Too Good To Be True by Bonnie

Chapter 1

April 2013

At the sound of the bell on the door, Liz Spencer turned around to see her sister-in-law's boyfriend walk into Kelly's.
"Hey Will," she said. "Here to steal my best waitress?"
"Of course."
"Well -- she's not sposed to get off till 5 -- but I guess she can go early today."
"A whole 10 minutes? Wow, Liz, you're just too kind."
"Hey, I try." She grinned and walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Lu?"
Nineteen year old Lesley Lu Spencer looked up from the silverware she was sorting. "Yeah?"
"Your prince charming is here. Go ahead and go."
"You'll be covered here?"
"Yeah, we're fine. Lucas and Georgie are here and once Carly gets here, I'm gone anyway."
"Cool. You and big brother got plans?"
"Dinner with your parents."
"Now that sounds like an exciting evening," Lulu teased.
"Oh hush. Get out of here," Liz said smiling.
"I'm gone. See ya."
"Bye? What about hi?" Carly said as she breezed in the back door as Lulu walked out the front.
"Oh hey Carly, I was saying bye to Lu."
"Oh ok. Well, bye to you too, I'm here, you can go."
"You sure?"
"Of course. Go on, you don't want to keep in-laws waiting. Trust me, I know."
Liz grinned. "Yeah, but I don't have the in-laws from hell like you do."
"Better not, your in-laws are my family. But seriously, the Q's aren't all that bad."
"If you say so. Anyway, I'll see ya Sunday. Bye."
"Kay, bye."

Liz smiled reflectively as she drove to Luke and Laura's house. Life had, overall, really been good to her. She and Lucky and celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary a month ago and their daughter Laina would be five in another few months.
Not to say that life had been picture perfect. Ruby had died not long after Sarah and Nikolas's wedding. Her diner had been left to Luke and Bobbie, who, not wanting to take over the running of it, had then turned it over to their children. Carly and Liz & Lucky were the official owners and Lucas and Lulu had the option to buy into the business once they were old enough. So even though they missed Aunt Ruby, they were pleased with the way it had all worked out. The flexible schedule of the diner was convenient for all of them and working together again at Kelly's reminded both Liz and Lucky of their high school days. It also gave them plenty of time to spend with Laina and when they couldn't work it out, Laura was more than happy to watch her. Liz really enjoyed the idea of "the family business." She did miss her sister sometimes. She hadn't seen her in so long. Nikolas and Sarah's marriage had lasted only six short months. Robin Scorpio had, in April of 2009, returned from a hospital in Switzerland where she'd been taking an experimental HIV drug. It had cured her. Sarah had become jealous when her husband renewed his friendship with Robin and it had eventually driven them apart. Nik and Sarah had divorced in July of '09 and Nik had married Robin the next spring, in May of 2010, and they now had a year-old daughter, Anna Roberta.
Sarah had decided there was nothing left for her in Port Charles and had moved to Europe, where she apparently traveled quite frequently. They got an occasional postcard but other than that they had no contact with her.
Liz thought again of her niece. She was such a cute little baby. So was Emily and Eric's son Edward Alan, who was two years old now.
That was the one big problem in Liz and Lucky's life. After Laina's first birthday, they'd decided to start trying for another baby. After a few months, with no results, they'd decided to give up on it for awhile. Then Eddie was born and soon after, Anna arrived and the desire for a second child returned. So they had tried for close to two years, before seeing a doctor. Although the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, they had decided to try fertility drugs and Liz had taken the first dose last month.
Liz turned down Royal Street and into the Spencer's driveway. She smiled to herself as she walked to the door, thinking about the secret she was about to share with her family.


Chapter 2

Liz knocked on the front door as she opened it and walked in.
"Anybody home?" she called.
Laina looked up from where she was coloring at the coffee table.
"Mommy!" she shrieked as she hurtled across the room and threw herself at her mother's legs. Liz laughed and reached down to pick her up.
"Hi sweetie. Did you have a good day?"
She nodded vigorously. "Daddy took me to the park and now me and Grampa Luke are colorin'."
"Gosh, you've had a busy day. Where's Grandpa Luke now?"
"In the kitchen."
"Okay, where's daddy?"
"Right here," Lucky said, as he came down the stairs.
Liz grinned and walked over to him. She put Laina down and she ran back to her drawing.
"Hey baby," he whispered as he pulled her into his arms. "Mmm, you smell like French fries."
"Gee thanks. What a compliment."
He grinned and kissed her. "Think you taste like them too."
"Lucky!" But she was laughing.
The kitchen door swung open then and Laura walked into the room, followed by Luke.
"Thought we heard voices out here," Laura said smiling.
Laina got up and walked over to Laura, handing her the picture she'd been working on. "Look Gramma, I made you a present!"
"Well thank you. I'll go put it on the fridge. And you finished just in time too, because it's time to eat dinner."
"But Grampa hasn't finished his picture."
Luke smiled at her. "How bout we save that for the next time you visit, okay darlin?"
Laina nodded and headed for the kitchen door. Her father and grandparents followed her but Liz stayed where she was.
"Mommy? Aren't you gonna eat?"
Liz smiled at her daughter who was looking up at her with her big blue eyes.
"Of course I am. I need to talk to Daddy for a minute though. You go ahead, okay?"
"Okay," Laina agreed and skipped off to the kitchen. Lucky walked over to his wife and looked at her.
"You okay, hon?"
She could see the concern in his eyes, the same deep blue as their daughter's. People were right -- Laina looked just like Liz, but she had Lucky's eyes. Unlike her father though, Laina's eyes couldn't see into her mother's soul.
She smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to tell you -- I think I might be pregnant."
"Well, I don't know for sure but I'm over a week late and I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything but I can't help hoping --"
He smiled and placed his index finger over her lips. "Shh, you don't have to explain. I understand. So when do we know for sure?"
"I bought a test to take tonight."
He nodded. "Do you want to tell mom and dad?"
"I'd thought about it, but now I don't think that's the best idea. We should probably keep it quiet until we know for sure."
"You're probably right."
"Of course I am," she teased. "Now let's go eat."


Chapter 3
Carly looked up as a blond woman entered Kelly's. She looked about 30 and seemed strangely familiar, although Carly couldn't really figure out why. The woman sat down at the counter.
"Hey," Carly said. "Can I getcha somethin'?"
"Coffee would be awesome."
Carly poured her a cup and since it was late and the place was pretty empty, she decided to chat.
"You new to Port Charles?"
"Just got in tonight. I'm Christina Shutt, by the way."
"Carly Morgan."
"You run this place?"
"So where's the name Kelly's come from?"
"I don't really know. Place used to be run by an aunt of my mother's but she died a few years back."
"So you own it now?"
"Me and my cousin and his wife. And his sister and my half-brother, but they're underage so their ownership is in name only."
"Oh, a real family thing?"
"Yeah, a Spencer tradition, I guess."
"Spencer? I thought your name was Morgan?"
"It's my married name. Spencer's my -- well, it's a really long story so let's just say it was my mother's maiden name."
"Oh. So there aren't any more Spencers?"
"Oh, yeah, there's plenty of 'em. My uncle Luke and his wife Laura and their kids and their son's wife and kid -- there's no shortage of Spencers."
Christina nodded, appearing deep in thought.
"Can I ask why you care?" Carly said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Families interest me."
Carly laughed. "Well, if you want interesting, you've come to the right place."
Christina looked thoughtful. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I have."

After dinner, Liz buckled a sleepy Laina into the car and closed the door. She walked around to her side of the car and got in, waving at Lucky as he got in his own car.
"See ya at home," she called.
"Bye Daddy!" Laina screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Laina! Shh! Not so loud."
"Sorry mommy."
"I think somebody's ready for bed."
"But I'm not tired," Laina whined, as she yawned.
"Oh, I think you are."
Laina was asleep by the time they got home. Liz carried her upstairs, put her in bed, and then walked into her bathroom, the pregnancy test box in her hand and a smile on her face.

Lucky smiled as he got in his car and drove home. He parked the car, went inside and headed upstairs. He stopped in Laina's room and, finding her sleeping, walked on down the hall to the master bedroom. As he walked in the door, a square object came flying out of the bathroom and hit him in the head.
"Hey! What was that for?" Liz stalked out of the bathroom and flopped down across the bed.
"Sorry," she mumbled into the blanket.
He picked up whatever it was that had hit him on the head and realized it was the pregnancy test and it hadn't been opened.
"Liz?" he said cautiously. "Aren't you going to take this?"
"No," she snapped.
"Why not?"
"Because, dummy, there is no point." She sat up and when he saw the tears in her eyes, he finally understood -- there would be no baby this month.
"Oh?" she said in disbelief. "Is that all you can say? And God you can be dense sometimes!"
He sighed and sat down next to her, taking her hands in his. "Baby, I'm sorry. But it's not the end of the world."
"Yeah, I guess. I had just hoped it would happen quickly."
"It's only been a month, Liz. Give it a little more time."
"I know. I just want another baby so bad --" The tears began to fall then and he put his arms around her as she cried against his chest.
"Shh, sweetie. It's okay. We can try again, ya know. It's not like this was our one shot."
"I just don't understand. I mean, Laina happened so easily. Why won't my body work now?"
"It didn't happen that easily. We stopped using birth control over a year before you got pregnant. We just weren't -- concentrating on a baby back then, so it seemed like less time."
She sniffled. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"See? We'll just keep trying. At least it's a fun activity, I can think of worse ways to spend time."
"You pig," she said, laughing weakly.
"Maybe so, but at least I made you smile," he said as he lifted her chin and kissed her.


