Bartolli's Hideout

You start off where you ended the last level (Venice) - in your boat. Drive your boat forward and the gate ahead will open allowing you to pass. Drive the boat up to the dock and hop out, drawing your weapons as you do so. Shoot the rats, and head up the stairs to your left. Follow the stairs to the entrance of the door and shoot the man hiding inside. Go into the door and climb up the block. Continue down the hallway until you reach the switch on the wall. Shoot the rats to the right. Pull the switch, which opens those two big doors you saw at the beginning of the level.

Turn around and run forward until you are able to shoot the man that ran out of the doors. Once you kill him collect the medipack and continue back down the stairs and through the big doors. There are two guys hiding in here - one on the balcony to your right and near the back wall of the room. Shoot them both and collect the shotgun shells from the man on the ground. Run accross the room until you find the statues holding swords. Don't be too anxious to run down the hallway though, because you'll end up dead. Sidestep to the right side of the hallway so you are positioned farthest away from the statues. Now run forward through the first statue and stop. Continue running between statues until you reach the end of the hallway. Light a flare so you can see, then move to the far-left corner of the room. Pull the switch you find there and then run back out of the room using the soldier guarded hallway. Don't worry though, they won't start chopping again so you can just run straight through.

This part is a bit tricky. Go to the big slanted object in the middle of the main room. Walk to the slanted part as if you were going to climb up it, but instead take a jump back and turn around. Do a backflip and continue to hold jump. When you hit the object, you should do a forward jump off of it. When in the air, press action to make Lara grab the edge in front of her. Now, pull yourself up and turn left. Go along the path to the block and push it forward until it has reached the edge. Face the balcony to your left and do a running jump to make it on to it. Collect the automatic pistol clips from the dead man and walk to the wall where you can grab on.

Move yourself along the wall to the right and up a bit until you are through the doorway. Drop down then walk out on to the balcony and turn right. Shoot the man on the balcony across from you when he comes out. Once he is dead, turn around and walk to the edge. Jump to the red awning across from you. You can not stand on this awning, but you can grab the front edge. Shimmey to the left until you can't do it anymore, then pull yourself up and almost immediately press jump. Lara should do a backflip off the awning and land on the balcony behind her. Turn left and walk to the edge. Do a running jump to make it to the small platform in front of you. Jump to the awning, which you can stand on, and align yourself with the open doors in front of you. Do a normal jump and you should land just inside the doors.

Draw your weapons and shoot the two dobermans that come at you. (If only one is there then that means that the other is hiding somewhere in the next room so be ready.) Proceed forward and left up the stairs keeping your weapons drawn. When you reach the top of the stairs turn right and shoot the man in the room ahead.

SECRET #1-Run into the room and turn to the left. There is a switch on the wall in the corner. Pull the switch and run out of the room to the top of the stairs. The switch you just pulled should have opened a door on your right. Run inside and shoot the man hiding (if you didn't get him on the balcony. Get the shotgun shells and anything else he might be carrying and go out onto the balcony to collect the silver dragon.

Go back into the room with the switch and run accross the room to the windows. Shoot the windows to break them and then jump through. Kill the two men on the platform then proceed down it to the next set of windows. Shoot them and jump through. Now would be the time to use those powerful weapons.

Two big guys and a doberman will run through the doors on the wall to your right. It might help you to climb on the boxes near the doors. Kill all three enemies and take a look at the fireplace. Looks big doesn't it? Big enough for you to fit in? Of course! Run into the fireplace. The back wall is really a block. Push it forward until you are able to climb over. Follow the passage until you reach the downhill slide with swinging blades.

If you time your jumps right, you should be able to pass the blades without harm. The fires at the bottom are on a timer that will turn them off when you start running over them and then turn them back on shortly after. Start running and jump to the next block. When you land, press and hold jump and forward. Continue to hold jump and forward when you land. You should do one last jump and land at the end. Turn right and proceed through the door which will open up when you walk up to it. Shoot the two dogs and man that are running around in the room below. Drop down into the room and you will notice some mighty big chandeliers.

Climb up on the block near the lowest chandelier and then jump up and pull yourself onto the chandelier itself. Turn right and jump to the ledge. Pull the switch on the wall to your right and then jump back to the chandelier. Now do a running jump towards the next highest chandelier. Turn right and do a running jump onto the platform. Pull the switch on the wall and then return to the chandelier. Now do a running jump to the third chandelier. Once on the third chandelier, climb onto the platform directly ahead.

Turn to the right and shoot the two rats at the corner. Walk to the edge and jump to the platform ahead. Now jump up and pull yourself onto the crossbeams of the roof. Walk to the opposite edge of the crossbeam you are currently on, then sidestep right until can't do it anymore and are right next to the block that lies in the middle of the crossbeam. Do a forward jump and you should land on the small platform below. Draw your weapons and take care of the bad guy who pops up from the blocks to your right. Collect the small medipack he was collecting and hop up onto the blocks where he came from. Head towards the other side of the large crossbeam. Walk to the edge then jump forward and press action to grab the ledge. Pull yourself up and then pull the switch on your right. This switch changes the elevations of the chandeliers. Jump back to the stone blocks and hang drop to the chandelier below on your left.

