This was invented to provide a source for safe, non-toxic stage blood. THIS is not a DRINK!

It requires:

1 cup (250mL) creamy Peanut Butter... 1 qt. (1 L) White Corn Syrup... ½ cup (125mL) Non-suds soap... 1 oz. (30mL) red food color... 15 - 17 drops blue food color...

Mix the peanut butter with enough corn syrup to make it runny. Add soap and food colors and mix well. Add remaining corn syrup and shake until a good solution is obtained.

A reader who works in theatre sends in this variation:

To make a thinner blood that will flow better, use a whole bottle of dark corn syrup and 2 big spoonfuls of peanut butter. Add red food coloring until the mixture is pretty red, and then add a couple drops of blue to make it darker. The food coloring, if all goes as planned, will stick to the peanut butter and not to the fabric.

Add a little alcohol [ex. Vodka] which, as the contributor writes, NOT only makes the blood thinner, it also keeps the tons of sugar from 'candying' and getting hard and nasty".

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