Chapter 4
Liz awoke early the next day, Saturday. Unable to sleep any longer, she decided to get up and go to work. She was brushing her hair in front of her dresser when Lucky began to awaken.
"Liz?" he mumbled sleepily. "What're you doin up?"
"I can't sleep. I figured I'd go to work. I need a distraction."
"Oh. Okay. Laina still asleep?"
"Yeah." She turned around and he could see that her eyes still looked troubled. He sat up.
"Baby, c'mere."
She walked over to their bed and sat down. He put his arms around her and pulled her against his chest.
"I'm really sorry about last night. Everything's gonna be okay."
She hugged him fiercely.
"Thank you Lucky. I needed to hear you say that." She kissed him and then grimaced. "And you need to brush your teeth!"
"Oh go to work already."
She laughed and said, "I'm going, I'm going. Why don't you bring Laina for lunch?"
"If you'll come home then."
"Okay. See ya later."
She stopped in her daughter's room to kiss the forehead of a still sleeping Laina and then she was gone.
Lucky had rolled over and was almost asleep again when a tiny figure in footie pajama's came flying into the room and onto the bed.
"Daddy," she said, patting and poking at him. "Daddy, Daddy, get up. Daddddeeee!"
"Hi Laina," he muttered into his pillow.
"Daddy come on! Wake up!"
"You're asking for it now, little girl," he said as he sat up and pulled her into his lap. "Now you've incurred the wrath of -- the Tickle Monster!"
She giggled and then squealed with laughter as he tickled her.
Finally she wriggled away and stood on Liz's side of the bed. "No more tickling," she told him, in all four-year-old seriousness. He nodded in equal seriousness.
"Okay. You gonna come sit with me?"
She nodded. "It's cartoon day."
"You're exactly right." She settled herself in his lap as he picked up the remote and began flipping channels.
"Look!" she yelped. "Little blue people!"
"Hey, it's the Smurfs. I haven't seen them in forever."
"We gonna watch the blue people?"
"You bet. This is a piece of American history, young lady."
"Okay daddy. If you say so."
He laughed as she snuggled against him and they enjoyed their Saturday morning.


Chapter 5
Carly looked surprised as Liz walked into the diner.
"Hey! Whatcha doin' here?"
"I need a distraction."
"Why? Something happen?"
"Yeah, the same damn thing that's happened every month for way too long."
The light dawned in Carly's eyes. "Oh, you got your period?"
"Yeah. Which means no baby yet."
"Don't stress so much. Just give it time."
"Yeah, that's what Lucky said. I just -- need to take my mind off of things, so here I am."
"No problem with me."
"Hey I hired a new waitress last night."
"Yeah? Who?"
"She's new in town, name's Christina Shutt."
"What in the world brought her here?"
"Family research or something like that."
Christina walked into the back then. "Carly do we -- oh hi!"
"Liz this is Christina Shutt. Chris, Liz Spencer, my cousin's wife."
"It's so nice to meet you."
"Same to you. I hope you'll like it here."
"I'm pretty sure I will." She walked away then and Carly turned back to Liz.
"So -- I was okay to hire her?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, she'll be fine. I was just thinking that there's something really familiar about her."
"Yeah, I noticed that too."
"Oh well. Just one of those faces I guess."
"Yeah. Well, c'mon, we got a business to run."

Later that day

Liz smiled as her daughter ran into the diner.
"Hey there!"
"Hi Mommy."
"What'd you do with your dad?"
"He walks too slow."
"Oh, I see." She looked up as Lucky walked in. "Hey slowpoke," she teased.
"Oh be quiet," he said, kissing her hello.
"Hey, you brushed your teeth!"
"Aren't you proud of me?"
"Extremely. Hey, come meet our new waitress." She waved Christina over. "Christina Shutt, my husband Lucky."
They shook hands and Christina walked away, Lucky staring strangely at her.
"Lucky?? You okay?"
"Yeah. That's weird though."
"I could swear I know her."
"Yeah, we've all thought that."
"Oh well, it'll get figured out someday."


Chapter 6 -- a few weeks later
"Liz are you ready yet??" Lucky called up the stairs.
"Just a minute!"
In other words, he thought, relax and get comfy.
He sat down on the couch to wait. Finally Liz was ready and they headed to the docks, to go to Spoon Island for Nik and Robin's anniversary party. They entered the house, Lucky making his usual vampire cracks and were greeted by Nik and Robin.
"I'm so glad you came," Robin said.
"Me too," Liz said.
"Have a great time!"
They smiled and Liz spotted Christina and went over to talk to her.
"Hey Liz," Chris whispered. "Who is that gorgeous man over there?"
"Which one?"
"The one holding the baby."
"Stefan Cassadine???"
"That's Stefan?? He is hot."
"Sure, if you like older, evil guys."
"Well, I wanna go meet him."
"Suit yourself."
"I'll find you later."
"We're probly not staying too long."
"Why not?"
A mischievous smile spread across Liz's face. "Lucky and I have plans tonight."
"Oh really?" Christina said, smiling knowingly. She and Liz had become fast friends and she knew all about the baby mission.
"Yeah, really."
"I understand. If I don't see you again then have fun."
"Of course. You too."

But the months dragged on and still no baby. Laina had her fifth birthday and started school. Christina carried on a secret affair with Stefan that became highly public when he died of a heart attack while they were in bed together. It had taken several months before Lucky would let her back in the house. Will and Lu maintained a happy cycle of breaking and making up. And every month on schedule, Liz and Lucky made love, desperately hoping to make a baby. And every month, it didn't happen. It got to the point where Liz couldn't even look at a box of tampons without starting to cry.
And before they knew it, a year had passed since they started the fertility drug treatments.


Chapter 7
April 2014

Liz walked into the living room where Lucky was watching TV and announced, "I have an idea."
"What's that?"
"I think it's time we got you checked out."
"You know what I mean. What if this isn't about me? What if you have a low sperm count or something?"
"Liz, as much as I want another kid, I do not want to go to some doctor to watch a porno and play with myself."
"Please Lucky?" She walked over and sat in his lap, kissing him. "For me??"
"Liz, this isn't fair." She kept kissing him and he groaned. "You know I can't say no to you when you do this. The whole idea is just so --"
"Pleeese Lucky? C'mon, I'll go with you. I bet they'll let me help." She grinned wickedly and kissed him again.
"Well --" He was cut off as she kissed him once more.
"Alright, alright, I'll go."
"Good. I made you an appointment for tomorrow morning."
She smiled sweetly and hopped up.
"Laina! Time for dinner!" And she walked into the kitchen.
Lucky shook his head. The woman was a genius.

Liz opened her eyes the next morning to find Lucky lying on his side, his head propped on his elbow and his eyes fixed on her.
"Morning," she said. "What are you doing?"
"Trying to figure out how to tell you that I'm not going to any doctor today."
She stared at him in disbelief. "What do you mean you're not going?"
"I mean exactly that. I don't want to go."
"Lucky --"
"What, Liz? It's embarrassing and a waste of time. We know we're capable of getting pregnant. We have one kid, we can do it again. You just need to be patient."
"Lucky, what the hell has gotten into you?"
"Nothing's gotten into me. I just don't think we need to drag a doctor into something we can handle on our own. I don't need some stupid guy in a white coat to tell us what we already know."
"Is this some kinda macho power trip? You think you'll be seen as less of a man or something?? That has got to be one of the most f**ked up things I've ever heard you say."
He shrugged. "Maybe."
"Lucky! For God's sake, you wouldn't be the first guy in the world to do this you know."
"I don't care. I don't want to go to the doctor."
"Well guess what? I don't care either. You are going, whether you like it or not."
"We'll see." And he stalked off to the shower while she went to wake Laina up.

After she got Laina up and ready for school, she set her at the table to eat her breakfast and went back upstairs to get herself ready. She walked into the bathroom where Lucky was shaving and just stood there, staring at him. Finally he looked at her.
"Are you almost ready to go?"
"Were you not listening a few minutes ago?? I told you I wasn't going."
"Oh, yes you are, damnit!"
"Don't use that tone with me Elizabeth."
"I will use whatever tone I damn well please, Lucas. You are going."
"No I'm not!"
"Damnit Lucky!" She picked up her hairbrush and hurled it across the room. It hit the far wall and the handle snapped in half. "Why do you always have to be so stubborn??" She sagged against the bathroom counter, all the rage suddenly gone and only despair left. "Please Lucky?" she whispered. "I mean, you're probably right, he'll probly just tell us we have to keep being patient, but still -- I want you to do this for me, I need you to do this."
He sighed. "Okay. I will go, just to reassure you that everything is fine. And then I don't want to hear anything else about this okay?"
"Alright. Thank you Lucky."
"Yeah sure. Well, let's go and get this over with."


Chapter 8

As they drove to Kelly's after their appointment, it was silent in the car. Liz snuck a look at her husband. He was like a statue, staring straight ahead at the road in front of him.
"Thank you for going," she said, in a voice so low it was almost a whisper.
"Yeah sure," he said, still barely moving.
"Lucky --"
"Please don't be this way. I don't think you've even blinked since we got in the car. The whole thing wasn't that bad and it's not that big a deal."
"You just don't understand do you?"
"No, actually, I don't. Maybe you should explain it to me?"
He sighed heavily as he pulled into the lot at Kelly's. "It's --I dunno, it's like you're questioning my abilities as a guy or something. I mean, part of being a husband is to give your wife babies, right? And if I can't do that, well, then what kind of man am I?"
Cautiously, she reached out to gently touch his shoulder. "Lucky, look at me."
Slowly he turned his head to face her.
"Look at my eyes. Do you see any -- any contempt, any sign that I think less of you as a man or even as a person?? To be honest, if you hadn't been such a jerk about going, I would almost think more of you for putting aside your pride. This is not about me questioning your "husbandly duties" or about any of your macho crap. It's about the fact that I -- that WE -- want to have a baby and we should do everything we can to reach that goal."
He sighed again. "Yeah."
"Lucky, please."
He looked at her again, looked into the big green eyes that knew him so well, that he loved so much. And he saw the love there, the years of friendship and passion and disagreements that had built their relationship. And he felt horrible for the way he'd acted. He sighed again. "I'm sorry baby. I guess this whole thing is just stressing me out. We need to relax, you wanna go to dinner at Luke's tonight?"
She smiled gratefully in relief. "Of course I do. Why don't I see if your parents will take Laina for the night, so we can spend an evening just us?"
"Sounds good to me. Now we better get in there before Carly kills us and the entire lunch crowd!"
With a laugh, she got out of the car and he followed her into Kelly's.


