We Love You Brian

This is the man who founded the band, He never got credit but this is the man.

Ok...this page is dedicated to Brian Jones who was born February 28,1942 and died July 3, 1969...he drowned in his pool..nobody knows exactly how but it is pretty much proven to be drunkeness..It's terrible because he was a beautiful guy and even though he should have known better..why did he have to leave us so soon? Oh well...this page is where I go on and on about his beauty and complain about Mick Jagger and Keith Richards being selfish jerks...thanks to the Brian Jones Fan Club I know that Brian was the founding member...I have never in my whole life heard Mick or Keith so much as mention Brian! Hell mention brian, they should be down on their knees thanking Brian...god I hate Mick Jagger...I hate Keith Richards too..Oh well this page isn't about hate it's about love. Brian loved most people..I hear he was one of the nicest guys in the world...ooh and Keith stealing his girlfriend..nice one man! Nice way to show a friend how much you care! Ok..this is not working! I hate Mick and Keith too much to focus on Brian..it's actually pretty silly..let me take time out and tell you about llamas. Llamas are cool..ok back to Brian..I love Brian...i love a lot of people..but this page isn't about them! Right-o. Mick is an asshole..Keith is a bigger asshole, Brian kicks ass. Repeat after me now Mick is an asshole, Keith is a bigger asshole, Brian gets ass...now howsa 'bout that for a mantra 'eh? Yeeah!Ok..enough of love..why don't we just...press the back button and get on with it then?