadow of the Cat

Lara returns to the city of Khamoon to discover the secret of the strangely beautiful cat statue, and sets off on a new adventure following the trail of the cat to it's deadly and mysterious conclusion.

-From The Official Tomb Raider Site