(Mouse) Painted Unicorns
Charity Bant'uvil

Click here for Pasna'gavna and Shallal'lisen's stats.

There are no bees or winged unicorns in this next meadow. Just one big purple mare amongst many little earth-toned unicorns. The group has gathered around a small watering hole and are either drinking, playing in the water or rolling in the mud. The sun here is beating down on the flowers and bushes, as the trees here are scarce. There are even some cacti in clay pots scattered around, and even some very tall catcus in bloom to your left, but you dare not go near them. Those thorns look mightly dangerous.

Click here for Verin'das and Bant'donna's stats.

A handsome silver stallion trots up the bank from the water, shaking his coat clean and then drops down into the dust, rolling about wildly. Another stallion joins him, covering his pretty coat with the mud and dirt, and then rolls onto his side and snorts. The two get up and shake again, before going to find a nice grassy spot, now having some sunblock from the sun to keep their hides cool.

Click here for Shallal'cassa and Paselina'veanti's stats.

There are two unicorns in the water yet, and they don't seem to be coming out anytime soon. Both are black and white, and seem quite content with just rearing and playing in the cool waves. The heat is becoming a big much for you as well, and you try to find a path back into the trees...

~ The Silver Unicorn ~

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