So you're probably wondering what you're doing here...let me try to explain.

There are two things in this life that make me really happy (besides my family!): Star Trek and music. The Star Trek part is what brought you to my webpage, the music part is what inspires me to write.

One of my favorite artists is Sarah McLachlan; her voice is incredible, and her music reaches inside of me, and brings out things that I never knew were in there.

One of her songs, "ICE CREAM" is a simple song (just two verses and a repeating chorus) that EVERY Sarah fan knows--and I do mean EVERY! Sarah likes the song so much that she plays it at every concert that she does, as a sing-along with the audience...

Anyway, the point is this: I was listening to the CD "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy", and the song "ICE CREAM", when the idea for the 'Firsts' series popped into my head...

So here are the lyrics and some links to Sarah Sites. Enjoy!

Lyrics from "ICE CREAM"

Your love is better than ice cream,
Better than anything else that I've tried.
And your love is better than ice cream,
Everyone here knows how to fight.

And it's a long way down,
It's a long way down,
It's a long way down to the place that we started from.

Your love is better than chocolate,
Better than anything else that I've tried.
And oh love is better than chocolate,
Everyone here knows how to cry.

And it's a long way down, 
It's a long way down,
It's a long way down to the place that we started from.

Links to Sarah McLachlan Sites

The Sarah Files
A really good Sarah McLachlan site; you can find a RealAudio file of "Ice Cream" here
Sarah McLachlan
The "official" site...
Arista Records - Sarah McLachlan
Recording label site

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