Chapter 13


I don’t believe Brian has called it quits. I don’t even want to think about it. I called Danny up.

"Danny, I think we should just lay it off."

"What?!" he exclaimed. "But why? Was it something I did?"

I knew I didn’t have an excuse but I had to make one up so I told him, "I’m not ready. Sorry."

He was incredulous. "What is it? Just tell me, I can change!" I knew I was hurting him deeply but I really didn’t want to carry on any relationships with the both of them anymore. He just reminds me of Brian and that’s the last thing I want on my mind.

"It’s not your fault. It’s me. I just… I’m tired, Danny. Just let me be."

Danny sounded really upset. "Okay, call me when you get better okay? I’m sure we could talk things out."

I muttered a goodbye before hanging up. I never called him back.

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Tricia Littrell Tan