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We are outraged and disgusted by your order to have tributes to murdered
officers removed from individual offices in Police Stations.

These tributes stand as a glorious memory to those brave policemen and
policewomen who gave their lives while performing their duty of protecting
Ulster and its people. Is it not enough that we have already gone on bended
knee to the Republican terrorists, but you want to give further credence to
their vile actions? And as yet a further concession to terrorism you want to
have the British Legion poppy removed from Police Stations. Are we to
totally deny all those who fought and died for Ulster and Britain? Those who
came from both sides of the religious and political divide?

Shame on you, this latest order from you has dropped you from a man whom
we thought to be concerned for democracy and human rights, to no more than a traitor who would sell out the memory of his colleagues, at the behest of Sinn Fein/IRA!!