Super Art Deco design with graceful curving body. This lighter has never been lit and is showing the original Ronson hang tag that would have been used at the Jewelry store. This lighter was produced in chrome plate and Gold plate. The Streamlined was offered in Black, Tortoise or White enamel.The Ronson Touch Tip series of lighters are, by far, my personal favorites. There is something magical about Touch Tip lighters. Patent drawings shed some insight into the genius of Louis V. Aronson and his designers. To be able to remove a metal stick that has a knurled knob on one end, a Wand we will call it which has on it’s other end a small metal rod partly surrounded by a wick, and to press the wick end of the wand down on the actuation button, located at the top of the lighter housing, thus setting into motion a hidden complexity which ultimately shoots a shower of white hot sparks at the lighter fluid soaked wick, which bursts into flames! WOW - I want one too! What a wonder it must have been to people when it was first produced in the mid 1930’s. Ronson produced at least 75 different designs with the Touch Tip mechanism either built into the body of the piece or used a Touch Tip model in combination with a base, such as a Pipe rest, Ashtray or cigarette box. Current information suggests that they were first produced in 1935 and production continued into the 1950's. A prototype Octette has been discovered with some unusual characteristics. Many models were produced prior to WWII, production stopped completely during the war and after the war only a few models were produced. Highly prized for their enameled finishes and rich Art Deco styling, these are very popular lighters.
Touch Tip Aristocrat 1938
Graceful Art Deco designs adorn this lighter. Offered in 24K Gold plate and enameled in tortoise/ivory and black/ivory.
Touch Tip Octette with Clock Tower & Scotty Dog, 1935
Ronson Touch Tip Octette placed on chrome base with attached Clock Tower. 8 day clock is wound with pull cord located on top of clock housing.
Touch Tip & 8 Day Clock, 1937
A large desk top Clock with American made movement housed in a rectangular Bronze & copper plated body.
Touch Tip Nautical, 1939
Bronze plated Ships wheel with Touch Tip mechanism mounted behind. It's rare find all pegs in tact and unbroken.
Touch Tip Clock, 1937
Offered in Chromium plate with Black or Tortoise enamel. This is a beautiful Lighter and one of my personal favorites.
Touch Tip & Watch 1936
Very similar to Touch Tip with Clock but smaller "Watch" movement with added white rim around clock. Also same as above but with Black rim around clock face.
Touch Tip Streamline 1935
Touch Tip Turret 1936
Rectangular body with vertical pannels and tubular bands. This model was offered in two tone Bronze or Bronze and Enameled finish.
Touch Tip Classic 1938
Art Deco square design almost like a building, offered in Dureum or Chromium plate and enameled in Tortoise or Black.
Touch Tip Dynastic 1939
Four panels with Floral design adorn this Silver plated Lighter. Ronson catalog described it as being "Inspired by the Orient"
Touch Tip Oval 1937
Very nice Art Deco design, this was a very popular model. Post War model shown with curved flint wheel cover and tapered cone wand.
Touch Tip Octette 1935
First model Octette beautiful black enamel over Brass body and chromium plating.
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