Kislev Army Selection and Weapons List


Points allowed for characters includes the value of their armour and weapons, any magic items they have, and a steed if they are mounted.

Monster Mounts

If a character rides a monster, then its points value is added to that of the character and included in the total points permitted for characters. The points permitted for monsters is seperate from this, and is for unridden monsters.


A character may be equipped with any weapons or equipment allowed to the army. Champions of Regiments must be equipped in the same way as their regiment except that a Champion may carry a magic weapon or wear magic armour, or he may have a magic item.

Magic Items

A character may carry appropriate magic items, the points value of the magic items is added to the value of the character and included in the points allowance for characters.


Maximum Number
of Magic Items







Ice Mages


Mage Champion


Master Mage


Mage Lord



Unit Size

Models are organized into units which must be at least five models strong, unless otherwise indicated in the army list. There is no upper limit on the size of a unit. The minimum of five includes its leader, standard bearer, musician, and Champion if it has them.


All units are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same was as the other troops in the unit. The leader costs the same points as the other troops in the unit and has the same characteristics as the other troops.

Standards and Musicians

All units may include a standard bearer and/or a musician. The usual cost for these is double the points value of an ordinary troop. There are some exceptions to this rule. Standard bearers and musicians are equipped with the same weapons and armour as their fellows and fight just like ordinary warriors.

Magic Standards

Some units are allowed magic standards, these are magic items chosen from the magic items in the Warhammer Magic supplement. If a unit includes a magic standard then its points value is added to that of the unit.


Any unit may include a Champion. Champions are characters, and they are always equipped exactly as the rest of their unit, except they are allowe done magic item. A Champion may also be the unit's leader, but does not have to be, a unit can have a separate leader and Champion model if desired.

Champions always fight as part of their unit and cannot leave it. The points value of the Champion, including any magic item he has, comes from the army's points allowance for characters as already described.


Monsters are beasts which have been brought along to fight beside the army, including trained creatures, captive monsters that are goaded into fighting, and monsters magically bound by spells of obedience, etc. Monsters chosen as mounts for characters are not included in the points allocation for monsters, they are included in the points for characters as described earlier.


A Kislev army may include allies up to a quarter of its total points value. Allies are chosen from the army books indicated. You may choose allies from several lists if you wish. When choosing allies you may spend freely within the characters, regiments, and war machines sections of the allied army list. You do not have to divide the points spent between these categories.

Special Characters

These represent famous individuals, and you may include these special characters in your army if you wish, in which case their points value is included in the characters allowance as normal.

You should agree with your opponent beforehand whether to use special characters or not, as they are powerful individuals whose prescence will give a distinct flavour to the army and a distinct characteristic to the game.


In most cases, their is no limit on the number of characters, regiments, or war machines of any type that an army can include. There are exceptions to this. Some characters, regiments, and war machines are limited to a maximum number as given by the army list.


Armour savings throws are as follows:

Armour Save

Cavalry Save

None none


Shield or

Light Armour



Shield and Light Armour

or Heavy Armour Only



Shield and Heavy armour



Cavalry with barding   Adds a further +1

Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Single sword, mace, axe, or other hand

Lance for cavalry...........................................................................................2

Double-handed sword or axe.........................................................................2



Missile Weapons

Long Bow......................................................................................................3







Light Armour.................................................................................................2


Heavy Armour..............................................................................................3

Barding for warhorse.....................................................................................4


Army Selection

Characters 0-50% Up to one half of the points value of the army may be spent on characters.

This includes the cost of monsters ridden by the characters.

Cavalry 25%+ At least a quarter of the point value of the army must be spent on cavalry.
War Machines 0-25% Up to one one quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on

war machines.

Monsters 0-25% Up to one quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on monsters.
Allies 0-25% Up to one quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on allies chosen

from the following lists: Bretonnians, Empire, Wood Elf, High Elf, Dwarf, and

Norscan, Albion, Estalian Kingdoms, and Tilean City States.

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