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Venus' Awesome World:BeanieBabies

Hello!! Welcome to My Awesome Beanie Babies' Page!!

I started to collect Ty Beanie Babies in January 1996. The first one that I bought was Freckles the Leopard. I thought she was the cutest one that I saw. They later got a web site...which is located here -->Ty. I then had found out that there was more Beanies than I had thought... a lot of them had already been retired, & I was sad cuz I didn't start to collect them in time. From then on, I have been trying to get them all. I have all the retired (almost) from May 1996 till now, plus all the current ones. The ones that I am after the most are Patti (magenta), Peanut (royal blue), Garcia, & Teddy (all colors except brown). Most of the Beanies, I get them for $5. I would never pay more than $30 for a Beanie, & that one would have to be really special, if I did. I just recently started to collect Pillow Pals. I don't have very many yet though. For my collection list, click Bongo below. For other Beanie Baby pages, click on Pinky below. For my Pillow Pal page, click Squirt below.

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If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to e-mail me anytime here -->E-MAIL