Erin Paige Summers Erin Paige Summers
Hi! My name is Erin Paige Summers and I was born November 5, 2002. My Grandma made this page for me to show me off :)

Here I am in my mommy's tummy when she was only 3 months pregnant with me.

Here I am when she was 5 months pregnant with me.

And here is 8 months. I'm almost ready!!

Here's the cake from my babyshower.

Here are a couple more pictures from my babyshower.

And here I finally am!! I was born at 6:09 PM. I weighted 5 pounds 12.7 ounces and I was 19 inches long.

Here I am with my mommy right after I was born.

And here I am with my daddy right after I was born.

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