This is a fanfiction written by Eli H., Kerri A.C., and yours truly, Chrisy C. Please send all comments to the adress below! Thanks!

C.P. Senshi- Chapter 1!

The bell rang after homeroom. Three girls ran down the four connecting hallways, from different directions. They all crash into each other, and they mumble quick excuses. Without realizing it, together they run down the hall towards Ms. Spades grade 9 math class. Two of the girls enter the room on time,and knowing each other, they sat together. Their names were Carrie Banning and Eli Teskey. The third girl, being her first day at this school, ran right past the math room, and into a senior as she ran up the stairs. He, though, a little bit rudely, pointed her towards the math room. Embaressed, she charged back to the room. As she entered the room, all eyes were on her. "Your late, but never the less. Class this is Tina LaFleur, she is new in town." Ms. Spades said, then looked at Eli and Carrie, and added, "Ms. Manning and Ms. Teskey, seperate your desks and let Ms. LeFleur pull her in between them. Please make her feel wecome in our town. Now back to math!" Carrie and Eli were extremely unhappy being seperated. Goodnaturedly, Tina whispered to Carrie, "Aren't you a little old for 9th grade math?" Carrie gave her a sour look and ignored her presence. Eli whispered to Tina, "I think she is mad at you, why don't we change seats?" "Well, I guess if that's best." She answered. Eli and Tina began to change spots, just as Ms. Spades turned around. "What do you think you are doing?! Your disrupting my class!" Than Ms. Spades, rudely sent them out to the hall. Carrie and Eli stood away from Tina, as they tried to suppress their giggles. "What's so funny?" Asked Tina. "Of "corse silly! Were laughing because we don"t have to sit through math all morning." Said Carrie. "So how "bout them Lakers?" Tina said. Carrie and Eli burst into hysterical laughter. "We learnt that it was a good conversation starter in BLT (Balanced Lives for Tomorrow). It's better than' How would I look with green hair?'" This only increased their laughter. The bell rang for third period. Eli asked Tina, "Do you have lunch this period?" "Yes, but I don't have anyone to hang out with." "Why dont you hang around with us?" Asked Carrie. They all walked outside together and a large cat jumps on Tina's shoulder. As they walk to Eli's house, Frisky, the large calico whispers in Tina's ear, " I sense some powerful vibes coming from these two. Be on your guard."" "Stop!" Eli yelled. Then, a man poured a largge bucket of water right where they would have been. IF they had not been stopped. "How did you know the man was going to dump the water?" Tina asked in a tone of accusation. Eli and Carrie exchanged nevous glances. "Just a hunch." She answered. Frisky whispered to tina, "That's more than a hunch. I'd bet my whiskers on it!" At Eli's House- They are chatting idly. On the television, Sailor moon (the cartton) came on. "Yea!" Eli and Crrie shouted simultaniously. "You like Sailor moon?" Tina said skeptically. "We both like Sailor Moon but I like Sailor uranus better." Carrie said. "Yeah, and i think Sailor Pluto is the coolest. It took us awhile but we finally decided our favorites." Eli shimmed in. Tina blushed. "I have to admit, I like it too. Sailor Moon is my fav." Tina admitted. "Wow we thought we were the only one in the high school that lik it." Eli said. All of a sudden, Frisky jumps at the window. Tina headed for the door and said, "I have to go check on my cat!" Outside Tina stgarted shieking at Frisky. "Leave me alone! I was starting to be their friend. And Sailor Moon is on!" "Exactly! You were off you your guard! I think it's time you transformed and went in their and found out who they really are!" Frisky said. "And why would I want to do that?" Tina asked puzzeled. "Because I think they are from the Negaverse!" Frisky yelled. "Allright, allright! But if your wrong, I am going to get you declawed." Tina said. She started the familiar phrase, "Moon Prism Power, Make- Up!" In place of Tina stood the legendary Sailor moon. Meatballs and all. She charged towards the door and crashed into it. She was loaked out. She rang the doorbell, and Eli opened it. Eli stared. "Carrie come see who's at the door." Carrie wanting to see what all the comotion was about came running to the door. Their chins dropped so far that Sailor Moon thought they would hit the floor. Carrie eyes narrowed in suspition and she said, "Who are you and where is Tina?" "Well, Im Sailor Moon, champion of justice. And um... Tina ... went for a walk. Ya, thats it!" "Oh, dear." Said Frisky now transformed into Luna. "This isnt going her way at all." "So why are you here?" Asked Eli. "To punish you?"" Sailor Moon said. "What for? Is this about your show? We know its not very realistic but we like it anyways." "Well, no it isnt. I know aht your up to. Your from the Negaverse, arent you?" "No, way!" Carrie and Eli said. "Oh, hahaha. My mistake. Okay, well i have to go get my cat declawed. Come on Luna what are you waiting for?" Sailor Moon and Luna sped off. When they were out of sight, Tina came around the corner holding Frisky. "Was that Silor Moon?" Tina asked them. "I dont have a clue." Says Carrie. "Sorry guys. I had to take my cat for a walk. Thats why she was at the window. Oh, no! Where going to be late for school!" They gathered their stuff and headed for the school. The rest of the day past uneventfully. After school, the three girls met up at a tree. "I just had the wierdest visi... hunch." Eli said. She and Carrieexchanged a glance and Eli shakes her head. "What was it?" Asked Tina. "Nothing." Carrie replied. Frisky whispered to Tina, "I knew it! You gave up to quickly. They are from the Negaverse!" "What do you want me to do about it?" Tina whispered a little too loudly. "What?" Asked Carrie. "Oh, nothing. I was just talking to myself." Replied Tina. Carrie looked at her watch and said, "I gotta get home. Talk to you later Eli, see you in math calss Tina." "Bye they answqered. Eli and tina talked for a bit and headed home. At Tina's house... Tina got home at 4 and her mom was home. Tina saw frisky licking her lips at the food dish. Tina grabbed a cookie and took a big bite. "Isnt it time to get Frisky declawed?"

Chrisy C., Eli H. and Kerri A.C.
C.P., Ontario

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