Santa Monica Convention -- Sunday

The entertainment was great on Sunday, too. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of Claire Stansfield (but she was lovely). My Lucy Lawless pictures were far away, but all in all, didn't turn out too badly. Of course, the highlight of my day was Karl's appearance.

Karl Urban

Karl always manages to outdo himself. This time he came out on stage and finally unequivocably answered the "boxers or briefs?" question. Boxer briefs (my favorite mens underwear!). Sorry, but I am not going to put any pictures of the underwear moment up. It's a respect thing. Besides, they didn't turn out very well. Also -- Karl actually brought me up on stage. You have no idea how flattered (and embarrassed) I was. He's a terrific guy. And he was as entertaining as ever.

[Karl Urban] [Karl listening to a question]

[Karl answering]

[Karl and the signer]

Someone donated a picture of me on stage with Karl, but unfortunately I cannot remember who it was, so if the photographer of this picture sees this and would like credit, please e-mail me!

[Me and Karl on stage]

Lucy Lawless

Lucy was lovely, though her appearance was unconventional. It was mostly in interview style, with her answering a few pre-selected fan questions after the interview part was over. It was interesting and got around the really stupid questions that are always asked, but I did find my attention wandering at times. And the interviewer didn't really do her homework. She thought Lucy played Frenchy instead of Rizzo in Grease. Duh!

[Lucy Lawless]

[Lucy again]

Santa Monica Index

Alexandra Tydings and Joel Tobeck

The Young Hercules guys and Kevin Sorbo

Saturday's Autograph Line

My Karl Urban Page

My Ryan Gosling Page

My Dean O'Gorman Page

My Chris Conrad Page

My Kevin Sorbo Page

Main Xena/Hercules Hunks Page
