FLYING creatures can only be block by other flying creatures.
LANDWALKING creatures can't be blocked if opponent has any of that land in play(mountainwalk can't be blocked if the opponent you attack has any of that land in play)
TRAMPLE "tramples" over the blocking creature(if you attack with a 8/8 trample and your opponent blocks with a 2/2 your 8/8 traples over and does 6 damage to that opponent)
FIRST STRIKE creatures hit first(if you attack with attack with a 4/4 first strike and they block with a 4/4 your creature hits first and lives but, your opponent's creature dies)
SHADOW creatures can only block and be blocked by creatures with shadow.
FLANKING creatures give the the creature that they block or are blocked by -1/-1 until end of turn.
BANDING creatures can band with other creatures(if you have a 1/1 banding creature and band it with and 6/6 both creatures would become one until end of turn and in this case be a 7/7)
LIBRARY is your deck your deck
UNTAP is when you make your creatures useable(you can't use most creatures when they are tapped)
GRAVEYARD the dead creatures and spells you have already used
SUMMON SPELL this is a creature, you can only summon creatures on your turn
SORCERY you can only use sorceries during your turn
INSTANT you can use instants any time
INTERRUPT you can use interrupts when someone else casts a spell

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