_________ DEARBORN, Est. birth abt 1500-1510. His wife's name is also unknown. He resided Nogsthorpe, Lincolnshire for at least the period between 1533 and 1535 where two of his sons were born. By 1537 he was apparently residing in Willoughby, Lincolnshire where son William was born.
1. Michael Dearborn, b. abt. 1533 Nogsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng.
2. John Dearborn, b. abt. 1535 Nogsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng.
3. WILLIAM DEARBORN abt. 1537 Willoughby, Lincolnshire, Eng.
WILLIAM DEARBORN SR., b. abt. 1537, Willoughby, Lincolnshire, d. Willoughby. His wife's name is unknown.
WILLIAM DEARBORN JR.., b. abt. 1562, Willoughby, Lincolnshire, Eng., buried 5 Nov. 1631, Willoughby; m. 2 May 1594 AGNES HAY in Markby, Lincolnshire, she b. abt. 1573 in Devonshire and d. 29 Aug 1613 in Willoughby.
GODFREY DEARBORN, b. 24 Sep 1603 Willoughby, Lincolnshire, Eng., d. 4 Feb. 1685/86 Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H.; m. (1) ANNE _____ , b. 1605, d. 1662; m. (2) Dorothy, widow of Philemon Dalton, on 25 Nov 1662, she b. 1605. Godfrey was a weaver. he settled first in Exeter, and he was one of the 35 men who signed the Combination for the government of the place in 1639. He moved to Hampton between 1648 and 1650. In his will he said he had 3 daughters.
CHILDREN of (1) Anne:
Henry Dearborn Sr., b. bef. 22 Mar 1633/1634 the day of his christening in Hannay, Lincolnshire, England, and d.18 Jan1725, Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H. Henry married Elizabeth Marrian on 10 Jan 1666 in Hampton, N.H. She was the daughter of John Marrian Sr. and Sarah _____ . CHILDREN: 1.John Dearborn, Deacon 2.Samuel Dearborn 3.Elizabeth Dearborn 4.Sarah Dearborn 5.Abigai Dearborn 6.Elizabeth Dearborn 7.Henry Dearborn Jr. 3.Esther Dearborn, m. Richard Shortridge
Sarah Dearborn, b. abt.1641, Exeter, N.H., and d. 21 Aug 1714; Sarah m. Thomas Nudd Sr., who d. 31 Jan. 1713. Thomas was the son of Roger Nudd and Joan _____ . Thomas came to Hampton about 1643 or 1644. CHILDREN: 1.John Nudd 2.Sarah Nudd 3.James Nudd 4.Thomas Nudd Jr. 5.Samuel Nudd 6.Mary Nudd 7.Hannah Nudd
John Dearborn Sr., b. abt. 1641 in Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H, and d. 14 Nov 1731, Hampton, N.H.. John married Mary Ward. CHILDREN: 1.John Dearborn Jr. 2.Thomas Dearborn 3.Mary Dearborn
Unknown Dearborn
Noyes/Libby/Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", (1979), pp. 189, 785.
N.E.H.&G.R., "Lincolnshire Origin of Exeter Settlers", V. 68, pp. 69-71.
Dow's, "History of the Town of Hampton, N.H." Chap. 2.
THOMAS DEARBORN, b. Oct. 1632 and christened 1 Nov. 1632 in Hannay, Lincolnshire, England, he d. 14 Apr. 1710 in Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H.. Thomas m. (1) Hannah Caldwell (no issue known), m. (2) HANNAH COLCORD 28 Dec 1665 in Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H.; Hannah was b. 1643, d. 17 Jul 1720 in Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H., the daughter of EDWARD COLCORD Sr., and ANN______ .
2. Ebenezer Dearborn, Lieut., Deacon, b. 3 Oct. 1679, Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H., and d. 15 Mar 1772, Chester, N.H. He m. Abigail Sanborn on 7 Oct. 1703 in Hampton.Abigail was b. 1 Apr. 1686 in Hampton, and d. 26 Feb 1768 in Hampton, the daughter of Joseph Sanborn and Mary Gove. Ebenezer and Abigail lived in North Hampton and removed to Chester, N.H.in 1729 - 1730. Children:1.Ebenezer Jr. 2.Hannah 3.Mehitabel 4.Peter 5.Benjamin 6.Thomas 7.Michael 8.Abigail 9.Mary.
