What's new at Ike Tay Zac?

--* Meet the editor! Since I get a LOT of mail, I have aquired an editor for ITZ. So if somethings not working properly, e-mail the editor and let her know. :-)

--* OK guys. I need YOUR help. I know you guys like IkeTayZac.com because of *all* the feedback I get from it, which I LOVE, please, keep sending them in! :-) However, I need you to do me a favor. If you would go *HERE* and fill out the form and put *my* e-mail address (webmaster@IkeTayZac.com) in the field that says, 'Your friend's e-mail address who has "converted" you', I would *love* you to death, not like I don't already, but even more! :-) I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! :-)


--* I was surfing the web yesterday and I came across this site: Hanson Web and Ike Tay Zac was listed as a COOL HANSON SITE!

--* 7/05/00 - Go and VOTE for your favorite Hanson song this week in the Hanson Top 10!

--* 7/05/00 - ALL pages on Ike Tay Zac have been updated

--* Ike Tay Zac has been nominated for some awards. I don't know who nominated us, but thank you so very much to whom nominated us! To vote for Ike Tay Zac, please go here!Thanks!

--* My cousin Wes and some of his friends from Franklin County, Va have an *awesome* band called "Night Train". If you'd like to get more info on Night Train, see pic's and find concert dates, please go to www.nighttrain.8k.com. Thanks.

*this menu box doesn't work properly with MSIE, so to view the page, you'll need to highlight the text you can see and move your mouse up and down to view the page...sorry. I'm trying to fix this problem right now. The menu box works corectly with netscape.

*Ike Tay Zac! is the property of webmaster@IkeTayZac.com. Please do not take anything without permission, unless otherwise stated on a page. I have put and worked long hours on this site to make it available for you the fans to view. If you do take something, please give Ike Tay Zac! credit. Thanks.*

*This page is <> protected by Star Struck Productions ><*