The Slayers' Story

Last Update: 05/20/99

As long as there have been vampires there has been the slayer.

~ Boston shipyards were victimized by a series of gruesome murders in 1845. The attacks came to and end when a quiet young woman arrived in town.

~ A series of violent murders claimed 17 homesteaders lives in the Oakland Territory in 1893. The murders ceased when a young woman blacksmith came through town.

It is now 1997 and the place is Sunnydale California. Another slayer must arise and save the world. The slayer is Buffy Summers.

Buffy Summers is everything that the others were not. She is loud, socially involved, tuned to the latest fashions, and she doesn't want to be the slayer. Of course she doesn't have the choice..if she did she would of left slaying behind in L.A.

The place in trouble is now in California. The center of mystical energy and the hellmouth. This is the place where many creatures come to feed and now its up to Buffy to stop them.

Two Slayers..No Waiting..

Demons have walked the earth for thousands of years, and as long as they have been here there has been the slayer. One girl in all the world with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires. To stop the spread of their evil... only now the duty of the Slayer isn't a solo act anymore. Since Buffy was technically dead, another was brought forth to continue where she left off. But she didn't die..not permenantly anyway. She's back.. and now there are two. Something that has never happened before has happened. Buffy and Kendra were the first to share the title. Now Kendra is gone and Faith came continuing this new twist on things. Faith is gone now too. She killed a human, breaking the rule set for slayer's. Becoming part of that which slayer's are born to fight Buffy ended up killing Faith with her own knife. Now who's next? It could be you...

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