Now jump to the second chandelier, and finally to the third and lowest chandelier. From there, Walk to the edge, jump forward, and grab. Pull yourself up and you'll be inside the hidden area. Collect the key on the ground and hang and drop the floor below. Get on the lowest chandelier by climbing up on the block and walking to it's tallest point then jumping up and catching on to the edge. Pull yourself up and jump to the second highest shandelier and then to the highest. Walk to one edge, jump up, and grab onto it. Pull yourself up and return to the switch on the crossbeam again. Pull the switch and jump to the stone blocks. Go to the wooden platform and hang and drop to the chandelier below.

From this chandelier, jump across to the windows and shoot them out. Run out onto the walkway and turn right. Proceed down the walkway and stop at the hole at the end. Turn around and hang drop into the water below. Swim underneath the fireplace and into the room ahead. Pull the lever on the wall to your left and go through the door it opened. Catch your breath on the surface because there will be a long dive ahead.

SECRET #2-Swim to your left near the corner and go down the hole. Swim straight through the pillars to the end and then turn left and enter the small area on the wall. Keep swimming straight until you reach the wall, then turn left and get the grenades. Turn around and you'll find the gold dragon. On the column to your right there is a lever. Pull it and go up the passage to the surface but don't climb out because you will catch on fire. Once you catch your breath, dive back down and find your way through the underwater pillars and back to the room where you first went under. Swim back through the door you opened earlier and climb out of the water near the big doors.

As you could probably tell from the books on the ground, these doors will lead you to the library. The keyhole is to the left of the doors on the same wall. Run through the doors and they will shut behind you. Pull out your weapons and shoot the goon that comes at you from across the way. Go into the room where he came from and run to the right around the first book case. Run between the two book cases and climb up the one on the left. Pull yourself on top, turn around, and shoot the rats on the other side. Jump across the gap and pull the switch on the far wall. Climb back down the book case and go out into the main room again.

Run into the main room and shoot the goon who came out of the doors you just opened. Go through the doors and climb up the large book case on the left. Once on the top, turn around and jump to the platform across the room. Turn left and climb up yet another book case to the top. Shoot out the window at the top and jump to the sill. Walk through the window to the edge and turn around. Jump backwards and hold action to grab onto the awning. Pull yourself up and hold jump to do a backflip onto the platform behind you. Walk to the edge of this short balcony, jump to the roof ahead of you, and grab the edge while in the air. Pull yourself on the roof and turn right. Walk to the edge and jump forward. You will land on the brick wall.

NOTE: This next part explains how to find the uzis. If you don't want them just yet, just skip to the next part.

Turn right and run to the end of the wall. Walk to the edge and onto the angled part. Step back to the building so you're facing the shack. Do a running jump and grab in the air and you should grab the edge of the roof. Run across the roof toward the smokestack. Jump from the roof into the shaded area nearby. Look down and you should see a shallow pool. Jump into the pool and look in the corner. Claim the uzis lying there and climb out of the pool. (Note: If you already have the uzis (because you used the cheat code), they won't be there but some clips will.)

Drop off to the wooden deck below and find your way into the shack by running around the corner to the door. Shoot the bad guy inside and pick up his ammo and the detenator key on the table. Exit the shack and jump into the water. Swim to the door on the wall across the water and climb out. As you do so, the door will open and another bad guy will hop out to shoot you. Kill the guy and and pick up his large medipack, then shoot out the windows to get back into the large room. Now to open the last door. Pull the switch on the right to open it and be ready to shoot some people. Kill the two men through the glass and pick up the shotgun shells and medipack they were carrying.

Go to the door on the wall and it will open. Drop into the water and swim to the left of the poles. Pull yourself out of the water and shoot the rat that attacks you from the right. Hop onto the ledge to your left and turn left again.

SECRET #3-Run the full length of the walkway, passing the detenator box (you get to use this later). Climb onto the wall and proceed to the left. Hop onto the block and then onto the roof. Shoot the windows and go into the room to get the jade dragon, the final secret.

If you just want to beat the level, exit the room through the windows and turn right. Run to the corner and climb up. Follow the path and drop into the hole at the end, then slide down the hallway ahead. If you want to blow up the building, return to the detenator box. Get on the side near the wall and press action. Use the detenator key and Lara will blow up the building across the water. Draw your weapons and shoot the goon who appears on the balcony to your left. Turn right and run to the wall again. Climb up on it and run to the demolished building. Find your way up through the rabble to the room where you found the jade dragon. Aren't you glad you got it before you blew up the building? Anyway, climb up through the hole in the roof and run down the path to the hole in the end. Drop into the hole and slide down the hallway to beat the level and enter the Opera House.