Kislev Special Characters

Radii Bokha, Grand Tsar of all of Kislev.....................................110 points
+ 75 The Armour of Kislev
+ 75 The Sword of the Gospodar

Radii Bokha is known as the Builder, for the mighty fortifications he has had built around the city of Kislev, and for the mighty fortress that he has built on the heights of Gora Geroyev, the Hill of Heros. He has also had a system of canals and locks built to increase the river trade, and he has made attempts at improving the roads and communications between the cities of the Kislev Empire. He is a methodical and diligent ruler and leader. He prefers to think things out before striking. He has the trust and loyalty of not only the nobility but also of the commoners of his domain. Radii Bokha is a tall, muscular man of middle years with blonde hair turning to white. He makes quite a striking figure in his black lacquered armour with the double-headed eagle of Kislev enlaid upon it in gold.

If Radii Bokha is included in your army, then he must be its general. All special rules for generals apply.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Radii Bokha 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 10
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: Tsar Bokha wears a suit of enlaid black magic armour, The Armour of Kislev. He carries a magic sword, the Sword of the Gospodar.

MAy Ride: Tsar Bokha may ride an armoured warhore (+7 points including armour) or a monster (see the separate Monsters list for points).

Magic Items: Tsar Bokha may carry three magic items in total, and must carry The Armour of Kislev and The Sword of the Gospodar.

The Armour of Kislev........75 points

The Armour of Kislev was forged by the Dwarfs of Karak-Ungor as a gift to the Tsar for his aid against raiding Goblin tribes.

The armour includes a shield, and gives an unmodified save of 3+, and Daemons take a -2 to their WS when in hand to hand combat with the wearer.

Tsar Radii Bokha Only.

The Sword of the Gospodar
75 points

This ancient sword was brought with the Gospodar across the World's Edge Mountains to the lands of Kislev during the first migrations, and has been carried by the Gosudar / Tsar ever since the earliest days.

The bearer of the sword gains +3 Attacks.

Tsar Radii Bokha Only.

Tsar Zoltan.......................................................135 points
+ 125 The Vengeance of Praag
+ 55 The Bow of the Steppes

In his nearby Palace Praag Tsar Zoltan drills the Stalgrad Militia and broods on how the Chaos spawn can be defeated and his people avenged. Zoltan has made it his life's work to cleanse his city and to defeat Chaos wherever it may be found. He is a great swordsman and lancer, and he is justifiably famed for his sure eye and hand when he uses his mighty recurved bow.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Zoltan 4 7 7 4 4 3 6 4 10
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: Zoltan wears a suit of heavy armour, and carries a sword, The Vengeance of Praag. He also carries a magic bow.

May Ride: Zoltan may ride an armoured warhore (+7 points including armour) or a monster (see the separate Monsters list for points).

Magic Items: Zoltan may carry three magic items in total, and must carry The Vengeance of Praag and The Bow of the Steppes.

Special: Zoltan may fire his bows as he charges. He must fire it at the same enemy he is charging. Such is Zoltan's skill that he takes no minuses to his BS to hit the target for movement of any kind. Zoltan is immune to all psychology. If he is ever called upon to take a Ld test, he will automatically pass it.

The Vengeance of Praag
125 points

Tsar Zoltan had this sword forged by the Dwarfs and enchanted by a team of wizards and Priests.

Against Daemons, the sword hits wound automatically and inflicts D3 wounds per hit. Against other opponents, it gives the bearer +3S when rolling to wound. Each wound inflicts not 1 but D3 wounds.

The Bow of the Steppes
55 points

The Bow of the Steppes is an enchanted bow from the Great Steppes of Cathay from across the World's Edge Mountains. This great bow of wood, horn and sinew has had magic sigils cast upon it to give it greater range and speed.

The Bow of the Steepes has a range of 36". It fires a number of shots equal to the user's Attacks character
-istic and strikes with a S5 with a -2 save modifier, and it is a magical weapon.

Boris, Commander of the Stalgrad Militia.........................105 points + 125 Daemon Smasher

Boris has a reputation as a strict disciplinarian and a vigilant commander, ever watchful for any slackness in the Stalgrad Militia troops. His family was visciously slaughtered by the hordes of Chaos and when he returned to the city with Tsar Zoltan he found the tormented souls of his parents and his brothers and sisters bound to the very foundations of their home. He was one of the ones that had the task of burning the city and destroying these tormented souls. He has held a cold hatred for Chaos and all its minions in his heart ever since. He drills his men ruthlessly, for he knows that if they retain any weakness they will never be able to stand and fight Chaos as they must.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Boris 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 9
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: Boris wears a suit of heavy armour and carries a magic Kisten, a sword, and a shield.

May Ride: Boris may ride an armoured warhore (+7 points including armour) or a monster (see the separate Monsters list for points).

Magic Items: Boris may carry two magic items in total, and must carry the magic Kisten Daemon Smasher.

Special: Stalgrad Militia are immune to psychology, Break tests and Panic tests. Also, Boris is subject to the rules for frenzy as described in the psychology section of the Warhammer rulkebook when fighting any Chaos forces.

Daemon Smasher...........125 points

Daemon Smasher is a Kisten, an eastern weapon which consists of a solid iron ball suspended on a chain or leather thong from a short wooden handle.

Bearer +2S. Each wound causes not 1 wound but 1D3 wounds. All hits gainst Daemons wound automatically with no savings throw allowed for any reason (this means that not even a Bloodthirster gets a save versus this weapon, nor will a Daemonic Aura give a savings throw). Daemons take 1D3 wounds also.


Attar the Kazak...........................75 points

Attar is a great horseman amongst a people renowned for their horsemanship. He has performed feats of archery and horsemanship that astounds those who see them. He has fought in the Tzarina's army in several campaigns as she has struck north against the forces of Chaos and in her wars with the Goblin chiefs leading units of Horse Archers. Attar will never wear heavy armour or ride a barded horse, as he would rather rely on speed and maneuverability for protection.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Attar 4 4 5 4 4 3 5 3 9
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: Attar wears a suit of light armour and carries an eastern recurved bow, sword, shield and lance.

Rides: Attar rides a Warhorse.

Magic Items: Attar may have two magic items. One of these must always be The Bow of the East.

Special: Attar is a Kazak and may use the following rules: Kazaks can fire their bows while moving with no penalty. They may use the Feigned Flight rule. They may also use the special Carousel formation, where they ride in a circle across the breadth of their enemy firing their bows. When they use this formation, all enemy troops are at an additional -1 to hit them with missile fire. If the Kazaks are charged while in this formation, they must flee. The Kazaks are fast cavalry. The Kazaks are subject to the rules for hatred when fighting any invading force.

The Bow of the East.........40 points

The Bow of the East is a very thick composite bow of wood, horn and sinew, and is designed to be used from horseback and has been inscribed with magic runes and sigils.

The Bow of the East has a range of 36" and can be fired a number of times equal to the Attacks character-
istic of the bearer, and hits with a S5.