Chapter 9

Liz handed Laina's overnight bag to Laura, saying, "Thank you so much for keeping her tonight." "It's not a problem, you know we love to have her. Besides --" she lowered her voice "-- Will and Lu are in an off-again phase and the distraction will be good for her."
She nodded. "I understand. Well, I'm glad we can help then. I guess I better get going, Lucky's waiting for me. Hey Laina, you gonna come tell me bye?"
"Me and Aunt Lu are busy playin'."
"Well, put the play on hold and come kiss your old mom good-bye."
"Come on Laina," Lu said. "See I'm pausing the game."
"Okay," Laina said, finally running over to quickly hug her mother and then she ran back to her game as the adults exchanged good-byes and Liz finally left. Since Lucky was coming from work, they'd decided it would be simplest to drive two cars and just meet up at the club.

Luke's was typical for a Friday night and they saw plenty of people they knew. They had a good meal and enjoyed the evening immensely.
Liz smiled at Lucky across the table as they finished their dinner.
"This was really nice."
"Yeah, it was. Hey, there's Emily, let's go say hi."
She nodded in agreement and they walked over to her table.
"Hey you two! What's going on?"
"Nothing much, just thought we'd say hello," Lucky told her.
"You're not here alone are you?" Liz asked.
"Nah, Eric's in the back playing pool."
"Ohh. I see."
"I think I'll go find him and say hey. Maybe I'll play a game or two. That okay, hon?" Lucky asked. "Yeah, sure," Liz said. "Just don't be gone too long. You know tonight's the night." "Yeah, I know. You've only told me like a thousand times."
"Okay, okay. See ya in a few."

But when two hours passed and Lucky still hadn't returned, Liz was getting pissed. She said good-bye to Emily and walked to the back room. Eric caught sight of her and nudged Lucky, who had by this time had quite a bit to drink.
"Hey Spencer, there's your wife. She don't look too happy."
"Liz, darlin!" he called. "Whatcha need?"
"I need to talk to you."
"I'm kinda in the middle of something here. Can't it wait?"
"No it can't Lucky."
"Lizzie --"
"Lucky, come ON."
He followed her out of the back and into the office.
"Okay baby what's up?"
"What have you been doing for the last two hours? I thought you were coming back in a few minutes."
"It's been two hours already? Really?"
"Yeah it has."
His expression immediately became apologetic. "Baby, I'm sorry, I totally lost track of time." He leaned in to kiss her and she pulled back.
"Don't even try it, all the Spencer charm in the world isn't gonna fly this time."
"What is with you?"
"Look at you Lucky, you're drunk off your ass. You know good and well that if we want to get pregnant this month, we need to have sex tonight and you're so far gone you probably won't even be able to function! You're not even supposed to be drinking at all when we're trying to have a baby!!"
He groaned. "Geez, are you harpin on that damn baby thing again?"
"Harping?? What is with you these days?"
"Yeah, whatever. Do you really want another baby? You don't care do you?"
"Yes, Liz, I care. And yes I want another kid. I am just sick and tired of this -- this desperation of yours running our life. A baby is all you can think about. What about me, what about Laina? We need you too."
"I have not neglected any part of my life because of this and you know it."
"Okay, well maybe I don't like being TOLD when I can and cannot make love to my wife!!"
"Lucky, sex is not all there is to our relationship."
"I know that, Elizabeth. If you will recall, I waited for four years until you were ready to sleep with me. And I waited for YOU, I didn't run around behind your back with anyone else. And we both know I could have. But I didn't, I didn't because I wanted sex between us to be special, not meaningless like what that guy did to you. But now it's not special. It's not fun or spontaneous anymore, it's when you say we can and I don't know what I hate more, being on a flipping schedule or feeling like I'm some kinda machine you keep around the house to use when it suits your purposes."
"I cannot believe you just said all that. In the first place no one ever said you had to wait for me, that was your own choice. And honestly I didn't think that really mattered much, we were always friends before lovers, sex just became a new dimension for our relationship. And maybe it made it better, I don't know. I don't even care right now, cuz that's not the point."
"Well, maybe you should tell me what the point is then." He looked at her and added sarcastically, "Darlin."
"The point," she said tightly, "is that we made a conscious decision, together, to try to have another child and if following a schedule for having sex for a little while is the only way, well than that's what we gotta do."
"No that's what you say we gotta do. And quite frankly, I'm sick of it."
"Lucky! What is your problem??"
"I don't have a problem."
"Well, you sure could've fooled me."
"Look Liz, do you want me to try to explain?"
"No I don't actually. I want to go home. And that is where I'm going. I guess I'll see you there whenever you sober up and get a clue."
"Liz --"
"Good night Lucky."
She spun on her heel and walked out of the office and out to her car.
She smacked her hand against the steering wheel, fuming. He was being such a total jerk! What was his problem?? Suddenly she realized she didn't want to go home. She wanted a drink and she wanted it now. She caught sight of a bar and pulled into the parking lot. She walked inside and sat down. Ordering a drink, she sat there thinking about her suddenly shaky marriage, trying to figure out what in the world was wrong with Lucky.


Chapter 10

Lucky stood for a long time, staring at the office door that his wife had left through. What was with her lately?? She was so obsessed with this baby thing that she didn't seem to care or even think about anything else anymore. He shook his head and walked back out to the main part of the club. He sat down at the bar and was about to get another drink when a voice came from beside him.
"You here alone tonight?"
He looked over and saw one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. Even though she was sitting down, he could tell she was tall and she had long blond hair and piercing blue eyes.
"Yeah, I'm afraid so."
"That's terrible. Handsome men like you should never be alone on a Friday night."
"Yeah, well tell that to my wife. She just left here without me."
"Is she stupid? Or just blind?"
"I don't know. I really don't wanna talk about her right now."
"Well, hey, I don't want you to do anything you don't wanna do."
"So what do you want?"
"Well, a drink would be nice to start with."
"I think I can handle that."
He got up and walked around to the other side of the bar.
"Are you allowed to do that?"
"My dad owns the place. It's cool," he said, handing her a drink.
"No shit? That's awesome. I'm Bailey, by the way."
"That's an unusual name."
"Named for -- get this -- an old boyfriend of my mom's. She falls in love like a zillion years before she met my dad and I get saddled with this weird-ass name forever."
"Hey, I understand weird names. I'm -- brace yourself, it's a mouthful -- Lucas Lorenzo Jr., more commonly known as Lucky."
She laughed. "So do you live up to your name?? Are you a lucky guy?"
"I try."
"Really?" she asked, leaning towards him seductively.
"Yeah," he whispered hoarsely, his mouth suddenly dry.
"I bet I could make you feel pretty lucky tonight. What do you say we get outta here?"
"Sounds good to me right about now. Let's go."
"I don't have a car, you mind driving?" she asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"Not a problem." Lucky whispered, extremely overcome with desire.
Once they reached her apartment, she said, "So tell me about yourself. What's a married man doing getting picked up at a bar?"
And suddenly the whole story just spilled out of him. The stress, anger and frustration of the past few years. He told her everything, finishing with the fight that evening.
"And I just don't know where we stand now."
"Do you want my opinion?" she asked gently.
"Yeah sure, tell me whatcha think."
"I think she's being a selfish bitch. Obviously she only wants you for the sole purpose of getting her pregnant."
He sighed heavily, shaking his head. " I just don't know, I really don't. I mean we've got 16 years behind us, this can't be all there is. But I don't know, maybe it don't even matter anymore."
She moved closer to him on the couch, placing a hand on his thigh. "I don't think it does," she said, snaking her other arm behind his neck. "Just forget about her," she whispered, pulling his head to hers and kissing him.
For a second he froze. And then he kissed her back. He closed his eyes and lost himself completely.
"Liz," he whispered as they broke apart. And then his eyes snapped open, looking into her blue eyes. Blue. Liz's eyes were green. What the hell was he doing? He jumped up and grabbed his coat.
"What's wrong? Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to lead you on. But I can't do this. I can't. I love my wife, I have to talk to her, we can work this out. I'm sorry, I have to go."
She stood up and walked over to him. "Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed. But I understand. I hope she realizes just how lucky she is. And if things ever change, well, give me a call."
He nodded as she reached up and lightly brushed his lips with her own. "Good-night Lucky."
"Good-bye Bailey." And he walked out the door.


Chapter 11

AJ Quartermaine stared at Liz as she entered the bar, a little shocked to see her in a place like that. He sat in a far corner, in the shadows, watching her at the bar. He couldn't believe he'd never noticed before how beautiful and sexy she was. She'd been at his house to see Emily a zillion times over the years. Seemed as though his little sister's little friend was a big girl all grown up now. A slow grin spread across his face as he nursed his beer. Tonight, he thought to himself, maybe I won't get too drunk.

Liz sat at the bar, still unable to believe how stupid Lucky was acting. She couldn't believe he was actually bitching about not getting laid often enough. Men were all scum. She'd always thought Lucky was different, always thought that sex was just an added benefit to their relationship, but it all came down to the plain and simple fact that men just wanted sex. Tears welled in her eyes, but she was determined not to cry this time. As the bartender handed her a second drink, AJ made his move.

Several hours later
There was no other way to put it -- Liz was drunk, totally trashed. She knew every move she made but she was beyond the point of even caring anymore.
AJ slid his arms around her waist and kissed her. Her entire body reacted to his touch, his taste and she kissed him back hungrily. For so long it had only been Lucky -- it had ALWAYS been only Lucky. She had never even considered the possibility of being with anyone else -- and yet here she was. This felt so good, so new and exciting, she thought as she ran her hands through his hair and down his already bare chest.
AJ made short work of removing her clothes and he stared in appreciation at her beautiful body as he gently lowered her to the bed. His body pressed against hers and Liz moaned as he entered her and she gave herself up to the heat of the moment.

