Backstreet Fantasy

Where your deepest darkest dreams come to live... *grin*
(Sheesh, I make it sound like Nightmare on Elm Street!)

Well, I have been getting quite a lot of mails from BSB fans saying how much they enjoy my stories and how they wanted a sequel and all. So I thought, Okay, why don't I let 'em have a part in the development of the plot?

So I did a little brainstorming and VIOLA! Here's my latest addition to the site - "Backstreet Fantasies". It's easy really. I will be putting up one paragraph of a BSB story and all of you are welcome to mail me at with a paragraph of continuation. So what I will do is pick out the best one and add it on the one I wrote. It will be done on a fortnightly basis or monthly basis... depending on the kind of response I will get.

Very soon it will accumulate to a full-length BSB story and hey, you're a part of it! If there's any enquiries, please mail me at, with the subject of 'BSB Fantasy'.

Click here to read the opening paragraph

Till then,

people have been dreaming about BSB!

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