* * * * * * *
“Break it down.” DX comes out and makes their way to the ring, smiling triumphantly. They confidently think they got this match won.
As soon as the four members of D-Generation X get inside the ring, the Mean Street Posse and Shane make their way out, expressions grim. Strangely enough, Ashlee’s not there, being dragged alongside Joey. Because of this, Joey looks extremely upset.
“Shane! Why couldn’t I bring her out here with me?” He complains.
“Because I told you already!” Shane replies sharply. “In case DX does win, they still won’t get her. Now, if they did win and she was out here, don’t you think they’d grab her as soon as possible?”
“Oh yeah. You’re right Shane-O. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Joey says, eyeing DX out of the corner of his eye.
The rules of the match were simple. It would be a Survivor Series rules match. Whenever one was pinned, they’d immediately be sent to the back; no buts about it. The rest of the Corporate Ministry would not be allowed to interfere. If they did, DX would automatically win and Ashlee would be free from the Corporate Ministry.
The bell rings and Shane and Road Dogg start the match off. Shane wastes no time in tackling his opponent. He runs at Dogg and spears him to the mat, then continues to punch him repeatedly. Dogg pushes him off and whips Shane into DX’s corner. His DX buddies take this as an opportunity to taunt the Boy Wonder. Dogg climbs the rope, and before driving his fists into Shane’s face, crotch chops at him. After the 10 punches, Dogg jumps down and lets Shane fall down. He pulls Shane up by the shirt then hits the Juke ‘n Jive. Once Shane falls back down on the mat, he goes for a pin. The ref just about gets to the 3 when Joey interrupts the count. The ref jumps up and shouts at him to get back in the corner. DX uses this opportunity to gang up on Shane.
They run back into their corner before the ref turns around. Dogg puts Shane in position for the Pump Handle Slam, then seconds later, executes it. The ref counts the 3 and Shane gets sent to the back.
Now, Joey runs in and viciously attacks Road Dogg. He whips Dogg into the ropes then clotheslines him, knocking his opponent down. He climbs to the top rope and hits Dogg with a flying elbow. He goes for a pin, but on the 2 count X-Pac interrupts the count. Rodney and Pete run into the ring now and attack X-Pac. This causes Hunter and Billy Gunn to run in the ring as well. The ref turns his back to Joey and goes to order the other 5 out of the ring. Joey slips out of the ring and grabs a chair. He heads back into the ring. By this time, the Road Dogg is standing up. Joey spins Dogg around and smashes the chair into his face. He throws the chair outside the ring and calls for the ref as he pins Dogg. He gets the 3 count and the ref sends Road Dogg to the back. It’s Gunn’s turn in now. He throws Joey in the corner and leaps at him. Unfortunately for him, Joey dodges and Gunn’s chest connects with the turnbuckle, knocking the wind out of him. Joey rolls him up from behind and successfully pins Gunn for the 3 count. Joey grins, satisfied. 2 more to go…
This time, Hunter enters the ring, threatening Joey. Joey charges at him in the corner, but Hunter steps out of the way and Joey’s shoulder rams into the pole. Hunter grabs Joey and whips him into the ropes. The two then clothesline one another and are knocked off their feet. The ref begins the count and gets up to 5 when Hunter makes it to his knees, reaching to tag X-Pac in. He outstretches his hand a little farther and finally reaches ‘Pac’s hand. At the same time, Joey just makes the tag to Pete Gas. Pete runs at ‘Pac, but ‘Pac dodges then Spinning Heel kicks him as soon as he turns around. Then seconds later, he executes the X-Factor on Pete and gets the 1,2,3.
X-Pac jumps up and waits for his next opponent. Rodney approaches the skinny degenerate warily. Fed up, X takes a swing at Rodney, but hits air instead. Rodney picks him up then sidewalk slams him. He then hits him with a leg drop, then goes for a pin. ‘Pac kicks out at 2. Rodney picks X up by the hair then tries to piledrive him, but X slips out and pushes Rodney into the corner. He kicks him until Rodney is sitting dizzily in the corner. ‘Pac signals for the BroncoBuster then runs at Rodney.
After Bronco Busting him, X-Pac stands him up and hits Rodney with the X-Factor. Much to Joey’s dismay, Rodney gets pinned and sent to the back. It’s 2-on-1 now.
“You’re not so tough now, are ya Joey?” Hunter taunts. “Your buddies aren’t here to help you!”
Joey runs into the ring, and ignoring Hunter’s taunts, charges X-Pac and knocks him to the mat. ‘Pac hits the mat hard, his head bouncing up from the impact. Joey pulls him up by the hair, ignoring the ref’s orders. He drags X-Pac to the corner and sets him up on the top buckle and prepares him for a suplex. Before he can execute it, Hunter runs over and pushes him off the top rope. X-Pac gets Joey into a small package, but before the ref gets to 3, Joey reverses it and X-Pac gets pinned instead. He jumps out a second too late.
“Get to the back, X-Pac!” Joey sneers at him. X-Pac goes to punch him, but Joey ducks and pushes him out of the ring.
Hunter uses this distraction to his advantage. He runs up behind Joey and low blows him. Joey falls to the mat painfully. Hunter grins and sets him up for the Pedigree, Joey frees one of his arms, but Hunter knees him in the face and sets him up again and hits the Pedigree. Joey looks up, having no clue what’s going on until he hears the ref’s hand slap the mat three times and the announcer’s voice fills the arena.
“Your winners, D-Generation X!”
DX’s music blasts throughout the arena, but Hunter cuts it short when he speaks into the mic.
“Okay, Shane-O, we won fair and square, so where is she?”
Shane comes out a minute later, still in his wrestling attire.
“Oh Hunter, Hunter. I have some bad news for you.” Shane says, a smug grin on his face.
“Shane, we won, so she’s free from you. Where is she?” Hunter growls.
Before Shane can reply, the Titan Tron shows a clip that makes Hunter’s blood boil.
Mark, Edge and Christian are shown dragging Ashlee away to a vehicle. She’s kicking at them and screaming for help. They drag her to the back of an open van. Before throwing her in, Mark addresses Hunter.
“You thought you were going to ruin my plans, Hunter? Ha! Nice try, but she’s the Corporate Ministry’s now.” He laughs evilly. He leans down, grabs her by the hair, forcing her the side of her face to face him, and runs his tongue across the side of her face. She shrieks out in terror and disgust. They throw her into the van and slam the back shut. They run into the car and then zoom off, leaving Hunter seething. He glares down the ramp at Shane, who’s smiling at him. “Sorry, bud.” Shane spins around and heads backstage where Joey’s already slipped away to.
* * * * *
Ashlee sits in the back of the van, a sorrow expression on her face. Mark watches her, a smile forming on his face.
“Ashlee, don’t worry. Once you become part of the Corporate Ministry, you’ll finally be happy,” he says, placing a hand on her knee.
She slaps his hand away angrily, ignoring his comment.
He sighs loudly. “Just wait and see. You’ll see who’s right.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She mutters.
The van stops and Mark opens the back door. To Ashlee’s dismay, the Posse enter the van, Joey immediately spots her. He picks her up and places her in his lap. Rodney and Pete sit next to him.
Joey nuzzles her neck and sighs happily. “I missed you so much, honey!”
She rolls her eyes and pulls away from Joey. Rodney laughs. “Ash, you know you want him!”
She turns to Rodney. “Yeah, I want him like I want another hole in my head!”
“That can be arranged…” Pete jokes. Joey looks at him, a serious expression on his face. “That’s not funny, Petey Boy.”