A couple hours later
Liz drove home slowly, the window rolled down, trying to clear her head. God, what a night it had been. She knew she should feel guilty but she could only smile when she thought of AJ making love to her. Not that he was better than Lucky, she thought in defense of her husband, just new and different. But she had to admit, it had been pretty damn good.
She pulled into her driveway and was mildly surprised to find that Lucky wasn't home yet. Then she let out a sigh of relief. This way she didn't have to explain anything, she could just tell him she drove around until she cooled off or something. She ran into the house, took a quick shower, and collapsed into bed.

Lucky let himself into the house as quietly as possible. If Liz was already asleep, he didn't want to wake her up, he could wait a few more hours till morning to talk to her. He slipped into the bedroom, walked towards the bed and just stood there watching her sleep for a few minutes. God, she was beautiful, her hair all messy on the pillow, the barest hint of a smile on her face. He loved her so much, how had he been able to even think of betraying her with Bailey? He quickly shed his clothes, dropping them on the floor and then he slipped under the covers and reached out to gently brush a lock of hair from her eyes. "I'm sorry, baby," he whispered to himself.

Liz wasn't sure how much time had passed when she realized Lucky was in the bed with her. Half-awake, she felt him push her hair off her face and she half-opened her eyes to look at him. She saw the love and regret in the eyes that were so incredibly blue and somehow she knew that everything would be okay between them. She snuggled up close to him and laid her head on his chest.
"I love you, Lucky," she whispered sleepily.
"Love you too," he said, kissing the top of her head as he enveloped her in his arms and they drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 12

Liz awoke early the next morning to soft kisses on her inner thighs.
"Lucky?" she mumbled sleepily.
"Shh. I want to apologize for last night," he said between kisses, each one bringing her more and more pleasure. "And we have to stay on schedule, remember?" He grinned up at her as he slid one finger inside her. She moaned as his tongue went back to work.
"Well, this sure is one hell of a way to apologize," Liz gasped out. She ran her fingers through his hair and in the haze of pleasure and sleepiness that clouded her mind, AJ flashed briefly through her thoughts and she almost called out his name, but managed to quickly turn it into a moan.
Lucky started moving up her body, kissing her as he went. "I want to make love to you, Liz," he breathed against her skin.
"No," she said firmly and then laughed at his shocked expression as she pushed him onto his back. "I want to make love to you," she said playfully, as she climbed on top and lowered herself onto him.
"Oh, God, Liz," he moaned as he pulled her head towards his. Their lips met in a hungry, rough, extremely passionate kiss and the world disappeared around them.

They lay intertwined together for a long time afterward. Liz had her head resting on his chest, listening to his heart beat, deep in thought. The night spent with AJ seemed a million years ago and she knew it didn't really mean anything anyway. It might have been great sex, but there was no one like Lucky. Lucky and her life with him was all that mattered. She had all she'd ever need; the man she'd loved since she was fifteen years old, the relationship they had built, the child they'd had together, the second child they hoped to have. She sighed and snuggled closer to him, smiling as she felt his arms tighten around her. She reached up and brushed his hair out of his eyes; he needed a haircut, it was getting long again. He caught her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.
"So -- am I forgiven?"
She could tell he was grinning without even looking at him. She smiled against his chest. "Well, considering I did all the work this time, I don't know. But yeah, I think I'd have to say apology accepted."
"I love you Lizzie," he whispered into her hair. "Baby, I love you so much --"
She twisted her head around to look up at him. "I know, Lucky. I love you too. And I'm sorry I've been so single-minded lately --"
"Lizzie, no, I'm the one who's been a jerk. I can't believe I just left you sitting for so long last night. I deserved to have you walk out on me."
"Lucky, it's okay."
"No. No it's not. I have to tell you the truth. There was a woman --"
"Lucky, you don't have to tell me anything. What happened last night happened. It's over and it doesn't matter anymore --"
"No, you didn't let me finish. This woman -- she came on to me. And I have to admit, I was tempted, I really was. But all I could think about was you and how sorry I was and how unworthy I was of you --"
"Lucky, don't. Don't do that. You came home to me and that's what matters, right?" She turned her head and bit her lip.
"Yeah," he said, talking into her hair again. "You're right. We came home to each other and that's all that matters."
"Yeah," she whispered as she laid her head back on his chest, her thoughts running wild. I can't tell him, he can never know. He will never know.
She lifted her head back up and kissed him fiercely.
They broke apart, both breathless. "Whoa," he said. "What was that for?"
She smiled at him. "Because I love you and you're wonderful."
"Well, who am I to argue with that?" He grinned at her, the same grin that, even after so many years, still made her heart skip a beat like it had the first time she saw it, and he kissed her, rolling over so he was on top of her. She had totally lost herself in his kiss when the doorbell cut through the romantic haze.


Chapter 13

The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, jarring them back to reality. With a groan, Lucky rolled off of her.
"Damn. Who the hell is that and what do they want at this ungodly hour?"
Liz laughed. "Oh poor baby. And besides, YOU'RE the one who woke ME up."
He laughed at that and then they both froze as they heard the front door open and a familiar little voice called out "Mommy! Daddy!"
Then Lu's voice, "Laina, wait! Don't wake them up!"
In a panic, they jumped out of bed, frantically trying to dress themselves from the clothes that were scattered on the floor.
"Lucky, where the hell are my clothes?" she whispered at him.
"I don't know!" he said. "I wasn't here when you went to bed. I don't even know where MY clothes are."
Just then he found his boxer shorts and yanked them on. As Laina's voice got closer, he grabbed a T-shirt and tossed it to Liz. She caught it and yanked it over her head just as the door opened and Laina flew in. Lu appeared in the doorway behind her.
"I'm so sorry guys, I tried to catch her. She didn't wake you up, did she?"
And then as her eyes took in the unmade bed, the clothes on the floor and the fact that her brother was standing there in his underwear and his wife wasn't wearing much else, she suddenly understood. The color rose in her cheeks.
Lucky and Liz exchanged a look and Liz picked Laina up.
"Come on, let's go unpack your stuff. I think Daddy needs to talk to Aunt Lu." She smiled reassuringly at her sister-in-law as she walked out the door.
Once they were gone, Lu looked at her brother. "God Lucky, I am so sorry. I know she wasn't sposed to come back this early but Mom and Dad are at work and Will called being all sweet and apologetic and wanting to meet for breakfast and --"
Lucky put his hands on her shoulders. "You're babbling again, Sis. It's no big deal, I promise. Just be glad you didn't get here any earlier." He grinned at her and she had to laugh.
"Lucky that's disgusting," she said, lightly punching his arm. "That's --ew! I don't wanna think about that!"
He laughed. "Well don't then. Go meet Will and kiss and make up."
"Okay. I think I will. I'll see you later."
"Bye! And thanks!"
"No problem," she called over her shoulder as she ran down the stairs and out the door. Laughing softly to himself, he finally found a shirt. Pulling it on, he wandered down the hall.

Liz set Laina down in the middle of the room.
"Can you unpack your bag, sweetie?" she asked.
"Unhuh," she said nodding.
"Okay," Liz said, kneeling on the floor next to her and opening the little travel suitcase.
"Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Lu?"
"Unhuh. Did you have fun with Daddy?"
To say the least, Liz thought and then forced herself to keep a straight face. "Yeah, we had a nice time. We missed you though."
"I missed you too, Mommy. But I'm glad you're not mad at Daddy anymore."
"What?" Liz said in shock. "Why do you think I was mad at Daddy?"
"You yelled at him yesterday. I don't like it when you yell. It scares me."
Liz felt her heart break a little as she realized the fear her daughter had been put through unintentionally.
"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. Daddy and I don't mean to yell. We're just very stressed about something right now and we took it out on each other. We shouldn't have done that and I'm so sorry we scared you."
"It's okay. I was just afraid that maybe you -- you didn't love each other anymore." Her lower lip trembled and tears welled up in her big blue eyes.
"Oh Laina," Liz said, pulling her daughter into her lap and hugging her close, tears coming to her own eyes. "Don't ever think that. Not ever, ever. Even if we fight a little, Daddy and I still love each other more than anything in the world."
"That's right," Lucky said as he walked into the room. Liz smiled up at him and then leaned against him as he sat down next to her. Laina held out her arms to him and he pulled her into his lap. "And," he continued," the only thing that your mom and I could possibly love more than each other is you. And don't you ever forget that."
Laina nodded as she yawned.
"Not tired, are ya? You and Aunt Lu probably stayed up all night playing video games, didn't you?" Liz said.
"Uhnuh," she said, shaking her head as she yawned again and her eyelids drooped.
Her parents laughed and Liz stood up. Lucky handed her their daughter and she laid her down on her bed. Lucky pulled off her shoes and socks and put her blanket over her. He dropped a kiss on her forehead and then Liz turned out the light and they left the room.


