In response to my tactics Pleun Punt wrote:  

Warriors/Spearmen: You don't seem to mention spearmen, which I think are better then warriors. Dwarfs hit most of the times last in HtH combat, and they extra rank is usefull then, a good item for this unit would be the Golden Sceptre of Nogrim. If I use warriors I give them double handed weapons, or use Miners. Crossbowmen: I always use them, although their BS is not good, the strenght is. A tactic I've seen being used is to equip your whole army with crossbows, terrain must be in your favour... Iron Breakers: Their +1 save over Hammerers and Long Beards is a bit expensive (5 pts), but your whole armour save becomes magical. The models aren't really impressive, I use them more as plain warriors. Long Beards: Just better warriors, who cannot have extra equipment. Not very usefull, only in large games when you already have included Hammerers and Iron Breakers. Hammerers: Can fight without them. I use a large regiment with Includes the general and runesmith, items: Golden Sceptre and the Banner of Might, which gives them against most units 2+ to hit at strenght 7! Miners: Poor man's Hammerers, they are warriors with heavy armour (not allowed to warriors). Don't forget they can have shields (+1) which can't be used in HtH when they strike with doubled handed weapons. General: Necersarry and good Items Executionors Axe, Amour of Fortune, and an other. In my army he is usualy accompanied by his traditional guards, the Hammerers. Battle Standard Bearer: Never use heim! Hero: I not use them reguarly (or something like that) Slayer Champions: I use up to the Dragon Slayer, because the Deamon Slayer is very expensive. Good item: Dragon Blade (1 hit = 2 hits) Runesmiths: I use him only for dispels (3) but Rune Lords can be used good on the Anvil (I don't have). I give the cheap runesmith a nice magic weapon, because he's a good HtH fighter (S4, T5) Gyrocopters: Use them! Even against elites and knights they are usefull, because armour won't help I've your boiled alive! Use the Runes of Disguise and Penetrating (+1S). Organs Guns: Use more than one of them, but without runes. The cost of runes (25+) is outweighted by the cost of Organ Guns (65) thenselfs. On large battlefields they have problems with range. Anvil and Throne: I've right (check the book!) the champions guarding the Anvil and Throne are as they are, and cannot be given addetional equipment including items!