3. Thomas Dearborn Jr., b. abt. 1681 in Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H. He m. Mary Garland 4 Dec 1707 in Hampton, N.H. Mary b. abt. 1688 in Hampton, and d. 1 Feb. 1749 in Hampton. She was the daughter of John Garland Sr. and Rebecca Sears. Thomas and Mary resided at Hampton Falls and Biddeford (Old Orchard), York Co., , Maine. The addition of Elizabeth as their eldest child is a correction made by George F. Sanborn in "Robert Drake's Two Wives," (Apr 1984), NEH&GR, vol. 138, pg. 113. Children: 1. Elizabeth, 2. Hannah, 3. Ann, 4. Tabitha, 5. Sarah
4. Jonathan Dearborn, Cornet, 18 Nov 1686 in Hampton, N.H. and d. 10 Sep 1771, Hampton. He m. (1) Mary _____ , who d. bef. Apr. 1746, and (2) Sarah Waite on 24 Apr. 1746 in Hampton, no issue..Children of (1) Mary: 1. Jonathan, 2. Elizabeth, 3. Nathaniel, 4. Daniel, 5. Shubael, 6. Abraham, 7. Mary.
Dow's, "History of the Town of Hampton, N.H." Chap. 2.
Noyes, Libby, Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire," (1939), p. 189 for baptism date/place.
SAMUEL DEARBORN SR., b. 27 May 1676, in Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H., and d. 5 Feb 1736, m. SARAH GOVE on 16 Dec. 1698 in Hampton. , she b. 5 Nov. 1678, the daughter of EDWARD GOVE and HANNAH PARTRIDGE
1. Anna Dearborn, b. 18 Dec. 1699, Hampton, N.H., and d. 9 Oct. 1789 in Hampton. She m. Joseph Dearborn on 27 Oct. 1719 in Hampton. Joseph was b. 8 Feb. 1696 in Hampton, and d. 15 Jan 1768 in Hampton. He was the son of Deacon John Dearborn and Abigail Batchelder, and the grandson of Henry Dearborn and Elizabeth Marrain. Children: 1. Simeon, 2. Reuben Gove Sr., 3. Joseph, 4. Dr. Benjamin, 5. Simeon, 6. Dr. Levi, 7. Sarah.
3. Reuben Dearborn Sr., christened on 10 Aug. 1707 in Hampton, and d. in Jan. of 1790 in North Hampton, N.H. Reuben m. (1) Anna Page on 20 Jan. 1732 in Hampton. She d. bef. 1743. Reuben m. (2) Esther Hobbs on 24 SEP 1743 in Hampton. Children by (1) Anna Page: 1.Josiah, 2.Sarah, 3.Reuben Jr., 4.Curtis. Children by (2) Esther Hobbs: 1.Ann, 2.Sarah, 3.Phineas, 4.Benjamin, 5.Samuel.
EDWARD DEARBORN SR., b. 26 May 1702 Hampton, Rockingham Co., N.H., d. 2 Aug 1746, m. MARY FOSS 17 Dec 1724, she b. 1704. the daughter of THOMAS FOSS and ABIGAIL COLE.
2. Sarah Dearborn, b. 1726
3. Isiah Dearborn, b. 1729
4. Abraham Dearborn, b. 1731
5. Samuel Dearborn, b. 1733
6. Mary Dearborn, b. 1735
7. Joseph Dearborn, b. 1736
8. Abigail Dearborn, b. 1740
9. Simon Dearborn, b. 1743
10. Thomas Dearborn Jr., b. 1746
Marriage to Mary Foss, "Noyes/Libby/Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire," (1939), pg 241"; Dow apparently doesn't mention Edwards wife or children.
Dow's, "History of the Town of Hampton, N.H." Chap. 2.
EDWARD DEARBORN, III, b. 14 Oct. 1750, d. 1 Nov. 1779; m. MARY LANGLEY
ISAAC DEARBORN SR., b. Dec. 1778, died 25 Jun 1868 in Jackson, now Adams, Carroll Co., N.H.; m. OLIVE DAVIS 16 Jun 1797, she b. 11 Apr. 1781, d. 30 Dec. 1857.
ISAAC DEARBORN JR., b. 24 Jun 1819 Adams, Carroll Co., N.H., d. 17 Dec 1896, Naples, Cumberland Co.,. Me.; m. ELIZABETH (ELIZA) ANN DRESSER before 1842. She was the daughter of JOB ABBOTT DRESSER and HANNAH KIMBALL.
1. Harriet F. Dearborn, b. 1843 Jackson (now Adams) Carroll Co. N.H.
2. Charles E. Dearborn, b. 1844 Adams, Carrol Co., N.H.
4. Adrianna Dearborn, b. 1850, in N.H. or ME.
5. Luella Dearborn, b. 1852, m. James Knowlton
6. Renaldo Dearborn, b. Dec. 1854, Naples, Cumberland Co., ME., and d. 11 Mar. 1865 Naples. [Gravestone Rec. Naples] no marriage, no issue
7. Simon D. Dearborn, b. 20 Dec 1859 Naples, Cumberland Co., ME., and d. 26 May 1922 Naples, [Gravestone Rec. Naples]
8. Elmer Dearborn, b. 20 Jun 1861 Naples, Cumberland Co., ME.
9. George Clinton Dearborn, b. 1862, Naples, Cumberland Co., ME.
Information sent in a letter to Dot Tozier by Eva Dearborn Knowles of Corinna, Maine, in spring of 1978. Eve was a grandaughter of Alphonso and Rose (Buzzell) Dearborn.