Chapter 14

Liz pulled Laina's door closed and then turned around and collapsed against her husband. Only then did she let the tears fall. Lucky was a little confused by her actions, but managed to react quickly. He wrapped his arms around her, one hand smoothing down her hair.
"Shh, baby, shh. What is wrong?" he whispered.
She sniffled and stepped back, rubbing her eyes. "You were right. I have been totally preoccupied lately. I haven't even thought about how the way I've been acting would affect her."
"Liz, no. Don't beat yourself up over this. She'll be fine, kids her age just need reassurance."
She closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair, sighing heavily. "Yeah, I know. I just feel so awful --"
"I know. This isn't all you, remember, I haven't exactly been Mr. Wonderful lately."
She laughed at that. "Yeah, no kidding."
"C'mon, it's still early in the morning. Let's go back to bed."
"We going back to sleep or just back to the bed?" she asked teasingly.
"I dunno. I spose we could work on Laina's brother or sister a little more if you wanna," he said grinning. She grinned back at him, but then her expression turned serious.
"You know, Lucky, you're probably gonna hate me for saying this, but I almost don't care right now if we have another child. We have so much already --"
"Lizzie, don't say that. You know you don't mean it."
She smiled sheepishly. "You really know me too well, you know that?"
"Yeah, well, you know something? I'll be honest, before today, I was pretty ambivalent as far as another kid went. But sitting there with Laina, watching you with her when you didn't know I was there -- well, I'm in with you 110% now."
"Oh Lucky," she whispered. "Thank you for saying that."
He shrugged. "It's the truth. Hey, when will we hear from the doctor?"
"Sometime this week, I think. I hope it's what we wanna hear."
"I bet it will be. We're gonna have another baby, Liz. I just know it."
"Pretty sure of yourself there, aren't ya?" she teased.
"Unhuh," he said. A slow, lazy grin spread across his face. He walked over to her, slid his arms around her waist, and kissed her.
"I believe you were complaining earlier about having had to do all the work?" he whispered in between kisses.
"Yeah?" she breathed.
He stopped kissing her and looked her dead in the eye. "Would it be all right with you if I tried to make up for that?"
She looked back into his eyes. Such blue eyes, so easy to lose herself in them. She put her arms around his neck and pulled his head back down to hers. "I think I can deal with that," she whispered as their lips met and they fell to the bed.


Chapter 15
Later that week

Liz was curled up on the couch watching Laina play with her dolls when the phone rang one afternoon.
"Yes, can I speak to Lucas Spencer please?"
"He's not home right now, can I take a message?"
"Is this Mrs. Spencer?"
"Yes, it is. Who's calling please?"
"This is the office of Dr. Franklin. I believe your husband was in for testing last week?"
"Yes, yes he was," Liz said as she sat up.
"Well, I had hoped to speak to him directly but I suppose I can tell you if that's my only choice."
I think you CAN tell me, bitch, I am his wife, ya know, she thought. "Tell me what?"
"Mrs. Spencer -- I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your husband has an incredibly low sperm count. I'm afraid it would be almost a miracle for him to impregnate you naturally."
Liz was silent, tears filling her eyes.
"Mrs. Spencer?? Are you still there?"
"What? Oh, yes I'm here. I'm just -- so what does this mean? What are our options now?"
"It says on Mr. Spencer's chart that you were supposed to have intercourse this weekend. Did you have sex this weekend?"
Nosy bitch, Liz thought. Probly can't find a man of her own so she lives vicariously through the patients. I should tell her I had Lucky AND AJ this weekend.
"Not that it's really any of your business, but yes."
"Alright then. I would say for you to just wait until you find out if you've gotten pregnant this month or not and then, if you haven't, call the office and make an appointment to discuss other methods."
"Do you have any other questions?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Well, then , have a nice day."
Liz hung up the phone. "Yeah, sure," she said to herself, the tears spilling over and rolling down her face.
Quickly she grabbed a Kleenex, blew her nose, and then wiped the tears away. She couldn't let Laina see her upset. She stood up.
"Where ya goin, Mommy?"
"Oh just upstairs to lay down. You'll be okay playing down here, right?"
She nodded, already totally absorbed again in pretend.
Liz walked upstairs, lay down on her bed, and cried until she fell asleep.

Lucky ran into the house an hour or so later. Laina looked up as he entered the room. "Hey little girl, how was your day?"
"Hi Daddy!!!" she said as she ran to hug him. "I playin."
"I see that. Where's your mom?"
"Upstairs. She's takin a nap."
"Yeah, I guess she's tired."
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm gonna go see if she's awake, okay?"
"Okay. Then will you come play with me?"

Lucky walked into their bedroom as quietly as possible and went over to the bed. He sat down next to her sleeping form as she stirred slightly and then opened her eyes.
"Hey you," he said.
He reached out to smooth her hair back. "You okay? Laina said you were napping and I got worried."
"Yeah," she said, sitting up. "I'm fine, I'm just really tired from working the night shift yesterday."
"Oh okay. Be glad you weren't there today, it was a madhouse."
"Yeah? I wonder why."
"I dunno. Oh, AJ Quartermaine was in today. He said to tell you hello."
"He -- he did?"
"Yeah. I didn't think you knew him that well?"
"I don't," she said with more intensity than she intended as she thought, no, I don't know him -- just every inch of his body. Then she shook her head and looked at Lucky , pasting a smile on her face. "I'm sure he was just being polite since I'm a friend of Emily's or something."
"Yeah, that's what I figured. Hey, I just had a thought."
"For real? You think?" she teased.
"Oh be quiet. No seriously, doesn't being pregnant make you more tired than usual?"
"Yeah, but it hasn't even been a week yet. It wouldn't affect me so soon. At least I don't think it would."
"Well it was just a thought. I just have a good feeling this time. I just know it's gonna finally happen."
"Well, aren't you smart," she said with a grin. And then she made her decision. "Oh by the way, the doctor's office called today. You were right, they just said we gotta be patient till it happens."
"See? I told you."
"Yeah, yeah." She smiled at him and then laid her head on his shoulder.
They sat there together in silence for a few minutes and then he jumped up. "Come on, get up and change clothes. Let's go out to dinner as a family."
"Mom always said never turn down a free meal." She grinned and got up to get dressed while he ran downstairs to get Laina ready.


Chapter 16
Another few weeks after that, May 2014

Liz was sitting in the office at Kelly's looking over a pile of bills when Carly stuck her head in the door.
"Someone's here to see you Liz."
"Really? Who?"
Carly just smiled mysteriously and raised an eyebrow. "I think I'll let you see for yourself."
They walked out the front of the restaurant and Carly pointed to a table in the far corner. "Over there."
Whoever it was, he had his back to them and Liz walked over slowly. She stopped just behind his chair.
"You wanted to see me?"
"Yeah," AJ said as he turned his head and she almost fell over in shock.
AJ jumped up and put his hands on her waist to steady her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
She shook him off and quickly motioned for him to follow her outside. Once they were out there, she turned to face him. "What in hell's name are you doing here?? What if --"
"Relax," he said soothingly as his hands went back to her hips. "I'm not going to stay long. I -- just wanted to apologize for what happened between us a few weeks ago. I knew you were drunk and I took advantage of that and I'm sorry."
Liz smiled reassuringly. "You don't have to apologize. I may have been drunk, but I knew exactly what I was doing. And I have no regrets."
His eyes lit up and he grinned. "Really?"
"Yeah." Her expression softened as she thought back to that night. "It was a pretty amazing night." She placed her hand on his chest, then quickly pulled it away as she remembered where she was.
"Funny, that's what I was just thinking." His hands tightened their grip on her.
She laughed nervously and he slowly released her. "Well, I better get out of here. Guess I'll see ya around."
"Yeah," she echoed softly. "See ya."
She watched him leave and then slowly walked back to the office in a daze.

A few minutes later, Carly reappeared.
"Okay, spill it. Why was AJ visiting you?"
She jerked her head up, startled out of her reverie. "What?"
"You heard me. What did he want?"
She got up and closed the door. "Carly, can you keep a secret?"
"You're asking me that question?"
"Sorry, I forget sometimes. But I'm serious, you can't tell Jason or your mother or especially Lucky."
"I promise, my lips are sealed."
"Okay, I can't believe I'm doing this cuz I swore to myself I'd never tell anyone, but it's driving me crazy and I've gotta tell someone --"
"What is it?"
"Carly, I slept with AJ."
Carly's mouth dropped open and she stood there staring at Liz in shock.
"You did what??"
She laughed, a laugh completely devoid of emotion. "Yeah, you heard right. Me, little Mrs. Lucky Spencer, Mrs. I-love-my-husband-so-much-it's-disgusting, had sex with AJ Quartermaine. Sex. The word almost seems too tame. Good, old-fashioned, out-and-out f**king is more like it." "Yeah, he always was good at that," Carly mused reflectively to herself.
"Did you say something?" Liz asked distractedly.
"Huh? Me? No, I didn't say anything."
"Oh okay."
"Well okay. So you had one night. You went home to Lucky right?"
"Yeah." She laughed emotionlessly again. "And get this -- we did it the next morning. Twice."
"Well. You certainly were busy weren't you?" Carly grinned. "And everyone thought I was the whore around here."
She laughed. "I guess so."
"So what's the problem? You and Lucky seem happier than ever lately."
"We are happy. It's just -- okay, here's the thing. I think I may finally be pregnant."
Carly hugged her. "Oh Liz that's great!"
"It would be except -- and you can't tell anyone this either, even Lucky doesn't know -- the doctors said it'd be a miracle if Lucky ever got me pregnant again. And I didn't tell him, CAN'T tell him that, because his stupid male ego's been so fragile lately."
Understanding dawned in Carly's eyes. "Ohh. I see."
"Yeah. And guess who's baby this probably is?"
"Oh Liz. What're you gonna do?"
"I don't know, I really don't. I mean, I only started to suspect yesterday, cuz I mean, I've been late before, but this time I'm having all the body changes and stuff and I guess I just figured I'd tell Lucky we were pregnant and let him assume it was his. But then AJ had to walk in here today and suddenly I feel awful for thinking of keeping his child from him."
"Yeah, but Liz, one night does not a father make. Lucky's who you love right?"
"Yeah. I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?"
"Not really."
"Oh well. Maybe I'm even worrying for nothing."
"Well, for God's sake, go buy an EPT or something and go home and find out. And then tell Lucky he's gonna be a daddy again and live happily ever after."
She laughed. "Sounds like as good a plan as any. Can you hold it together here tonight?"
"Of course! I'll be fine. Go on."
Impulsively, Liz hugged her cousin-in-law. "Thanks, you've been a big help."
"Bye!" Liz said as she ran out the door.


