We were part of a group that had spoiler information on Prey before
the last few episodes were aired - so our talented writers gave us
a what if for episodes 13 and 14. Sue then continued her Prey
universe (from her ep 13/14) with Choices Part I, II, and III - now
completed. And for a special Christmas gift - Sues gives us Conspiracies -
Thank you - Sue!!!

Sue's Episode 13 - Speculation

Sue's Episode 14 - Speculation

Sue's Episode 15 - Choices Part I

Sue's Episode 16 - Choices Part II

Sue's Episode 17 - Choices Part III - Conclusion Posted 10/23/98

Sue's Episode 18 - Conspiracies Part I - Posted 1/1/99

Sue's Episode 19 - Conspiracies Part II - Posted 2/15/99

Sue's Episode 20 - Conspiracies Part III - Posted 6/2/99

Sue's Episode 21 - Conspiracies Part IV - Posted 3/1/2000

Download all of Sue's stories in 1 zipped file. (479 kb)

Comments may be sent to Tory.

Disclaimer stuff: We don't own Tom, Sloan, Ed, or Prey.
We’re just borrowing them to play. They belong to ABC
and we promise to give them back when we’re done.

This web graphics on this page were created by Moyra.