Gravestone Records town Cemetery, Naples, ME.
ALPHONSO P. DEARBORN, b. 22 Oct 1846, probably Naples, Cumberland Co., Me., d. in Aroostook Co., Me.; he m. ROSE EMILY BUZZELL. She was the daughter of HENRY PIKE BUZZELL and EMILY C. MYRICK.
1. Herman Renaldo Dearborn, b. 1873 in Sherman, Aroostook Co., ME., d. 22 Oct 1948. He married an Irish as his first wife, she was the mother of all his children. She was the sister of Alton Irish, who was the second husband of Flora Perry. She married first Frank Dearborn the brother of Herman Dearborn.
2. Clinton Delmer Dearborn, 14 Feb 1875 Sherman, Aroostook Co., ME. He m. Elizabeth M. Irish of Sherman on 14 Oct. 1893 in Sherman.
4. Marion P. Dearborn, b. aft. 1878 in Sherman, Aroostook Col, ME. She m. James D. Sleeper on 20 Jun 1906 in Sherman. Several children. True Sleeper
Index to the papers of Rev. H. L. Buzzell, by A. King, 1991
DAR Lineage Book, Appendix, p. 474, file 218. [Fams. of Henry Pike Buzzell & Comfort Frost , and Henry Pike Buzzell (Jr.) and Emily C. Myrick)
Sherman Mills Town Report, 1919, p. 13 - report of the road Commissioners.
Information provided by Constance Twitchell Lander, 1975.
Conversation with Evelyn Dearborn, in Sherman Mills, Aroostook Co., ME, Jan. 1978.
Taped conversation with Jack and Dot Tozier, Sherman Mills, ME. Jan. 78.
Information elicited in two conversations by Dot Tozier with Phil Perry in the spring in 1978.
Information sent in a letter to Dot Tozier by Eva Dearborn Knowles of Corinna, Maine, in spring of 1978. Eve was a grandaughter of Alphonso and Rose (Buzzell) Dearborn
"Maine Marriages" Website of dept of vital stats. Maine, "Irish, Lizzie M., Sherman, Me., m. Dearborn, Clinton D., Sherman, Me., 10-14-1893"
FRANK H. DEARBORN, b. 1877, Sherman, Aroostook Co., Me., d. 1 Apr. 1899 Island Falls, Aroostook Co., Me.; m FLORA BELINDA PERRY on 26 Jun 1897 in Sherman. She was also known as Linnie and Tweet. She had been born on 12 Mar 1880 in Island Falls, Aroostook Co., and died in 1921 at Sherman. She was the daughter of ALBINUS PHILBRICK PERRY and DELIA A. MORRISON of Island Falls.
Frank Dearborn was twenty when he and Linnie were married. In the spring of 1899 he had a job at a sawmill in southern Island Falls at a place named Cold Brook. He, Linnie and their 1 year old son Cleve were living in a boarding house not far from the sawmill. Linnie was 7 months pregnant with their second child. On the 1st of April Frank was killed in an accident at the mill. In the early 1970's, when I began my research I was told that Frank had been cut in half by one of the saws.
After Frank's death Linnie moved in with her grandparents, Barnabas and Belinda Perry on the Hurricane Road in southern Island Falls. There, slightly less than two months later on the 28th of June Linnie gave birth to a daughter, she named Delia Frankie, after her mother Delia Morrison and Frank.
Flora Belinda Perry married (2) Alton Irish in 1901.
1. Cleve Dearborn
"Maine Marriages" Website of dept of vital stats. Maine, "Perry, Linnie, Sherman, Me., m. Dearborn, Frank H., Sherman, Me., 6-26-1897 "
DELIA FRANKIE DEARBORN, b. 27 Jun 1899 Island Falls, Aroostook Co., Me., d. 9 Jan 1971 Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Frankie was born at the house of Barney and Belinda Perry on Hurricane Road in Island Falls, Me. Her uncle Phil Perry was also present at her birth as was Alice Matthews who deposed in Feb. 1967 to these facts at the time that Frankie was obtaining a birth certificate from the state of Maine. Alice Matthews also deposed that to her certain knowledge Frank H. Dearborn, Frankie's father died on 1 Apr. 1899. Frankie was apparently living in Crystal, Me. when she and Bill Lander were married.She died in hospital of Leukemia in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and is buried in East Templeton, Quebec, Canada
Frankie married WILLIAM AMBROSE LANDER on 08 Nov 1916 in Island Falls. He was born on 09 Aug 1893 in Codyville, Washington Co., ME, and died on 07 Aug 1975 in Cleveland, Bradley Co., TN, the son of JOHN EDWARD LANDER and DAISY MAE JAMES.