
WéLçøMé †o †hé HøUsé øƒ



† † †

† †

[BLACK]:Black color preferences poin† †o black sex [no† necessarily meaning black par†ners]. These people are †he misfi†s of †he sex world and seek ou† each o†her in kinship. They †end to prefer perver†ed sex and are usually masochis†ic or sadis†ic in na†ure. They are moody people and of†en perform a† †heir [PEAK] when under s†ress or during unhappy †imes. Police psychia†ris†s claim †ha† sex offenders prefer the color black. And i† is no coincidence †ha† †he uniform of mobs†ers,and gangs is black a††ire.

*Like IcE-T would say:There Goes †he F#cking Neighborho0oood!!..†

*Flesh of creamy consis†ence with exposed par†s turns black.. *Body collapses as gases escapes. Odor of decay very s†rong..

Back in †he dayz,†he Greek Flag symbolized "Freedom or Dea†h..†

SiGn BoOk < IMG SRC=" /GuestWorldbutton.gif"height="31"width="87" alt="Guestbook by GuestWorld">         ViEw BoOk

(Døñ'† féår †hé Bø0K!)


This message is sen† in compliance of †he new e-mail bill: SECTION 828, Paragraph (ø)(†)(é) of Dea†h,1962.




*Pursuan† †o US Code, Ti†le 62, Chap†er 8, Subchap†er III, p.228, any and all nonsolici†ed commercial E-mail sen† †o this address is subjec† to a download and archival fee in the amoun† of 50 US dollars.

*Anyone who sends unsolicited commercial e-mail †o †his account will be charged a 50 US dollars proofreading fee. Consider this official no†ifica†ion.*By †he way ladies! (Sending your nudy pic's iz highly reccommended!)..†


*If I added some†hing wi†hout permission †ha† was in †his here page, I have NO knowledge of any wrong doing.

*If I have no† given †he correc† credi† †o someone or some†hing,I have NO knowledge of any†hing!I know nu†hin! *If I have done any†hing illegal, I have NO knowledge of †he law †ha† I am breaking.

*If I have done any†hing wrong, made anyone mad or crazy,or any†hing else †ha† migh† ge† me in†o †rouble, I have NO awareness of i† and will fix i† if possible!!!


[WARNING]:*The following lis†s con†ain sexually explici† domain names, si†e descriptions,& pic†ures †ha† some may find to be offensive.

*By clicking on †o †his page, you s†a†e †ha† you are a† leas† 21 years old, you wan† †o view sexually explici† informa†ion, and i† is legal for you †o view such informa†ion in your s†a†e, na†ion, or province.

*By following †his page, you assume full responsibili†y for your ac†ions..(Go†-i†?)......†

*MuCh †HaNx fOr eVerYonE's Help! [YoU],kNoW wHo U aRe!
