Usagi MP's Sailor Moon Site 2.0
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Welcome to the new version of my site. I'm hoping to make this the one stop for all your Sailor Moon needs. I'm expanding all of the profile pages with detailed information on attacks and more images. I'm currently working on updating both my Manga and Anime Galleries. Also in the works is a Multi Media section with games, SM WinFAQ, music, ect.
To learn more about me you can visit my home page & photo album, the new years pics are especially brutal.
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[Whats New?!|Character INFO|Temple of Flames!!|AMAZING Links!!|Awards Won|Awards You Can Win!!|~Usagi's~ Sailor Moon Forum|Anime Gallery|Manga Gallery|Free Sailor Moon Graphics Society|Music Box|Web Rings & Clubs|Video List|Email Usagi MP]
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Since September 1997.
Since Sept. 13/99... Cute no? *_*