Elysium's    little    corner

He is this really nice guy I met on the net... his real name is Neil but his 
nick is derived from this Portishead song. He loves writing poem and I 
often act as his "guinea-pig" (just kidding) sampling all his works... but 
it's been an honour. :)

Perceptions from a miserable farm by Neil

How can I endure,
these days of frustration,
to prevent my inevitable,
mental degredation.

I must escape,
from this boring place,
I long to see people
some signs of our race.

Stranded on a hot,
scorched barren farm,
this damned isolation,
is doing me harm.

The houses of surburbia,
I always dream of seeing,
to be home where I feel comfortable,
and I have a sense of being.

Distorted sleep patterns by Neil

You can't change anything,
with that passive smile,
don't waste it on me,
it's not worth your while.

With an elegant apperance,
and seductive refrain,
your artifical disposition,
demands my disdain.

Your stupid act,
just fails to suffice,
and it's not unique,
i've seen it twice.

You're simply the amalagm,
of the girls that I've seen,
just another image,
in my series of dreams.

Flood his mailbox with letters of adoration! *L*


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