Chapter 17

Liz sat in the bathroom, waiting for the test results, her mind spinning at a mile a minute.
"Oh God, what if it's positive?? There's almost no way it can be Lucky's and I can't ever tell him that, he'd kill me, he'd be so hurt, but what about AJ, doesn't he deserve to know he has a kid? And damn he looked good today. No Liz, don't think about that, Lucky's your husband, you love him. Isn't the time up yet?? Why does this take so long? AUGH!!"
Finally, the time was up and she stood up and walked to the counter. She was almost afraid to look. And then she finally did. And then just stared in shock.
"Oh my God," she whispered. She was pregnant.
She sat down hard on the edge of the tub. Positive. But Lucky couldn't -- oh God, it's not Lucky's. This baby isn't Lucky's. AJ, oh God, this child would be AJ's. Hot tears ran down her face.
"Liz? Geez, how long does this thing take?" Liz wiped her tears away as Lucky's voice invaded her thoughts from behind the closed door.
She got up, plastered a smile on her face, and opened the bathroom door. "We're gonna have a baby, Lucky!" she yelled as he picked her up and spun her around.
"See baby, I told you there was nothin' wrong with me," he said triumphantly as he began to kiss her.
Liz closed her eyes and thoughts of AJ floated through her mind. As she vowed to herself that no one would ever know, she prayed that Carly would keep her secret. Lucky would keep his pride over his manhood and he'd never know any difference.
"I guess I should've had more faith in you," she said, breaking the kiss. She smiled up at him. "I love you so much."


Chapter 18
A few days later ~ Saturday morning

Liz was walking back to the bed after a bout with morning sickness when Laina ran into the room and jumped up on her mother. Liz stumbled back a little, but managed to catch her.
Lucky sat up. "Be careful, Laina!" he said sharply.
Laina looked taken aback and then tears filled her eyes. "I -- I'm sorry, Mommy."
"Oh, honey, it's okay," she said as she rubbed her back and shot an evil look at Lucky. "You don't need to scare her, I'm not an invalid," she whispered at him.
"Yeah, but I don't wanna take chances."
"I know, I know." She walked to the bed and set Laina down and then she lay down next to her. She looked at Lucky across Laina's head. "Should we tell her?" she mouthed. He nodded.
"Laina -- we have something important to tell you."
She looked worried. "Are -- are you getting a di -- div --"
"Divorce?" Laina nodded. "Oh, honey, no, of course not. Where did you hear that word anyway?"
She shrugged. "School."
"Oh. Laina, your daddy and I will always be together," Liz said as she grabbed Lucky's hand and they smiled at each other. "Sweetie, we're gonna have a baby."
"Well, because we want to. And we thought it might be fun for you to have a little brother or sister. You know, like Eddie and Anna."
"Oh. Well, where's the baby?"
Liz pointed to her stomach. "It's in here. See, it's not gonna get here for awhile, probly not till after Christmas. It has to stay inside me until it's big enough to be born."
"Oh. You're gonna get fat?"
They laughed. "Well, yeah, I guess so. But most of it will go away when the baby's born."
"Oh. Okay. But how did the baby get in your tummy?"
Liz looked at Lucky. "Well -- um -- you wanna take this one?"
He rolled his eyes at her. "You know your mom and I love each other a lot, right?"
Laina nodded.
"Okay. Well -- uh -- see, one night -- there was just so much love -- that it made a whole new person."
She nodded, seemingly satisfied.
"Okay. Can I go play now?"
They watched her march out of the room and then Liz collapsed into giggles.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. I was just thinking." About AJ.
"About what?"
"Nothing. Nevermind." She smiled.
He looked confused and then shrugged.
"Okay. Go back to sleep, you obviously need some rest."


Chapter 19
Few weeks later, June 2014

Lucky was home alone, watching TV. Liz and Laina were over at Emily's. The phone rang and he reached out a hand to pick it up.
"Is this Mr. Spencer?"
"Yes, it is."
"This is Dr. Franklin's office. We just wanted to double-check that you don't need another appointment."
"No, no I don't. My wife is finally pregnant."
"Really? Well, congratulations. You must be especially pleased considering the circumstances."
Lucky sat up. "What circumstances?"
"It says on your chart that it's almost a total impossibility for you to get your wife pregnant."
"What?" Lucky said so low that the nurse didn't hear him.
"Mr. Spencer? Are you there?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah I'm here. Yes, we're really thrilled."
"Well, congratulations again. Good-bye."
Lucky hung up the phone, clicked off the TV, and began to pace the length of the den, his mind in turmoil. Why had she lied to him?
He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He downed the whole thing in about a minute and got another one. He started to pace the kitchen.
Why? Why hadn't she told him what the doctor had really said? Was she just protecting him, afraid of hurting his pride? Or did it run deeper than that?
He stopped dead in his tracks. Opening a third beer, he began to think the worst. Was she protecting him -- or herself? Could it be possible -- could there be someone else? There couldn't be -- not his Lizzie. She'd never cheat on him. After all, it had taken her so long before she was mentally and emotionally ready for a sexual relationship with him, the guy she trusted more than anyone else. It couldn't be possible that she'd willingly go to bed with anyone else. But what if she had???

By the time Liz got home with Laina, Lucky was back in a chair in the living room, stone-cold drunk. He'd lost count of how many beers he'd had by then.
"Lucky? We're home!" Liz called. She walked into the living room, her smile dying on her lips as she saw him and the state he was in. She knew immediately that something was very wrong. Quickly, she turned around. "Laina, go to your room and play, okay?"
"I wanna see Daddy!!"
"You can see him later. Right now Mommy needs you to go to your room, okay?" Her voice took on a desperate, pleading note and Laina, wide-eyed, nodded and ran to the stairs. Liz took a slow, cautious step towards her husband.
"Lucky?" she said hesitantly.
"When were ya gonna tell me Liz?"
"Tell you what?"
"The doctor called today. Told me the truth. I'd like to know why you didn't?"
"Oh. Well -- Lucky, I -- I didn't want to hurt you. Your whole male ego thing's been such a big deal lately that I couldn't bring myself to tell you."
"Oh is that it? And then, to make me feel like more of a man or something, you got pregnant with someone else's kid and decided to pass it off as mine??"
She stepped back, the breath gone from her as if he'd actually hit her.
"You heard me."
"Lucky, that's crazy. You're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about." But she was unable to look at him.
"Look at me."
Slowly she lifted her head, but still didn't quite meet his eyes.
"Damnit Elizabeth LOOK AT ME!!"
She looked right into his eyes and knew what he saw.
"I knew it," he said, opening another beer.
"Lucky, no! You're wrong, I love you! There's no one else, I swear!" Tears were falling by then.
He laughed bitterly. "Save it, Elizabeth. I know you. Or at least I thought I did. But I do know your eyes and they are the only part of you that can't lie to me."
Desperately, she pleaded with him. "Lucky, it was one night. That night we fought at Luke's. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. It meant nothing, Lucky!! NOTHING!!! I came home to you, you're all that matters!"
"My God, I can't believe this. You got drunk, f**ked some random guy, and then had the nerve to make love to me the next morning like nothing had happened? Who was it anyway? Or do you even remember?"
She stared at him coldly. "Yes, I remember. But if you think I'm going to tell you, you're crazy."
"Oh protecting him now?"
"No, I'm just not going to drag him into this. Lucky, I love you. I love you!!!" She sat down on the couch, sobbing openly now.
"Did you tell him that too?" he spat out.
He turned his back on her. "Get out of my house. Take your whoring self and your bastard child and get the hell out." His voice was so calm, so controlled, so cold.
"Fine. I'll get Laina and go for now. We can talk later --"
"Laina stays."
"My daughter will not be raised by a slut."
"Lucky! You can't keep me from my child, that's not fair!!"
"Well, maybe you should've thought of that BEFORE you spread your legs."
He left the room and, crying uncontrollably, Liz went upstairs to pack her things.


Chapter 20
A few hours earlier

Michael Morgan ran into the diner and yelled towards the back, "Hey can I get a sandwich or something? I'm starving!"
"You could try saying hi to your mother first," Carly said as she walked out of the kitchen and smiled at her son.
He grinned sheepishly. "Hey, Ma. Now can I eat?"
Carly saw AJ walk in and quickly pushed Michael in the direction of the back. "Sure, go ahead, I wanna talk to your dad."
AJ raised an eyebrow. "Something goin on?" he asked.
"You could say that. C'mon let's go sit down."
AJ looked puzzled but followed her to a table in a corner.
"Liz is pregnant--"
"I know that, Michael told me last week."
"Yeah, well he didn't know that you're the father."
AJ looked shocked but quickly tried to cover it up. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, don't play stupid with me. I know what happened. She told me everything."
"Everything? Even --"
"No, not details you pervert."
AJ grinned slyly. "Well, you'd know those details anyway, wouldn't you?"
"Its been sixteen years, some things don't get better with age."
"Well, I guess you could ask Liz if you want to. She seemed pretty happy when she left."
"So what's the point of telling me this? She and Spencer are so happy together it's disgusting. Did you just feel some insane urge to tell me about missing out on yet another child?"
"I don't know. I guess I just thought you should know. Maybe you can talk to her, work out some secret visitation thing or something."
"Well, it's worth a shot anyway. I gotta get back to work though. See ya later."
"Sure. See ya." AJ leaned back in his chair, lost in thoughts of Liz and that night and what it had brought.


Chapter 21
A few hours later

Carly saw the disheveled, tear-stained Liz walk into the diner and quickly pulled her aside. ôOh my God, Liz are you okay?ö
ôLucky found out. He told me to leave.ö Liz slumped in a chair.
ôOh God," Carly said. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?ö
ôI hate to be rude, but would it be alright for me to stay with you? I mean if Jason wouldn't mind?ö
ôYou know I wouldn't mind at all and I'm sure I could convince Jase about it, but -- maybe you should go see AJ before you head over to the penthouse?ö
ôSee AJ?? What the hell for??ö Liz practically shouted.
ôLiz, shh! Everyone is gonna know about this soon enough, I don't think you need to announce it to the whole world. But AJ should know, don't you think??ö
ôYeah,ö Liz sighed. ôI guess he should."

