Temple of the Cat

As soon as the level starts, turn around and pull the switch to open the trap door on the floor. Pick up the magnum clips near the wall and proceed up the slanted hallway. On your right, a little up the hallway, should be two holes in the wall. Go through one of them into the room with the mummy cat, but do not be alarmed. Pull the switch on the pillar between the two holes to move the grates. Get the medi-pack closest to the mummy and nothing will happen, but if you pick up the other, the mummy will attack. So, unless you really need it, which you shouldn't, don't get the second one. Exit the small room and continue up the hallway. At the top climb out onto the walkway.

Follow its path between the rocks to the first corner. Jump in between the rocks to get the two boxes of shotgun shells. Hop back out and continue on the path. At the end you should run into two cat mummies. After they're dealt with, head for the single block near the edge of the pyramid. Push it out of the way to reveal a box of shotgun shells. Get the shells and follow the tracks near the block. They should lead you to a pool of water.

Get in the water and be aware of the gator. Find the lever on the wall and pull it to open the underwater doors. Swim through the doors and into the chamber. The doors will shut behind you, but will open again once you pick up the key on the bottom in the center of the room. Exit the doors and get onto dry land. Head back to the pyramid and start making your way up. When you start climbing, you should be attacked by a cougar so be sure to kill it before continuing.

On the third level of the pyramid below the cat guardian, there are two moveable blocks. Pull them out to reveal a hole in the ground. Slide down and grab the large medi-pack. Run across the room and pull the switch then go through door. Run forward and get the key ahead of you. Go up stairs and jump up and grab onto the platform. Make your way around the platform and get the shotgun shells between the pillars.

Drop out of the openings to get back to the outside of the pyramid. Get to the top of the pyramid and run around front between the two cat guardians to put the keys in the two keyholes. Run straigt forward through the doors until you hit the wall. Turn left and follow the passage around the corner. Pull the switch to turn on the lights. Go down now lighted hallway and around the corner. Kill the cougar at the end. Follow the hallway around another corner to a highly vegetated wall. Pull the switch on the wall and go into nearby room. Safety-drop onto the pillar below.

Jump to the hallway on the left. Follow it to the hole in the floor. Hop onto the gray stone and pull switch. Quickly jump across the two holes in the floor and pull the other switch. Fall into the hole and swim through the open doors. As soon as you pass through the doors swim up into the hole in the ceinling. Pull out of the water and get the key on the cat panel. Also get the two medi-packs at the corners. Get back into the water and swim for the far wall. Dodge the gators and climb out of the water on back left wall. Shoot the gators swimming around, then jump back into the water and get the two magnum clips located in the two alcoves on the back wall.

Follow the path near the water to get the key located on the cat head floor panel. Get up on the second level and kill the cougar. Push the block and get the magnum clips underneath. Climb to the third level and get the key on another cat panel, but look out for the cougar. Follow fifth level to the gate. Get the two keys near the gate and kill the nearby cougars. Put the keys into the five keyholes. Go through the door you just opened and drop down into the pit.

Collect the medi-pack and shotgun shells. Then jump across the spikes to the opening in the wall. Climb up to the slanted platform and slide down it. Halfway down the hall, pull the switch in the small opening in the wall. Exit the hallway at it's end to return to the pit of spikes. Climb out of the pit and go through the newly opened door. Drop into the water from the side nearest the entrance.

Swim down and turn left through the opening. Enter the room and heat for the back, right corner collecting the uzi clips as you do. Go through the hole and turn right. Follow the passage to the switch on the left wall. Pull the switch and head back the way you came. If you want some uzi clips you can explore the rest of the underwater maze. They're in the center of one of the rooms.

Get out of the water and go into the new room by way of the door you opened and walk on the sphinx heads to open the double doors. Kill the two cat mummies inside and then enter the room. Run across the room and pull both switches. Go through the hole where the boulder came from and kill the aligator on the floor. Collect the medi-pack from the alcove in the wall. Go to the end of the passage and jump into the entrance to the hallway.

Follow the hallway to the end and drop into the water below. Get out of the water and go to the top level and find the door you opened in the mummy room. Enter and pick up the long awaited uzis. Stock up on the uzi clips in front of the mummies. Also get the medipack near the entrance. Run down the slope into the large room. Get the medipack from the corner then head to the other corner to get the uzi clips. A few mummies should be alive by now so deal with them before proceeding. Pull the switch on the right wall and kill the remaining mummies on your way to the door it opened.

Go through the door and into the throne room, then going through the door on the right. Head up the stairs and turn around. Wait for the last mummy to approach and kill it. Go to the left corner of the stairs and drop off onto the pillar below. Jump to the uzi clips, then jump to the right. Climb to the cat. Pull the switch and then run across the bridge and back to the throne room. Go through the door you opened and into the jungle room. Go to the hallway in the back right corner of the room. Run down the hallway and shoot the aligator. Collect the medi-pack in one corner of the room at the end of the hallway.

Go through the door and into another room. Get the large medi-pack in the corner and shoot the approaching aligator. Now, kill the aligator in the water and jump in. Pull the lever on the wall to drop the two doors just past the throne room. Get out of the water and kill the cougar. Head back to the entrance room where the doors dropped. Climb up into the hole on either side where the doors used to be. Find the gold trap door on the floor and climb on the spinx just past it to make it open. Safety drop through the hole and collect the stuff. Step on the cat panel to open the door nearby.

Go through the door and head all the way down the hallway to the third door. Pull the switches on both sides of the door to open it. Enter the room and heat straight forward and through the opening. Head around the edges of the large room, killing the cat mummies as you go. Once all the mummies are dead, head around to the back of the large spinx and run up the stairs to the inside. Push the block forward once and pick up the small medi-pack. Get onto the gray block and jump up and grab the edge of the next floor. From that spot, jump across the pit and onto the block, then to the outer walkway.

Follow the walkway to the left, killing the two mummies along the way. Go through the door at the end of the walkway and follow the stairs out onto the balcony. Get the uzi clips down the hallway on your way to the balcony. From the balcony, jump along the pillars until you get to the corner. At the end of the linked pillars, jump to the indention in the wall and then to the single pillar with the medi-pack. Get the medi-pack and continue to the next corner. When you get there, jump straight up to the upper level.

Run around to the front of the sphinx on the side with the pillar. Climb onto the pillar and jump to the cheek of the sphinx. Climb up onto the forehead to lure the mummy out and then hop back to the cheek where he can't get you. Start shooting and once he's dead, climb up over the sphinx head and run down the steps to the switch. Pull the switch to extend the tongue. Go back to the head and slide down the nose backwards. Grab the end of the nose and drop to the tongue. Kill the cougar and run inside the mouth to the switch. Pull it to open the door at the end of the tounge. Run through the door and jump towards the cat guardian to finish the level.