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An anamayr mare is lounging comfortably on the shore of a lake. She is most unique, her coat is covered in deep red stripes that are colored silver inside. Her mane is fluffy and her tail is flicking lazily in the grass. She turns dark eyes to you and does not move.

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You take another step closer and this puts you in the view of another anamary mare but this is not a normal amanary, she is a 'krien, and it probably would have been nice if someone would have told you about them, because the moment her red eyes see you she's up on her feet and charging at you. You yelp and turn and run, happy that the female's intent was just to run you off, not kill you--this time.

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As you run you come across a amanayr mare lying in the grass. At the sight of you she flinches and seems quite distressed, as if she's afraid. Her eyes grow wide and she lets out a short whistle of distress. A moment later something comes running into sight; it's another mare, the mare's sister. She charges at you and stands protectivly over the other mare. You decide you dont want to get chased away and hurry off.


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