-same time, another part of town-

Lulu walked in the partly open door, almost immediately sensing something had gone wrong. This didn't look anything like the love filled Spencer household the whole world was used to.
ôLucky?ö she called out. ôLiz, anyone??ö
She walked into the living room first seeing all the beer bottles. Then she saw her brother passed out cold on the couch. She didn't even try to wake him before she turned and flew up the stairs.
She opened Laina's door and saw her happily playing, oblivious to everything around her.
ôHey, Laina.ö
ôHi. I'm playing.ö
ôI see that. Listen, why don't you pack a bag of stuff to take over to my house and you can stay with us for a while okay?? Does that sound fun?ö
Laina smiled and shook her head yes as she dropped her toys and ran to start packing.
ôOkay, Laina, I'll be back up to help you in a minute, I'm gonna go talk to your Daddy for a minute."

Lu walked around and picked up all the bottles and tossed them in the trash as she yelled at her brother.
ôI'm taking Laina home with me and you better not try to stop me. I don't know what happened here, but whatever it was, I didn't know you could be so stupid, Lucky! She's just a little girl! All I do know is when she comes downstairs with me you're gonna behave and you're gonna tell her bye and then you're gonna stay away from her until you get your shit straight! Do you understand???"
ôWhat in hell's name gives you the right to boss me around and tell me what to do in MY house, and with MY family??ö Lucky demanded.
Lulu spun around and slapped him. ôSome one around here should act responsibly.
That's what gives me the right!,ö she said looking him straight in the eyes. "For God's sake, Lucky, what the hell happened here?? And where is Liz anyway?"
"Don't say that name in my house."
Lu looked at him in bewilderment. "Why? Lucky, what happened?"
"My wife," he said, spitting out the words like they were poisoning him, "was told to leave."
"You see, that baby she's carrying, the one we've wanted for so long and tried so hard to have, well, guess what, Lesley Lu?? It's not my baby."
Shocked, Lu slowly sat down. "Oh my God. She had an affair?"
"Not even that, a one-night stand."
"How did you find out?"
"It doesn't matter. Point is, I kicked her out cuz right now the sight of her is more than I can stand."
"But why didn't she take Laina with her?"
"I told her not to."
Lulu stood up, mad again. "Geez, Lucky what kind of an idiot are you?? You've got a five year old child to take care of and what are you doing?? You're drinking like there's no tomorrow. What would have happened if she came down here looking for you?? She'd have been scared to death."
Lucky sighed heavily and sat down on the couch, running his hands through his hair. "Yeah. You're right, I didn't think."
"Yeah, that's always been your problem, you never think before you start doing stupid shit. So before you can do any more damage, I'm getting her out of here."
"You can't just walk out of here with my kid."
"Watch me." And with that, she turned and walked upstairs.


Chapter 22

AJ opened the door of the gate house expecting to see any one but Liz. He regained his composure and smiled at her. Even when he could see she was obviously upset, her eyes all red and puffy, he still thought she was beautiful.
ôAJ, we need to talk,ö she said as she pushed her way past him into the house.
AJ shut the door and spun her around to face him.
ôI know what you're gonna say. I know the baby's mine.ö He reached out to her, but Liz pushed him away.
ôBut that' could you??ö Liz looked stunned.
ôYou wouldn't be here if it was Lucky's baby,ö AJ said gently.
Liz hadn't thought she had any tears left in her, but at his words she began to cry again and she let AJ hold her as she told him everything about the fight.
ôI know it's not your responsibility, but I thought you should know.ö Liz tried to get out of his embrace and leave, but he just held her tighter.
He leaned her back enough in his embrace so he could look into her eyes. ôLiz, there were two people in that hotel room. I may be a Quartermaine, but I'm not gonna make you go through this alone. I'll always be here for you.ö On an impulse, he leaned down and kissed her. For a second her hands went up to him and she ran her fingers through his hair and then she pushed him away.
ôOh, Liz.....I'm sorry,ö AJ said. He looked and felt guilty.
ôIt's okay, I'm gonna leave now though.ö Liz headed for the door.
ôBut where will you go?ö
ôCarly said I can stay with her.ö
ôLiz, please stay with me. I missed out on so much of Michael's life and I don't want that to happen again.ö
ôAJ, I'm still in love with my husband. I can't be with you like that.ö
ôI'm not asking for that. There's more than one bedroom in here,ö he said with a smile. ôI just want the chance to be a daddy, please don't take that from me?ö
ôAre you sure? I don't want to be in anyone's way,ö Liz said out loud. What she was thinking was I don't know if I can live here and keep my hands off you.
ôLiz, please??ö
ôOkay, I guess. Sure why not?,ö she smiled weakly at him.
He pulled her into his arms again and she hugged him back hard, suddenly overcome with thankfulness for his concern and understanding.
ôThank you,ö he whispered into her hair and smiled.


Chapter 23
A few days later

"Hey Carly, it's slow right now, can I talk to you for a sec?," Liz said as she walked into Kelly's.
"Yeah, sure, come on back. What's up?"
They walked into the back office and Liz sat down, nervously twisting her wedding and engagement rings around her finger.
"I uh -- I just wanted to ask if you've talked to Lucky?"
Carly's expression turned sympathetic. "Oh, Liz, I'm sorry. No, I haven't. He hasn't been in at all this week and Lu wasn't scheduled so I haven't seen her either."
Liz nodded, tears filling her eyes for about the millionth time that week. "I've just kept calling and calling our house and he never answers and I'm so worried about him and I have NO idea where Laina is -- I mean, you know how scary that is -- and --" Liz was getting hysterical.
"He just needs time to cool off, he'll come around," Carly said soothingly.
"I don't know, the one thing he just can't stand is being lied to. He probably hates me, I know he's bound to hate me. And of course, here I am, hopelessly in love with him. Well, in love with the old Lucky. Not this macho jerk who's showed up all of a sudden."
"Liz, I don't know what to tell you. I guess you just have to believe that it'll all work out. And at least you can be grateful that AJ's accepting his responsibility."
"Yeah," Liz said, her expression softening. "He's really been great. I don't know what I'd do without him."
Carly looked at her, detecting something in her voice that made her think that maybe her feelings for AJ weren't quite as platonic as she had thought. But before she could say anything, Liz stood up.
"Well, I better get out of here. Carly, please call me if you hear anything."
"Do you even have to ask? Of course I will."
Liz smiled gratefully. "Thanks."
She walked into the main dining area just as Lucky walked in the front door. Her head was down as she rummaged in her purse for her car keys.
"What are you doing here?" The icy voice cut her like a knife.
"Lucky!!" She rushed over to him and threw her arms around him. "Oh God, I've been so worried about --"
He pushed her away brusquely. "Shut up. And don't touch me."
Liz was shocked, but she had more questions to ask. "Lucky, where's Laina?"
"She's fine. She's staying with my parents till I get stuff figured out."
"I want to see her."
"Well, I don't want you to."
"Lucky --"
She was cut off as Carly walked out of the kitchen. "Oh and Liz? When you get home, tell AJ I said hi -- oh! Lucky. When did you get here?"
"At a bad time apparently." He fixed a cold stare on Liz. "So. Didn't you get enough Quartermaine money the first time you slept with him? Or do you just like the idea of being a kept mistress?"
She stared at him, her mouth agape and then slapped him. He barely even flinched before he returned his icy glare to her face. "That is a totally unfair accusation. Yes, AJ is the baby's father. But I am not sleeping with him and I have no plans to start anytime soon. He's letting me stay with him so that I have a place to live and so that my baby will have a father. He's a good friend, but that's all. I'm a married woman, in case you forgot."
He laughed hollowly. "Oh give me a break, Elizabeth. Obviously, you forgot that you were married before. Why should it bother you now?" He caught the flash of her engagement ring as she wiped tears from her eyes. "Why even bother wearing those rings? It's not like they mean anything to you."
"How dare you say that! I haven't taken these off since the day you gave them to me. They mean everything to me and you know it."
"God Liz, you are so full of shit. Why don't you just pawn them and make a little more money? Oh, but I forgot," he said sarcastically. "You don't need money, you've got all the Quartermaine fortune at your disposal now."
She reached for his left hand. "You haven't taken your ring off either."
"Yeah, well maybe I should. Not like there's anything left of our marriage." He pulled his hand back away from her, his eyes never leaving her face as he pulled his wedding band off his finger and dropped it in an ashtray on the counter.
Tears filled her eyes as he continued to stare at her unblinkingly.
"Lucky --" she managed to choke out before the tears began to fall.
"Good-bye Liz," he said as he walked past her to the back.
Tears clouding her vision, she walked out to her car, got in, bowed her head over the steering wheel and cried.

Carly had gone into the kitchen, but she still heard every word and she walked back out to the counter after Liz left. Picking Lucky's ring out of the ashtray, she walked back to the office where he sat with his head in his hands. She walked over and dropped the ring on the desk in front of him.
"Thought you might like that back," she said sarcastically.
"Yeah. Thanks."
"You don't really want to lose her, do you?"
"No. But I want her to be happy. A baby will make her happy and I can't give her that."
"Do you really think she cares that much?"
"I don't know. I don't really care right about now. Everything else aside, she slept with another man. I just -- every time I picture the two of them together I want to kill them both. I just can't deal with this."
"Well, you ain't got much of a choice here."
He stood up. "I'm getting out of here. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yeah, sure."
He walked out of the office, putting his ring back on as he left.

Chapter 27
a few weeks later

Liz tiptoed quietly down the hall from her room to AJ's and opened his door. For a moment she just stood there and looked at him. His body was so beautiful, his legs were all tangled in the sheets and his face actually looked childlike as he slept. She smiled as she walked across the room, dropped her robe, and climbed into his bed.

