Offshore Rig

After awakening from that nasty bump on the head, you'll find yourself in a room full of crates. Hmmm...I wonder what you have to do? Move the blocks into a pattern that makes a path through them and into the hallway behind. Go into the hallway and pull/push the block to the opposite wall. Go into the short hallway you just found and pull the switch at the end. The door is on a timer so quickly roll and run forward. Turn left down the hallway and then right towards the door. If you made the passage right you shouldn't have to jump over any blocks and you should make it through the door before it closes.

Of course there is an alarm so be prepared to be attacked by two rig guards on your left. Because you have no weapons, you'll just have to pound your way through them and run down the hallway. Don't run up the ramp unless you would like to be smashed by two barrels. At the end of the hall turn right and run into the room. Head for the windows on your right. If you run and jump into them, they will break. If you can't break them, just wait for a guard to come and shoot them out for you. Continue running and jump for the nose of the airplane. If you don't make it, swim back to the door and do it again.

Once on the aircraft, run along the top and stand on the trap door. It will give way and you'll drop inside the room to find your trusty pistols. Pick them up and push the button on the wall. Then climb up the ladder to exit the room. Jump into the water and swim to the edge where the door is. Climb out and blast the two rig guards. Pick up the medikit from one and the yellow pass card from another. Now go back to the room with the windows and insert the yellow pass card into it's slot. Run through the doors and push the button on the wall. Finally that annoying alarm went off.

Turn right and proceed up the stairs. Follow the hallway and turn the wheel to open the door at the end. Shoot the rig guard and then pick up his goodies. Run forward and kill the other rig guard and pick up what he had as well. Don't worry about the door at the top of the ramp. You can't open it yet. Open the door on the wall by turning the wheel and go into the room. Shoot the bad guy in this room and feel free to loot him. There are a few treasures hidden about this room. Along the edges of the room you'll find harpoons and automatic pistol clips.

Now, go through the door where the bad guy came from and make your way down the hallway to the bunk room. Run to the back wall and look on the bunk to your left to find the harpoon gun. Then look in the group of bunks in the middle. On the top bunk you'll find some auto-pistols and clips. Go to the first group of bunks by the door. Jump up to the top bunk and push the button. Side flip out and quickly do a roll. Run to the end of the hallway, turn right and jump to the upper bunk. Turn around then jump and grab to get up into the hole. If you don't make it just go back to the button and try again.

Once you've made it into the hole run forwards just a bit and view the long slope ahead. Put your back to the slope and take a jump backwards. Press action while you are sliding so when you reach the end you will hang on the edge. Climb down the ladder and watch out for the flames at the bottom. Arrange the blocks in a line which lines up with the ladder on the opposite wall. The object is to make a path that you can do a running jump on to make it to the ladder. Do a running jump to the ladder and climb up. At the top, turn right down the L-shaped corridor and kill the bad guy. Pick up the red access card and then proceed down the passage until you come to the ladder near the foot of the steps.

SECRET #1-Climb up the ladder and you'll end up on top of the rig. Get the stone dragon and then carfully climb back down.

SECRET #2-Run up the steps and turn right. You'll fall into a pool. Swim underwater until you find the lever located beneath the underwater passage. Pull the lever then swim back to the surface to catch some air. Now, dive back down and swim into the passage. Follow it until you see a hole in the floor. Swim into the hole and continue to follow the passage. You'll come out behind the fan in the seaplane hangar. Quickly grab the jade dragon while staying away from the blades. Swim back out of the long passage and back to the small pool.

Climb out of the pool and into the hallway. Follow the hallway back to the hangar. Jump to the window platform and make your way through the broken windows and back through the doors. This time turn left and proceed up the hallway. Shoot the doberman and the rig boss and collect his belongings. Be careful of the barrels at the top of the ramp. Run onto the ramp and then roll and run down and to the right. Once the barrels have passed, run up the ramp and open the door at the top with the red access card.

Run forward into the room while drawing your favorite weapon. Another alarm will sound and three bad guys will be hot on your tail. Kill them and pick up their stuff (Shotgun shells and medipacks). Jump onto the grated platform where you got the shotgun shells. Go to the block and push it forward once, then run around and drop off the platform. Go to the small platform jutting out below the hole in the ceiling. Pull the block back and run around again. Push it forward one more time and then go to the platform opposite the one with the block. Do a running jump and grab the block. Pull yourself up and walk to the corner. Jump towards the opening near the ceiling and grab for the edge. It might take a couple tries, but you'll get it eventually.

Once into the hallway, shoot the guard around the corner and collect the shotgun shells from him. Run into the room at the bottom and look on the left wall. Pull the switch and the big pool that was empty is now full of water. Run back up the ramp and drop down back into the room with the pool. Jump into the pool and swim to the opposite edge. Climb out and turn right. Run all the way up to the pipes and then take one hop back. Do a forward jump and you'll land on the edge of the black area. Turn left and do a forward jump to make it over the slope. Pull the switch to your left and then go back to the pool. Make your way to the opposite side of the pool, up the block again, and then to the control room. Fall through the hole in the floor and slide down the slope in front of you.

Fall into the water below and get ready to swim. I suggest not trying to kill the two divers lurking around with your harpoon gun. Instead, swim to the left and then right around the corner where you'll encounter the first diver. Keep swimming and dodging the harpoons as you head for the support in the corner. Climb out onto the support where the edge is yellow. Then pull out your pistols and shoot the diver in the water. The other diver should stay on the other side, so you won't have to worry about him until later.

Walk around to the side of the support and jump onto the ladder on the wall. Climb up to the platform above. Walk to the edge and take a hop back. Do a running jump and grab to make it to the platform across from you. Pull up and shoot the rig boss. Get his shotgun and keep following the path. Turn right at the end and you might be able to hit the enemies on the other platform. Jump forward and grab the nearby platform. If you haven't already, shoot the guard and pick up his things. Walk to the far corner of the platform and jump to the one nearby. Run to the end and jump to the platform on the supports. Shoot the nearby guard if you already haven't.

SECRET #3-Hang from the edge of the platform and drop to the base of the support below. Two guys will come at you from around the corner so get ready to fire at them. If you didn't kill the second diver in the water he will be shooting too, so keep moving around. After everybody is dead, grab the gold dragon and jump into the water. Swim around to the opposite corner where the ladder is and climb out onto the platforms. Make your way back to the support where the gold dragon was, but be careful not to fall down.

Jump over to where the dead guard is lying and get his things, then break the glass to get the green access card. Now, go back to the platform where you dropped to get the gold dragon and then to the long platform along the wall. Near the end of the long platform you'll find an entrance to a hallway near the ceiling. Jump into the entrance and follow the long sloped path up to the top. Follow the hall to the end. Drop down through the hole in the floor and shoot the guard that you find there. Run down the hallway into the control room and insert the green access card into the slot near the door. Before going into the pool room, pull the switch on the opposite wall again to fill the other tank. Now, go through the door and Into the filled pool. Swim into the passage on the wall and follow it to the door. Pull the lever next to the door to keep going. Keep swimming along the passage until you come to the surface. Climb out to finish the level.