AJ woke with a start when he heard his door open. But he just lay there waiting and hoping. Liz came and cuddled up to him and his body reacted immediately when he felt her skin against his. He reached out to her. He wanted to kiss her, to hold her, to make love to her. But suddenly he stopped.
"Liz, you don't have to do this. You don't owe me anything."
"I know that. I want to do this."
"But this is like a thank you right?? For the baby. I mean I know you still love your husband, but deep down I also know you think a little less of him as a man."
Liz tried to look away. Not knowing what to say, not sure if she should defend Lucky or not.
"You're wrong, AJ," was all she managed to stutter. But maybe deep down she knew he was right.
AJ held her face between his hands and made her look at him.
"I know you love me for this, for giving you the baby you want so much," he said. Her mouth sought out his in the darkness and they kissed passionately, a kiss that told him everything he needed to know.
"Oh, God AJ, yes, I love you," she admitted in a breathless whisper as they broke apart. "But for more than the baby. I haven't been able to quit thinking about you since that night. You made me feel so alive." While she talked she moved her hands down his chest and she slowly, teasingly caressed him. He moaned as her hands moved up and down, massaging him until he didn't think he could handle it anymore. Then she pulled him on top of her.
"The truth is, I think I'm falling in love with you. And this is definitely more than a thank you. This could become a habit," she whispered. He smiled as he kissed her again and whispered back, "I'm pretty sure I could get used to this."
Liz grinned as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deep inside of her.
She gasped as he slid inside her, and he moaned again, amazed at how ready she was.
"God, Liz....", he said hoarsely as passion over took him and they lost themselves in each other.


Chapter 28
Five months later, Christmas Day, 2014

Liz smiled sleepily at AJ as she lay nestled in the crook of his arm, snuggled down together under the covers of their bed.
"Thank you for today," she said.
"Why? I didn't do anything special."
"Yes, you did. You made it so much easier for Laina. Even Christmas dinner with your family went smoothly."
"Yeah, well, I spose it helps that Grandfather is stuck in bed."
"I guess you've got a point there," she laughed. "But seriously, I didn't know how she would get through this. She misses Lucky a lot."
He looked down at her. "What about you? Do you miss him too?"
"AJ, don't ask me things like that." A faraway look came into her eyes. "I mean, Lucky was my everything for sixteen years. Of course, I miss him." Then she shook her head and looked at him, smiling reassuringly. "But, that's all in the past now. You're everything now. And I love you."
He smiled back. "That's exactly the answer I was hoping for."
She laughed softly. "Now, how did I know that?"
"I just don't know," he whispered as he kissed her, his hands caressing her hugely pregnant stomach. She was convinced she was fat and ugly, but he almost wasn't sure if he'd ever found her more beautiful. Her pregnancy certainly hadn't diminished his desire for her and he practically ached for the day he could make love to her again. He was determined, though, to control himself and wait until she and her body were ready. But he couldn't help but hope that it wouldn't take too long.
"Mmm," she mumbled as she broke the kiss. "We better quit before we reach a point of no return."
He grinned. "I think you're right."
She started to smile, but then an odd expression crossed her face.
"Liz? You okay?"
"Yeah -- there was just this like -- twinge in my lower back."
"Is it the baby?"
"I don't know. Oh!"
"What?" he said anxiously.
"There it was again."
"Okay, do you wanna go?"
"No, it could still be a long time. Let's try to at least get some rest, if not sleep."
"Okay." They lay there together in silence as AJ held her tightly.
AJ was almost asleep when suddenly he realized the bed was totally soaked. "What the hell?" he said in surprise as he sat up. Liz was sitting up too, her hands on her stomach.
"I'm sorry, my water broke."
"Oh, honey, it's okay," he said as he rubbed her shoulders.
She smiled at him. "Well, I guess this is it!"
He grinned back. "Yeah. Can you get ready to go while I go call mom and have her come down here to stay with Laina?"
"Yeah." She got up and walked to the bathroom. "But AJ??"
He grinned and picked up the phone.


Chapter 29
At the hospital

Dr. Klenz checked Liz and smiled reassuringly. "You're looking good. It's probably gonna still be a while though."
Liz groaned, but managed a half-smile. "Okay."
"Thank you," AJ added as he pulled a chair over to the side of the bed.
"How're ya doing?" he asked.
"Okay. This isn't fair though."
"Why not?"
"Laina was born so quickly and this kid's gonna take forever."
"But it'll still be worth it in the end, right?"
"Yeah," she smiled.
He started to lean down to kiss her, but before he could, she grabbed his hand as a contraction started.
They spent the next few hours alternating between conversation and getting Liz through her contractions, as they continued to get closer and closer together. Dr. Klenz came back to check on her periodically and finally she announced, "Okay! I think we're ready to go."
"Thank God," Liz said. "Get this kid outta me!"
They laughed and moved to the delivery room. The rest of the birth was a blur for AJ. It was incredible for him to watch as Liz pushed and screamed and clung to his hand for dear life as he did his best to encourage her. Finally, at 7:33 AM, their little boy made his appearance.
Liz was crying tears of joy as the baby got cleaned up and then was placed in her arms.
"Oh, AJ, look at him. Isn't he beautiful??"
"Not half as beautiful as you," he said, smiling.
"Oh hush. Would you like to hold him?"
He nodded as she reached up to hand the baby to him.
"Liz, he's perfect. And you were wonderful." He leaned over and gently brushed her lips with his own. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," she said softly.
"In fact," he said as he handed the baby back to her, "I have something for you." He reached for his jacket and pulled a small box out of the pocket.
"AJ -- what is this?"
"You'll see," he said, smiling mysteriously. "But your hands look a little full. Do you want me to open it for you?"
"If you don't mind."
He pulled the box open and inside there was a beautiful one carat diamond ring.
"Oh, AJ."
"It was my grandmother's. I want you to have it."
"AJ, I can't take this. I mean, we're not even married. And -- well, I don't know if we ever will be. I don't know where Lucky is and I don't really know how to go about getting a divorce. I don't even want to deal with thinking about it."
"Liz, it's okay. You know I don't expect anything from you. And as far as I'm concerned, we are married. In our minds, in our hearts. Who cares about legal technicalities?"
"But --"
"Okay." She smiled as he reached for her left hand and slid the ring on her finger.
Dr. Klenz returned after a while. "Everything looks okay, Liz. You two -- excuse me, you three --" she smiled "-- can head home whenever you're ready."
"Thanks, doctor."
"No problem. And congratulations."
The baby was set in a carrying seat and then AJ helped Liz get dressed.
"Come on. Let's go home."


Chapter 30

AJ opened the door of the gatehouse to find Monica asleep on the couch. Laughing softly, he ushered Liz into the house and helped her to a chair. After handing her the baby, he walked to the couch and gently shook his mother's shoulder.
"Mom? Mom, time to get up."
Monica's eyelids fluttered and then snapped open as she sat up. "AJ! How's Liz?"
"I'm fine," Liz said from behind him. "And you have a wonderful new grandson."
Monica walked over to her and Liz handed her the baby.
"Oh, he's gorgeous. What's his name?"
"Steven Alan."
"Oh Liz. I know Steve would be so proud of his great-grandson if he was here."
As they talked and gushed over the baby, AJ tiptoed down the hall to Laina's room. Opening the door, he found her sitting in the middle of the floor, trying to play with all of her new Christmas toys at once.
"Hey Laina."
"Hi AJ!"
"Guess what? Your mom and I have a present for you in the living room."
Her eyes got big. "Another one?"
"Yeah, but this one is really special. Late last night, after you went to sleep, we went to the hospital and brought back a new baby brother. You wanna come see him?"
He picked her up and carried her out to the living room. Monica was holding Steven and Liz was curled up in her chair. Her face lit up when she saw her daughter and AJ set her down.
"Hi mommy!"
"Hey there sweetie. Come give your mom a hug." She stood up and Laina ran into her arms.
"You're not fat no more!" Laina said in surprise.
Liz laughed. "Well, not as big as I was, anyway. Would you like to hold your brother?"
Laina nodded.
"Okay. Well, let's sit on the couch and then Monica will hand him to you, okay? But you have to be very careful."
"I will."
They sat down and Monica gently placed Steven in Laina's arms. A look of awe and wonder came over her face and Liz smiled happily at the sight of both of her children together.
"Oh, let me take a family picture," Monica said suddenly.
Liz took the baby from Laina and AJ picked her up and sat down with her in his lap.
Liz smiled at him as he put his arm around her shoulders. Picture or not, she'd never forget the happiness of this day.


Chapter 31
March 7, 2015

Liz was looking at something in her jewelry box when AJ walked into their room with a fussy Steven.
"Somebody wants his mama," he said.
She spun around. "Oh! Oh, come here, Stevie." She took him from AJ and held him close. "Shh, don't cry. Mama's got you, it's okay."
"What were you doing?" he asked curiously.
"Oh, just thinking."
"Oh? About what?"
She sighed, unable to keep the truth from him. "About Lucky. Today would've been twelve years."
"Oh. I see."
She shook her head. "But it's all just memories now. It doesn't matter any more."
"Do you mean that, Liz?"
"Of course I do."
She looked down at Steven who had fallen asleep on her shoulder. "I'm gonna go put him to bed," she whispered.
She returned a few minutes later and he walked over to her. But before he could even make a move to touch her, she had put her arms around him and was kissing him. A little surprised, but not one to argue with a good thing, he slid his arms around her waist and kissed her back.
"I love you," she whispered as they finally broke apart. "You, AJ, not anyone else."
"I know. I love you too," he whispered back as he kissed her again and pulled her to the bed.

same day and time ~ somewhere in the US

Lucky Spencer sat at a bar, getting drunker by the minute. He was having trouble convincing the woman next to him that he was married and had no interest in her. Finally she gave up and left him alone. He had no idea how long he'd been there. He wasn't even sure where he was anymore. He was lost in thoughts of Liz. His beautiful, wonderful Lizzie. God, he missed her. Damn her for falling for AJ. And damn him for not fighting for her. For loving her so much he couldn't tell her.
Tears filled his eyes as Michael Peterson blared from the jukebox.
"...It was too good to be true,
what did you expect a girl as good as her to do?
What do you think would make that woman go and find somebody new?
She's not too good to be true, she's just too good to be true to you...."
"Oh, Liz," he whispered brokenly.
He made a vow to himself then. Some day, somehow, he'd find a way to get her back. One day, they'd be together again.

Read Always to continue the story.

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